Sunday Call  5/31/2020    (St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell





Saint Germain  and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in  Payson, AZ  on  May 31, 2020. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

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SAINT GERMAIN  (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Saint Germain.   I come at this time, in these opportune moments.  These moments that appear to you, to many of you, to be those that are continuing on from the dark forces. 


But if you would be but logical for a moment.  Think in terms of all that the dark forces have attempted to do over the many thousands of years, and what is occurring now.  It is the same.  The ‘same old, same old,’ again and again.  As you have heard before, they continue to follow the same playbook.  Same plan. 


But because they continue to follow that same plan, those of the Forces of Light know that plan, and they do everything now, and are doing everything now, to counteract all of their moves. 


And if you would think about it again logically for a moment, how could a few, relatively-speaking, across the planet be able to manipulate and control an entire planet of people, an entire collective consciousness?  The answer is, they cannot.  They may appear to be doing so.  Because again, they are following the same plan.  And those of the population continue to follow along with that plan.  But many more and more across the planet are awakening to that plan, to their subterfuge, to their levels of control. 


And people everywhere are saying “No more!  We will not be controlled!  We will not go gently into the night!  We will not quit without a fight!”  Yes, that is a quote.  But it is an apropos quote.  Because that is where all of you are now.  All of you that are the Light-workers and -Warriors.  You are all saying, “enough!  We are taking control now.”  Not of each other, but of ourselves.  No one can control us unless we allow them to do so. 


But the relatively small group of beings across the planet have lost their way, have succumbed to the dark side within themselves, as they continue to attempt to control the mass population.  That mass population has all of the forces of Light behind them:  those here on the planet, which you know of as the Alliance, and those that are above the planet, those of the Galactics, that are also part of the Alliance, or that make up the entire alliance of the Forces of Light.  And all are moving against the small force of darkness.  Not only does the Force of Light have the Alliance, those above the Earth and those below the Earth as the Agarthans, but Universal God Source, the Prime Creator, has also said “enough is enough!” and is also behind the movement of the Light Forces.  So how can a relatively small few have any chance of overcoming the Forces of Light when there is so much going against them? 


I said a few weeks ago on one of your calls that a great announcement was coming.  I also said there would be several small announcements as well preceding the larger announcement.  They have been coming, and are going to continue to come.  And at one point, you can expect a rather large announcement to come forward.  Of course, I cannot give you that announcement now, because everything is so much in flux.  So much is dependent on the collective consciousness of man as to how and when these announcements and this announcement will occur.  But know that it shall. 


And know that everything, even though it appears that your world is in turmoil, even though it appears to be so, know that appearances are often deceiving.  Because as you look out and see the devastation, or you look out and see the despair, know that there is also a silver lining.  Wherever you see ugliness, there is beauty right behind it. 


But if you focus on that beauty, not the ugliness, then you raise your vibration in that moment.  And as you raise your vibration in that moment, it raises the vibrations of those around you.  And as their vibrations raise, it raises those around them as well.  And so on, and so on.  This is now the vibration of the entire planet is raising now


Do not let the fear, do not let those that would tend to bring out that fear, do not let them gain control back.  Even though they attempt to do so.  They are making their last gasp.  Taking their last breath.  Whether it is a breath toward the Light, or a breath toward the darkness, it is up to them.  But it is the breath of life, regardless. 


All of you, all of you that are here, either having begun your missions, or yet still to come on to those missions, many of you do not even know what those missions may be yet at this point.  But if you follow the inner guidance, follow your Higher Self, follow the guidance of those Guides that work with you, let them bring you into those higher vibrations with them.  Let them guide you—not control you, but guide you.  If you do that, if you allow for that, then you will be, and continue to be, in the exact moment, in the exact place in those moments, where you need to be.


I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love.  And with the Violet Flame that has been brought back to this planet, to the Earth, to the collective consciousness of man, to assist you in purging out the old:  the old ways, the old memories, the old programming that is no longer needed. 


