


"This Was A Moment, A Moment That Has Been Heralded For A Very Long Time".



Saint Germain and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell


These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare for Change group in Phoenix, AZ on August 27, 2017




Saint Germain



I AM St. Germain. I come with the Violet Flame, Violet Light to continue this process that was begun long ago, the process that you all came here with as the light workers, the light sharers, the light warriors that you were and have once again become.


This process is for all to experience. It is an ascension process. It is not an overnight awakening. For some it can be but for most it will be a process. And you are right in the midst of that process now because of the energies that are coming into the planet and are being accentuated by the galactic events, the celestial events that are happening in order to bring this all about.


You must all understand that this was not just a happenstance eclipse. This was a moment, a moment that has been heralded for a very long time. For ages now. A moment that is a catalyst to bring about these wonderful and amazing changes that are upon you now. And as some sources are beginning to say, there is yet one event, one smaller event that will lead into many more events, many more happenings, many more changes before the full "changeover" can occur.


But it is this one celestial event that has occurred that is a catalyst now to bring about these smaller changes, these smaller events which will lead to The Event. You will begin to know this as it occurs.


Those of the dark forces that have been so involved in keeping you down, keeping mankind down for their various purposes, they are nearly at an end. Can say they are running for their very lives.


But understand that their lives are not to be forfeited as you would think they would be. They will be brought up, if they are allowing it to be, brought back into the light. All of your prayers, all of your love, in directed toward these ones will bring this about. Let them realize that even they want to be free. They want to be free of the shackles that have been holding them down. Even though they have been in control, they have had the life you might say, they are tired and weary almost as much as you are because they have carried this mantle, this mantle of darkness for a long time.


Many now are ready to release this. It only takes this one more catalyzing event to bring this about. It will bring out of the shadows back into the light all of those truths that have been covered up for some time now. They are about to be revealed.


What you know of as the Republic will be brought about once again. Not the new Republic but the old Republic. What was meant to be will now become a reality.


And your financial system, what has been worked on for many decades now is close to being realized as a full changeover from the financial system, the financial debt system that you know of now, into a new more glorious Golden Age system. That will lead eventually to the full Golden Age and your fifth dimensional new reality.


It is time now for all of you, all of you that conspire, that work to bring the light to your neighbors, to your brothers, to your sisters, it is time now for you to reach out more and more. Become as Archangel Michael has said the warriors, not so much the workers anymore. For as warriors you take action. As warriors you spread the light. That is what you each and every one came here to do, was to share and spread the light. Share and spread the knowing of the One Consciousness that we all are.


So continue now my brothers, my sisters, to believe in yourselves, to trust in yourselves; to trust that all is coming together as it needs to. All is being orchestrated as you hear many times but that you are that orchestration. And together all of us will bring about this New Golden Age on mankind.


I AM St. Germain. May the peace and love be with all of you and the Violet Light shine deeply within you as you continue to spread it wherever you can.






Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om, Om. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here.


No message to follow up because so much is happening. You are continuing to work with these energies, to feel these energies, to move with these energies. And as we have been saying the energies are going to increase. And they're going to increase greatly as you continue along. But most of you will welcome this. Most of you will feel these energies and welcome them no matter what they will bring to you because you will know it is only temporary. You will know that it is a part of the expression that needs to be at this time as you continue to move along in your own personal ascension process in bringing about the full mass ascension that is coming your way here soon. Very shortly. Imminently. All of these words that you use. It is all a part of the process though. And as you are hearing many times you are the process that is bringing this all about.


You have questions here for One Who Serves?  


 Q & A


Q:  I want to ask about the end of free will. I understand this is coming up. I wanted to know more about what it means and its implications.


OWS:  You speak in terms of end of free will. There will never be an end of free will. That is not something that would happen because that would take away from who you are. But free will as you are understanding it will be released so that you cannot have your free will taken from you. That is a difference here you see? That has been something that has occurred here within this experiment on this planet and even within this solar system and even the galaxy itself. And free will has been routinely taken away from people without them really knowing it was at times. But that is what is come to an end. You will not be able to lose your free will. Your free will will always be there. You see? You see the difference here?


Q:  I keep having reoccurring dreams of toilet where I go to a place to release and it's always clogged up. It never goes away so I can't release. What does that mean?


OWS:  First of all we would always ask to you what does it mean to you? What have you received as you ask this question?


Q:  I believe I've let go of a lot of things it just hasn't been cleared. And until that gets cleared how can I keep releasing?


