9/1/2019 Sunday Call (Saint German, OWS)
You Are Learning The Process Of How To Move Up Into The Higher Vibrations.
Saint Germain and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings August Advance (formerly called a retreat) in the mountains near Payson, AZ on September 1, 2019. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)
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SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, to continue the process, this process that you started long ago when you first came here to this evolution, when you first volunteered to arrive here.
All of the lifetimes that followed after, all bringing this process forward, not only for you, but for all of mankind, bringing it to the point that it is now where you are more and more focusing on being in the now. All of the programming that you have grown up with, both this lifetime and previous ones, all of that programming is beginning to fall away, becoming distant memories that hold no more sway in your life at this time. All of that negative programming, fear, of sorrow, loss, all being replaced with love, higher vibration, brings you into a higher consciousness. That is where you are all operating now.
Yes, it is true, that you find yourself straddling between the world, between the dimensions. One moment you are in the third dimension, wallowing in the continued programming. In the next, you are able to free yourselves, move out of that world, and into higher vibrations, and the bliss that comes with those higher vibrations. More and more you are realizing that you are able to maintain that higher consciousness, those higher vibrations longer and longer. Because you are learning. You are learning the process of doing so, of how to move up into the higher vibration.
But when you first heard that term, that idea, ‘move into higher vibration,’ all of you wondered at that time, “that sounds wonderful, but how do I do it?” Over the years, throughout this process of remembering, you have done exactly that: you have remembered how to do it. And it is now becoming a commonplace thing for you.
Part of your daily lives is to be able to do this, to be able to raise your vibration at a moment’s notice, at a moment’s whim. You do it in many ways. You do it by finding yourself out in nature, the sun beating down on you. You do it by finding yourself near water, experiencing the consciousness of the water that you know now exists within that water. You do it by taking in the life force of the food that you are eating. If there doesn’t seem to be a lot of life force in those foods, you create the life force in those foods. You do it through your belief system, through your knowing. You do not have to be poisoned by the foods that you eat, as the programming has shown that you are. You have raised out of that. It is all just programming.
It is true that those of the Great Yogi’s, the Masters, can be bitten by a rattlesnake and have no sense of ill at ease from this, no effect whatsoever. But even beyond that, they would never be bitten by the rattlesnake to begin with, because it is their friend. It is their oneness with that rattlesnake or that spider, or whatever it might be.
Whatever is in the old programming is old programming now. It has been purged out by the Violet Flame within each and every one of you. Know that as you continue on, as you continue moving through this process and moving closer and closer to where your vibrations can match ours, and can match those of the Galactics, your galactic families.
They are out there waiting for you. Many are here also waiting for you, walking among you as KaRa has told you. We walk among you, and we do. There have been times when many of you have been in our proximity, just did not know it. We are not quite ready for that connection.
And more and more of you are beginning to understand that you do have the ‘eyes to see and the ears to hear.’ But your Third Eye is more and more open now, now that you have your Soul-Star Chakra open (those members in our Ancient Awakenings group) and activated, and will only add to that activation as you continue to work with the chakra centers.
It is all up to you, each and every one of you, both as individuals and as a collective group, to continue this process forward. And as you continue this process forward, you open it up to many more outside of you in this group. That is what you are all here to do. Yes, to individually ascend. Also to assist your brother and your sister in doing so as well.
Reach out, as Archangel Michael has asked you to do, as Sananda has asked you to do. Reach out your light to others around you, both consciously and unconsciously, knowing that wherever you walk, you are in those higher vibrations, your light walks with you. Know that. Spread your light. Share it with all that you come in contact with so that they can begin this awakening process as well.
Many of you wonder, “What can I do, what can I do to raise the vibrations of the planet?” The answer is: you are already doing it.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now with the Violet Flame to continue to purge out any of the old programming that still remains. And ask for Archangel Michael to come with his Flaming Blue Sword of Truth to sever any of the remaining psychic ties that still may be holding you down to this three-dimensional illusionary world.
Be at peace, be at love, be at Oneness to be yourselves, and with everything around you.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani padme hum, hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. You can unmute your phones now. We do not have Shoshanna with us at this time, so we will trudge forth and do what we can to assist you in your answers to your questions if you have any. Do you have questions here for One Who Serves?
No message to follow at this point. But we will see, as your questions often bring messages forward as well. Any questions for you?