It is not about going along with the control.  It is about reaching out and reaching for the Light within you.  Not allowing the control to come over you.  Not allow the dark forces within you, within each of you, to take over.  Trust yourselves.  Trust in The Plan.  Because it is all working out exactly as it needs to in every given moment. 


Peace and love be with all of you.





ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum;  hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here, and Shoshanna, we believe, is standing by here.  And we are ready to go with your questions if you have them.  We will just turn that over to you.  You can now unmute your phones, and we are ready for your questions, here. 


Guest:   I have a question. 


OWS:   Yes?


Guest:   Hi.  Greetings, Shoshanna and One Who Serves.  In your estimation, do you foresee the Chinese people ever becoming free?


OWS:   It is not so much the freedom of those that you are speaking of, but it is the freedom of all of the entire planet.  It is not about one particular section or one particular segment of the population, but it is about all.  Do not focus on only one area:  focus on the whole.  Focus on all being free.  And if you do that, then you are creating reality.  You are creating across the planet.  You are creating the all within the one, and the one within the all.  And as the Q saying goes, “where we go one, we go all.”  You see? 


Guest:   Yes.  Thank you very much.


OWS:   Shoshanna, do you have anything to share?


Shoshanna:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnel): 

We can add to this, if we may share, Dear Brother?


Guest:   Yes, please do.


Shoshanna:   Dear Brother.  You have asked a question that is memorialized in time forever more, as what is freedom?  What is the true meaning and definition of freedom?  You see, we find as we scan the world and we see many who are free, many who are not free, many who choose their lives, many who do not choose their lives.  This is surrounding your entire planet. 


Freedom is a choice, you see.  It does not matter where you find yourself.  It matters how you see yourself.  How you see your environment.  There are people that have been given so-called freedom, that are chained in their darkness.  They are chained by their emotions.  They are chained by their pain.  Is that freedom?  You are asking a question that is beyond philosophy, as freedom lies within the depths of the minds and hearts of each individual.    Namaste.


Guest:   Thank you. 


OWS:   Wonderful perspective.  


Guest:   Yes.


OWS:   Would there be other questions, here? 


Guest:   I have a question. 


OWS:   Yes?


Guest:   So okay, it is about one of my visual abilities.  Over time, I see visual reality evolve, and there seems to be it is related to the element of space.  So I am going to give a practical example.  It is like everything is becoming bigger.  The sky is bigger.  Like three years ago, people and buildings look way smaller than they look now.  I would say that now the buildings and the people look about 2,000 times bigger than before in terms of space.  I know it sounds very unbelievable, but this is how I experience my visual ability and how it evolves every day.  It is every day.  This visual reality keeps changing and evolving, and things become bigger and wider, and I have more volume to them.  And this has started since I have been doing meditation and stuff.  I would like to know the meaning of that, please.


OWS:   What we will tell you is welcome to the New Age!  Welcome to those shifts and changes that have been spoken of.  Welcome to the higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions, as you are able to begin to receive or get those glimpses that we have been speaking of for some time.  And as you are raising your vibrations, those glimpses will become more and more until they begin to merge with your reality here in terms of the two coming together.  That of the lower vibrational reality, or what you believe is the reality here, and merging in with those higher dimensional frequencies as well.  And seeing what would normally not be seen by those in the lower vibrations within this 3-D illusion, here.  Okay?  Shoshanna?


Shoshanna:   We wish to share our perspective.  May we share, Dear Brother?


Guest:   Yes, please, Sister.


Shoshanna:   Please do not seek meaning, but to seek to embrace the experience.   Namaste.


OWS:   Wonderful.


Guest:   Thank you.


OWS:   Great to be it.  Yes.  Would there be other questions, here?


Guest:   I have a question.


OWS:   Yes?


Guest:   So, I am very empathic, and it felt for a burden for most of my life.  But now I’m starting to feel like it is more of a superpower.  Do you have any advice as to how to develop that?


OWS:   We would say it is the beginnings of a superpower, if you wish to look at it in this way.  Or we would call it ‘gifts of Spirit.’  All of you are coming into this more and more, and you just simply need to allow it.  And as you allow it, it will become even more prominent for you. 