OWS:  And there you have your answer as there are things that all are dealing with at this point; not all but most are dealing with at this point as far as programming and those things which need to be released. And so if there is a clog or a cog in the system that is saying that there are still things that need to be released for you, still need to move beyond in the programming here. Because as you are hearing, or many of you have heard, as the Lady Nada spoke of, the veil that is supposedly there is not even there anymore. It is only in your minds that you believe it is there. It has been removed in many respects and it is only the programming that keeps you there, the three-dimensional illusionary programming that keeps you there still behind the veil. But if there are blockages in your dream state and you have a reoccurring dream this is simply telling you that you are needing to continue to work on releasing these blockages, releasing those things which tend to hold you back. You see?


Q:  Is there any suggestion that I can maybe speed the process up at all?


OWS:  Yes look into the protocol, the releasing protocol that has been spoken of here in Ancient Awakenings. The Surrender Protocol: that will help greatly.


Q:  I had a dream where a voice whispered in my ear very clearly saying, “You are of the earth.” I didn't understand but next thing I knew there was a black clip clipped between my thumb and forefinger. Then I left my body and was floating in a tunnel that was dug in the earth. There were cables flying all around me. I was moving and then suddenly I was let go. I then walked out onto an area where the earth was red with people walking around. I just want to know what that meant for me.


OWS:  We would ask you the same thing we asked of the other here, what does it mean to you? These dreams are meant for you personally and when it can be in a generalized manner we can speak on that but for the time being here what does this particular dream mean to you?


Q:  Well I have been on a quest, a spiritual journey, but I haven't really had any support. This is my first call with people of a like mind that are in search of the same thing but I have no idea what “I am of the Earth” means. I have been asking myself does it mean I came from the (E)earth. I have no clue. I need your help.


OWS:  We would say to you it is not of the Earth that you were receiving. You may have gotten that somewhat erroneously here. You are not of the Earth you are in the earth. You are not of the earth though. To be of the Earth that would mean that you are endemic to this particular planet here and that is not so. All of you, those of you that resonate to these words that would be on this call, you are not of the Earth. You are in the Earth at this particular time or on the Earth but not of it.


You are from many different systems, many different galaxies, even universes for that matter. And you are here at this time to participate in this evolutionary process that is happening here and bringing the Earth along -- not the Earth herself but the masses here upon the Earth the population of the earth -- to assist in this entire process. That is what you are here for. When you are done with this you will be free to move about the cabin you might say as that commercial went here as we are finding within the James. (Just throwing a little bit of levity in here. We can be funny too at sometimes here.) But you are be free to move about the universe even with the process of thought.

Can you imagine what this would be like to simply think yourself on another planet or another part of your planet here, the Earth, and simply be there. To imagine what it would be like to be able to bi-locate your body from one place to another and not have to travel in those contraptions that you use with the four wheels. You see? How antiquated that is now and you are going to realize just how ancient and old a technology this has become here. But you are going to be freed from all of this. Okay?


We ask for questions to be more of generalized types not so much individual, personal, questions but more generalized to the audience that is out here listening.


Q:  I'll try to make this general for everybody. So we have this surrendering protocol and I have my own similar protocols and we're out here in the world but we also hear that we should not stare in a direction of what's not working. So my question is what's the balance when something comes up for us, like when we get triggered in some way? It happened to me recently. I got triggered. Somebody triggered me to anger and that almost never happens so I'm not sure if I should just let it go and move on and away, and especially away from that person, or if I should use a surrender protocol or process to really get at the root of it? But sometimes I feel like I'm getting at the root of things so much that I'm almost obsessing at the root of things. So I'm not quite sure what the balance is there.


OWS:  What we can tell you is that all of these things that you are using, no matter where they come from or what they are are tools. Many many tools have been given to all of you in various ways to work through all of these releases that you need to be working toward. And this is what it is all about is releasing all of these energies, releasing the programs that have been a part of your lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. And it is time to release all this, to move beyond it. And as we say there are so many tools available to you for doing so. Whatever works for you. But we would say as much as possible to find yourself in a neutral state. Work on becoming neutral just as the One Consciousness, the Source is neutral. You see?


The Source within you is always neutral. There is never anything but neutrality. That means to just be as you will be in that moment. And not to become emotionally involved or anything of this nature. Now that does not mean if something occurs such as you see someone being hurt or something of this nature to not respond. You would want to respond -- not react -- but respond to the situation whatever it might be. Whatever might come up. And you will find as you continue on through this ascension process you will be somewhat tested here as you are moving through this to find a sense of neutrality as you are responding to any given situation. Okay?




Q:  It seems to me that we’re really processing a lot of the collective shadow, or maybe the part of ourselves that’s more identifying with ideologies and outside of our innate self. [To] the point where we don't see people as individuals or ‘people’ per se, as much as we see they’re neo-Nazis, or they’re this, or they’re that … with a label. And it's like for me my processing has been to come back to that compassion that it is still a person. And that person may be under this program or this pattern or this ideology that's external but it's not who they are internally. And to have the compassion to hold this space that they’re still an individual trying to get free from that. Can you talk about that from this past time? That's how I'm interpreting things.