Guest: I have a question. I know there are many councils, but I would like to know a little bit more about the purpose of the Galactic Council. Thank you.
OWS: It is not ‘council,’ it is ‘many councils,’ and they are meeting all of the time, you might say. In terms of your time frame, it is very often. In terms of our time, it is just simply in the now. But there are many that are occurring because there is so much that is happening, not only here on this planet, but throughout this entire solar system, and even the galaxy.
And so many councils, even outside of the galaxy, have become involved in this as well. Because what happens here on this planet reverberates not only across the solar system and across the galaxy, but even outside into galaxies beyond. So that is what we would say to this at this time. There are councils, upon councils, upon councils.
And you, yourselves, each one of you, has either been in these councils before, or are destined to be a part of them as you continue on through this process. Okay?
Guest: Thank you very much.
OWS: Is there more clarification requested here?
Guest: No thank you. Perhaps, if you could tell us maybe what is their purpose, what is it that they do, they coordinate? They plan? What is their purpose?
OWS: All of the above. Just as when you would have a meeting, or a group coming together, or even a council, it is a similar type of thing, coming to create plans, Plan D, B, C, D, E, F and so on. And preparing, all of this. All of this ascension process that you are going through has been prepared long ago within these councils where they say what they think, especially in the beginning when many that were meeting at those times said, “those Earthlings, those humans, will not be able to bring this about, they will not be able to have their ascension here, not in this short period of time.” But, you have proven them wrong. And they have had to move from Plan A, B, and C to D, E, F, and so on. And that is why they continue to meet and continue to create this plan as it moves forward. Okay?
Guest: Thank you kindly.
OWS: Yes. Are there other questions, here?
Guest: I have a question for you. My neighbor, who is in some of our higher thinking and that, but not so much. But she had a dream about me, and she wants it interpreted. But she is not on the call. She cannot be on the call, they don’t have a phone. I wouldn’t mind knowing the interpretation.
She said she saw me, and I had a little round button in the middle of my forehead, and she said it had some kind of a sign in it, but she didn’t recognize it, and that I had a saw in my hand and I was sawing our place in half because we have a condominium and that meant that we would be together, it separated us from being divided. She said she would like to know what that dream means.
OWS: It is very difficult to give an interpretation of someone’s dream to one who is not there to receive the interpretation, but we can give it from the standpoint of where you are, Dear Sister. She saw the button in the middle of your forehead, and you know what that represents, do you not?
Guest: I do. I couldn’t explain it to her, I did a little bit, but she wouldn’t on our level understand. And I think I know what the insignia was as the meaning inside, the sign, but she didn’t describe it, she said she couldn’t see it. It’s in Revelation about the 666, or maybe that’s not it, the sign in the middle of our forehead. I think it’s when after I ascend. Let’s say I go in the First Wave, and then I come back and I will have a sign of some kind for the other ones on the Second Wave to understand who I am, and I can explain to them, and it shows that I am here to help.
But I can’t understand the saw. What I was doing with the saw. It’s a symbol, I’m sure, for cutting or dividing, or whatever. What is your take on that?
OWS: Well, what have you already known as far as Archangel Michael’s sword?
Guest: Okay.
OWS: In this case, though, it is being shown as a saw, and it is very similar, though, to dividing, to creating the division of the old from what is new now, getting rid of, you might say, those psychic ties that continue to hold one to this three-dimensional world, here. That is what we would say here.
And you were correct about the symbol in the middle of the forehead in terms of the number of the elect. That is correct.
Guest: Well, I had been befriending her, and she is on the things with Trump and the government, and all. But the spiritual side I’m easing her into that. We went out to lunch and I talked to her as close as I could, little by little, but I wasn’t saying too much, as she might run out of the restaurant and run home, and leave me to walk! (Laughter) Thank you so much. That really makes me feel that I can tell her in a way that she will accept it.
OWS: Yes. You do not want her running from the restaurant, screaming, “lunatic, lunatic!”
Guest: Well, it has happened before, only they say I’m crazy! (Laughs)
OWS: Ease her into it.
Guest: That’s what I have been doing little by little. She took care of my cat while I came to the Advance, and watered my flowers. Yes, I am, and she is very interested. She is getting more and more. And I send her messages also that come across, like Archangel Michael, and Michael Love, and all that, and she’s coming along really well. Thank you so much.