You will find that your ability to be empathic will then lead to other areas, or what you would call other superpowers potentially here, and it will all continue on, one after the other, after the other, after the other.  In other words, as you focus on it and become a believer of it, then your belief shall become more and more of a reality, you see? 


Guest:   Thank you.


OWS:   And Shoshanna?


Shoshanna:   We can share.  Dear One, may we ask a question of you?


Guest:   Of course. 


Shoshanna:   We wish to ask what you wish to do with your gift of empathy? 


Guest:   Turn it around and use it to understand other people better, instead of just taking on their feelings. 


Shoshanna:   And Dear Sister, what stops you from doing that?


Guest:   I get wrapped up in the feelings of other people around me.  Sometimes it happens to fast I don’t know that they are not my feelings.  Do you know what I mean?  If I am around people who are upset, and I start feeling upset, it takes me a minute to realize that I’m not upset, I’m just soaking in other people’s upset. 


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, this is a common reaction to the gift of empathy.  This is common.  What will cause you to hone this gift, create it to be more powerful, is to notice your emotional state and neutralize it.  We are saying that this may never quite be what you want it to be in terms of not having that emotion.  It is a simple choice in the moment to observe yourself and neutralize it, and within seconds the power of assisting others will be there for you, you see. 


What is missing here is you thinking that you have to overcome this situation.  You do not.  You simply need to be aware of it and neutralize it in the moment.   Namaste.


Guest:   Thank you.


OWS:   And we would say remember that you have many protective tools to use, here, to create a barrier to hold off those other feelings so that it does not interfere with your own purpose in that moment, here, we would say.  Such as you have the Violet Flame which you can use as a barrier.  You have your Merkaba Light Vehicle, your Light Body, that you can use as a barrier.  You have crystals, various crystals, that can be used to create an unseen barrier, but it is there, it is real, it can be used.  And all of this can help to propel negativity away from you if you use it in this way, you see?


Guest:   Okay.


OWS:   Very good.  Are there other questions, here? Anything further?


Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  Yes.  Hello One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  So I have been seeing, I mentioned before, these black particles in the air.  I feel like I can see particles in the air.  I am curious as to what the black ones are.  That’s one thing.  And I am also curious about this flash of light that I keep seeing in the right side of my eye.  I kind of have this feeling that it might be perhaps some family member or someone coming to visit me.  I am curious if you can say anything about that. 


OWS:   All we can tell you about this is these are those glimpses we have spoken of many, many times, here.  This is happening to more and more of you more frequently, and it will continue to increase as you allow it to be.  If you are wanting to have these glimpses into other dimensions, into other realities, even just potentially parallel realities, and things of this nature, then you must allow it to continue to develop, here. 


And again, believing is seeing.  So the more that you believe it, the more you will see it.  The more you see it, it will create more of a belief for you, and then lead to more seeing, etc., etc.  And eventually you will come to the point where you have moved completely from the third-dimensional illusion into your new reality in the fifth and higher dimensions.  Shoshanna?


Shoshanna:   We will offer our perspective.  May we offer our perspective to you, Dear Sister? 


Guest:   Yes, please.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, we will offer our perspective that what you are experiencing would be more fully experienced if you embrace the experience rather than look for the meaning in the experience.  It does not matter.  What matters is that you experience what you experience, and allow it to unfold as you experience it, and the meaning will reveal itself as it unfolds. 


It does not reveal itself through analytical thinking or assigning meaning, you see.  It is designed for you to traverse the experience, embrace it, feel it, and that which you are feeling and embracing will reveal itself in that way.   Namaste.


Guest:   Thank you.


OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here?  Then we believe there are two e-mail questions, is that correct?


Guest:   Yes, thank you.  The first question is about Bill Gates, asking what his agenda really is.  And the second part is, why was overpopulation allowed to occur on the planet?


OWS:   First of all, there no overpopulation.  That is a cabal dark forces plan that there would be overpopulation and that they could continue to maintain control.  It would be much easier for them to maintain control if the population is lessened to a great degree.  That’s what that plan was, and still is in many respects for them.  But there is no overpopulation, because if you think about this for a moment, how can this planet become overpopulated when you are beginning to move toward the stars, here?  And there will be planet, after planet, after planet that is available for the population to migrate to, we will say, as it needs to.  So there can never, ever be an overpopulation, here.  That is No. 1.