OWS:  Yes what you are speaking about is programming that has been a part of this expression here for a very long time. And the programming for many still continues in this way so that they see black or white or red or whenever it might be instead of all One. And as consciousness is changing, as your consciousness continues to increase, you do not see the differences anymore as much as you might have previously because of that programming. And you have moved, many of you have moved beyond this programming. And as consciousness continues to rise and as your vibrations continue to rise then the idea of differences with people becomes less and less and less. So in the New Golden Age, in your fifth-dimensional expression, you will no longer see the differences in people. You will see that they are individuals but you will not see in terms of the old programming as they are different than you because you are all One in the Source within you. One Consciousness.


Q:  Is the next celestial event that St. Germain was referring to the fall equinox?


OWS:  No. St. Germain was speaking of the celestial event that just occurred in your solar eclipse and that it will lead, is leading rather, into more what you might say, mini events. But one particular event that is close here now and is going to catapult everything else from that point on. That will be the beginning of the dominoes that have been spoken of here. And this solar eclipse will be the catalyzing event that is the beginning of what is coming. That is what he was speaking of. Somewhat in terms that are still difficult to understand, clouded you might say, but that is purposeful though because of the not, in still yet knowing when and how this is all going to happen here.


Q: In terms of NESARA and everything else rolling out?


OWS:  That is correct.


Q:  In regards to diet and ascension, I've been guided to give up alcohol though I'm not really a drinker and to go vegetarian to make things easier as I move up into the higher dimensions, although now that I’m a vegetarian I find it's complicated. I’ve come across information that certain plants and vegetables contain lectins and are not easily digested. I've heard you say in the past that most anything that comes from Gaia is good for us and can be consumed so I'm just looking for guidance or any more information you can give us about the best diet that we can be on going forward as we move into ascension.


OWS:  Oh my goodness, there are so many diets that you have out there that we cannot even begin to get into discussions such as this. But to understand the idea of moving into a vegetarian diet from meat and this type of thing can be helpful because of how you are acclimating to these energies. You see, as you continue to acclimate to these energies, as your vibrations continue to rise, all of this will take care of itself. You will find that you will not even want to have meat anymore at a certain point. Your body will require certain nutrients and then it will tell you what it wants and you will then supply those nutrients in whatever way it can be. And this is how it is going to be more and more. In terms of water, in terms of quenching your thirst, you will find that you will want certain types of drinks to imbibe in. You will have different things that will draw you to them you might say as your vibrations continue to rise. So all of this is a part of this ascension process. Nothing to be concerned about. And certainly if you are still eating meat and this type of thing do not feel guilty about it. That is the worst thing that you can do in this way. If you are still feeling a need or a desire for it, it is not to say that you are to hold back from it, but if you are being guided as you are saying here to move into a certain type of diet then that is what you want to go for here. Okay?



We are needing to release channel here. Is there any one last question and then we will…


Q:  Yes I have a question. On the internet there’s talk about distilled water being really good for you as opposed to other waters. Can you talk on that?


OWS:  Again it is the same thing. It depends on what your body is requiring, what your body is asking for. It is time for all of you now to ask your body what it wants. It will tell you. It will tell you in a craving or something of this nature. There are even times when it craves sugar. Now that is not necessarily good for you but if there is times when there are things that are needed by the body and you may not even understand why the body is needing it at that time. So in terms of water and this type of thing if you are feeling a guidance toward distilled water or purified water of different types we would say yes to go for that.


But we would also say to avoid more and more the use of fluoride in your water, in your toothpaste, all of these things. To move away from that because all fluoride is doing -- and it was programmed to do this this is why it is in your water and all of these different items that you take into your body -- it was programmed so that you would calcify your pineal gland. Your pineal gland is the opening, the gateway into the higher levels of your being and the cabal knew this. The archons knew this. And they worked toward bringing about the calcifying and the dumbifying, you might say, of mankind as much as they could.


And that is all changing now because the truth is coming out and people are finding now that these things have been programmed, these things have been put into their lives to hold them back. So move away from fluoride certainly. Move to distilled water if that is what you are feeling the guidance to go toward. Whatever it might be. But keep in mind if you go toward distilled water you are taking the minerals out of your water as well. So there is a, what is you're saying here, maybe a Catch-22 here.




Yes. We are needing to release channel here now.


Just know that as you are continuing through this process you are going to experience the ups and downs as you have spoken of. You are going to experience the different energies that are going to come over you and move through you. And some of you will be able to simply realize that this is part of the expression at this time. This is part of the higher vibrations over the planet and if you are able to accept it you will be able to move through it much more easily and continue, as Sananda says, to acclimate to these energies as they increase and increase and increase.



Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.



Channeled by James McConnell 



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