OWS: You might want to consider having her come over to your home when you are doing this call, and have her on the call with you.
Guest: Yeah, I have, and she says she will. I don’t want to push her too long and keep reminding her, but she will, I’m sure she will. She has a son, Steven, who is almost 25, and he has read Saint Germain discourses, and things like that, and he is really awake. He is really waking up. He already came with it. He is just a doll. He takes care of me too. He runs over here and takes my trash out, and everything, and I don’t ask him to. Really, they are wonderful neighbors. Thank you.
OWS: Very good. Are there any other questions, here?
Guest: Yes, One Who Serves. I have been feeling a movement toward meeting up with our Inner Earth family members, and feeling very strongly that humanity basically, that the Inner Earth beings are ready to begin to make contact with certain individuals, and then maybe have like interactions with more and more of humanity. And I was just wondering what your perspective is, is that what you are seeing is kind of like up next on the agenda in this ascension of the planet, does that need to occur, or is that happening prior to the big wave, the Big Event? Is that part of the preparation? Is that what you guys are seeing happening?
OWS: They are awaiting arrival just as you are. In terms of they are looking toward their emergence from the Inner Earth into coming to the surface and being once again a part of the family and bringing families together in this respect. They have been preparing and preparing for this. In fact, they have located all of their entrances, not opened them, but have them prepared to be opened when the time comes.
Now the time is the issue here in terms of vibration, of course. And as the vibrations continue to increase, then the time for this would grow shorter and shorter. So they are ready, you are ready. The Collective Consciousness of the planet needs to be ready.
Now there is something that is blocking this, and that you know of as the dark forces, the cabal, the illuminati, all of that are continuing to postpone and hold these things back: your revaluation, you global currency reset, all of these things, The Event, all of this is being held back because of those forces that are still not in control, but still believe they are in control, and have the populous believe that they are still in control.
And that is what is causing the delays here in all of this. Otherwise, you would have already had your disclosure of the Galactics, you would have already had your revaluation, you would have already had your connection with those in Inner Earth, and so on. All of these things would have possibly happened already, but again are being held back because of the various programming that is still holding the vibrations of the collective down somewhat. But it is changing. It is changing rapidly.
And The Wave, or we should say “The Waves” that are coming are still coming, and they are going to increase, and increase, and increase, because those of the Blue Avians, the Guardians, they are allowing more and more of these energies to come through, whereas before they were blocking much of this because those here on the planet were not ready for these energies, but that is changing. Okay?
Guest: Yes, thank you.
Guest: I have a question. Maybe some part of humanity never will be ready to ascend because they are still living in 3-D, and they have no idea about the existence of anything. So do we need to wait for all of them all the time, and this is what the Galactics keep saying, we need to wait, and wait, and wait? So how much do we need to wait?
OWS: The answer to your question is, ‘no.’ You do not need to wait that long. They are not going to wait that long. Those of the Galactics, Company of Heaven, and those in Inner Earth are not going to wait for this. You cannot wait for all of the population, only a certain percentage, a certain vibration to be reached. And once that percentage of the population has awakened enough and raised the vibration enough across the planet, then all will proceed as it needs to at that time. That is what you are waiting for at this point.
Guest: Can you tell us the percentage?
OWS: It is approximately over the 50 percent. There must be over 50 percent that are moving toward Service to Others, as opposed to Service to Self.
Guest: Do you know what percentage we are now?
OWS: That we cannot give at this point, but you can get an understanding of it somewhat by looking at the Schumann Resonance and how that has been spiking and increasing many times over the last several months, here, and will continue to do so.
Guest: Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
OWS: Yes. Would there be any other questions here?
Guest: Yes. I am working on not be activated by the False Flags and people being shot massively all the time. I have a similar wondering, as my brothers and sisters out there, as to is Trump knowledgeable about this? Do they understand that this is all being orchestrated? And if so, is there a reason why they haven’t brought this forward? It’s hard for us to understand, because it would seem like if you bring this forward, that would change a lot of the consciousness. It would seem that way.
OWS: What we can tell you is your President Trump was read in from the very beginning and knows of the Great Plan and all of the workings of the plan, and has been overlit much by Saint Germain at times. Although he does not have a conscious knowing of this, he does know that he is paramount, very important, to the overall plans, here, and is pursuing the plan the best he can within the circumstances that he is in.