No. 2, we are always not ready to speak about an individual, here, as you have asked about this one.  But we can say about the plan, here.  That plan is, again, about to depopulate the planet, here.  Again, to be able for a small group of people to have control over the masses.  And again, if they are able to depopulate the planet, then they are more easily able to be in control. 


They are attempting to do this through many different processes.  One is this virus, here.  It was attempted to be a depopulation process, here, and it was going to lead to this vaccination and the ID of the vaccination, which many are even calling this the ‘mark of the beast.’  We are not going to comment on that at this point, but know that it is all part of this plan by those of the dark forces to seize control, or rather to maintain control here on the planet, and the various ways that they are attempting to do so. 


We would say, since this has been brought up, in no way, shape, or form would any of you need to ascertain the possibility of doing any of these vaccines until they are brought into a safe zone, here, we will say.  Do not fall into the trap that those of the dark forces are attempting to use here to take control, maintain control, and to continue their control of the planet population.  Shoshanna?


Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  It is rather easy to understand that if an individual has an agenda, that agenda cannot be brought forth without agreement, you see.  So it does not matter who the individual is, or what is happening, if enough people do not agree, it cannot happen.  What is lost here is the idea that we have any power to circumvent any situation, when that is the opposite of the truth.  You see, if you do not agree, then do not agree and do not partake, and do not support the agenda of someone that you do not wish to support.  If enough people are courageous enough to be conscious of that, it cannot come to fruition.   Namaste.


OWS:   We would also add that know that there were more than a half a million people that rose up against this idea of the vaccine and ID, and all of these types of things.  Many signed petitions against this.  So the population is awakening.  Even though a half a million does not seem like many to the entire population of the planet, but it is a percentage here that is important.  And those of the dark forces are realizing that the population is awakening.  And again, they are doing everything they can to hold that off, but they cannot.


Shoshanna:   We will add to this.  For each one that speaks, there are 99 others that do not speak.  So when you see a representation of one, you can convert it to 100.   Namaste.


OWS:   Yes.  Would there be other questions, here?


Guest:   Yes.  The second question is, when will we be seeing NESARA/GESARA, and things like the med-beds come to fruition?


OWS:   Again, that is a sense of timing.  For a moment, we will say ‘very soon.’  It cannot be given here, is what we are attempting to say, here.  We cannot give a time frame for this, because it is not known at this point, because the collective consciousness shifts and changes the time frame every moment.  And in the next moment it shifts a gain, and in the next moment it shifts a gain.   So it cannot be given as to directly when this will be.  But know that it is coinciding, or will coincide, with The Event, with the Solar Flash.  All of this is a process together, not exclusive from the other.  Okay?  Shoshanna?


Shoshanna:   We will share our perspective, here, and that is that each being must be in gratitude; have an abundant consciousness to attract what they wish to attract.  There cannot be this concept or this idea of abundance for all until the consciousness is abundant, you see.  That’s what it is, you see.   Namaste.


OWS:   Yes.  Very good.  Then we are one with the questions here at this time.  Shoshanna, do you have parting message, here?


Shoshanna:   Not at this time.


OWS:   Very good. 


Then we will just say to simply ‘keep on, keeping on.’   Do everything that you can to continue to find the calmness within yourself about all of this. 


We have said many times, “buckle your seatbelts, because the going could get quite rocky.”  Well, you are seeing that rockiness now.  You are seeing the being in the storm now. 


As we have said many, many times, while you are in this storm, it behooves you to be in the eye of the storm.  Be in the calmness within that storm.  And if you are able to do that, and many of you from your discussion earlier, we are finding you are doing that.  You are seeing the beauty around you rather than the ugliness. 


You are attempting to find the positives that are there instead of the negatives.  You are attempting to always bring the Light, instead of focusing on the darkness.  And if you continue to do that, you are going to be just fine. 


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.  



Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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