For he is fighting a great battle within the government of the United States, as well as across the entire planet in all of the many other governments as well. But all of this is moving forward, and what is called “the draining of the swamp” is going through, here. And it is not only the draining of the swamp here in this country, in America, it is also the draining of the swamp across all of the governments throughout the entire planet. This is what is occurring and will continue to occur. But it is the people, the vibration increased within the population, not the governments themselves, but the population, the people, which is what is doing this, here. As the people rise, not in revolution, but in evolution, this is what is bringing this forward much, much quicker than many of those aforementioned councils earlier as believed would be possible.
Guest: Okay. I guess to us it doesn’t look so quick. All right. Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Remember, ‘for those that have eyes to see, and ears to hear.’ Would there be any other further questions?
Guest: I have a question. I have become more and more aware of one of my multi-dimensional selves. She feels like me, and I know she is, but she is more aware of me probably than I am of her, and I don’t think she’s in a physical body. My question is, as you merge more and more with your Higher Self and your multi-dimensional selves knowing more, do they keep whatever body they’re in when they raise up, or do they all merge with me? Or is it just the consciousnesses merge with me and my Higher Self, and they maybe keep the body they’re in if it is a higher vibration, or whatever?
OWS: As one goes through the ascension process as the personality, that personality will continue, just as the Yeshua continues. You see?
Guest: Yes.
OWS: And the Yeshua as Sananda as one, Sananda being the Higher Self of Yeshua, but then there is a Higher Self over Sananda as well, you see? So as the personality moves through the ascension, that personality continues within the whole, within the oneness of the Higher Self. Okay? And all of those high-dimensional selves that are a part of this.
Guest: Okay. Then even though you are aware of them and have some knowings of them, you can actually as when you are in the fifth-dimension meet them in their bodies, or avatar bodies, or whatever?
OWS: Yes. It is not so much of a meeting as you are understanding it, because that is a three-dimensional perspective. But it would be as a connecting rather than meeting.
Guest: Okay. So at that point you don’t even need to really connect physically because you will be so connected.
OWS: That is correct.
Guest: Okay. Thank you.
OWS: We take one further question if there is, otherwise we release channel.
Guest: I have something. I just want to use this platform at this moment to publicly tell my family out there it has been two years today since I had a triple bypass heart surgery, and I just want to express my gratitude for every breath I have taken in the past two years.
OWS: That is wonderful. Can we ask a question of you?
Guest: Absolutely.
OWS: What has been the miraculous recovery that you have had? Was it because of the surgery that you had, or was it because of the vibration that has increased since that surgery?
Guest: It has been my determination for ascension and my strong belief that I am here for a reason. Since the surgery I was actually in a high-speed police chase. I was hit by a car that the police were chasing at 80 miles an hour in February, and I am three different levels I could have been taken out in a moment and I wasn’t. And I have a very strong conviction that I am here for a reason. I am not totally sure exactly what it looks like now, but just hope in ascension and just hope in the belief in who I am and my Higher Self despite some difficult recovery has been what kept me going. And you and this family have been a huge part of that. I’ve been very quiet on the phone calls during my recovery, but I wanted to proclaim this today.
OWS: Wonderful. Can we give you something here that you may not have been aware of, but deep down you might have had an inkling of this?
Guest: Absolutely.
OWS: You had a contract. You had a contract that was going to take you out of the situation in those particular situations that arose. You altered the contract in your moving forward through the hope, as you described it, toward the ascension process. Somewhere along the way, whether consciously or unconsciously, you said, ‘no more,’ to that contract, that you were wanting to continue on. Does this make sense to you?
Guest: Yes, it does. I really appreciate your feedback. So I take that as a confirmation that I am on the right path.
OWS: You certainly are.
Guest: Thank you so very, very much.
OWS: We do need to release channel, here, now.
What we would say to you, to all of you, is to continue through the process. We know that at times you become disconsolate and you say, “when is this going to happen, what have they been feeding us? We have taken the red pill, and we want everything to happen and change and all of this, but it is not happening,” and you become disillusioned, is a good word here for this.
And we would say to you do not become disillusioned, because you are so close now that you can literally reach out and touch it! Okay? Keep going. Don’t stop. Keep spreading the light wherever you can, whenever you can, however you can.
And all of this will lead to raising to the higher vibrations the collective consciousness of the planet. And as this happens, you will move closer and closer to the many waves of The Event, and then finally The Event, The Change-over itself.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
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