Sal Rachele & The Founders

Nature of Creation --The Founders

Messages from the Founders
Earth Changes and 2012
Received by Sal Rachele

Introductory material for the second ebook, received October 2007.

The Nature of Creation

Greetings, beloved Creators, we are the Founders. The events taking place uponyour world over the next several years will have a profound impact onall life forms residing there. In these messages, we will detail many ofthe changes and explain them from several vantage points in order thatyou may more thoroughly understand what is to come. We will start with alook at the Creator's perspective.

In effect, this introductory message regarding the Earth changes will answer the question, “Why?”

TheInfinite Creator created ALL THAT IS, including all universes,galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planets, life forms, planes,subplanes, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, power,energy and of course, spirit. Everything is of God. Everything IS God.God exists within time and outside of time. God exists in all timeframes, timelines and dimensions. God exists in the void, although theconcept of existence is irrelevant there. Your language is inadequate todescribe many of the aspects of God, but we will attempt to illustratethe parts that are relevant to Earth changes.

At some point thischannel and others may devise illustrations (diagrams, pictures, tables,etc.) in order to more fully explain the ideas we are presenting. Youhave an expression on your world, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”We will do our best to explain the ideas and concepts presented hereinwithout the need for illustrations. However, once illustrations areprovided, we anticipate it will be much easier to grasp some of thematerial.

To help clarify many of the points presented in thisbook, we will briefly touch upon some of the more misunderstood conceptsamong humanity.

The idea that God is masculine or feminine is adistortion based upon the limited understanding of the human intellect(and the intellect of similar races on other worlds). Nevertheless, itis sometimes helpful to think of God as having a personality andhuman-like intelligence, since you were all created in the image andlikeness of the Creator. Since God is All, God is a man, a woman, bothand neither. For the sake of the limitations of your language andsimplicity, we will refer to God in this present lesson as “He.”

Inthe beginning (as far as your souls are concerned), God created notonly the Heavens and the Earth, but individual souls to be extensions ofHimself, in order that He might explore and experience His own Creationmore intimately. These souls emerged in waves of creation.

Someentered the Creation near the point of conception, which this channelcalls 12th density. Others emerged at a lower frequency known as 7thdensity. Most of you reading this material emerged during the 7thdensity wave of creation.

The first individual souls emerged fromthe Godhead billions of Earth years ago, as 12th density beings. Theythen chose to lower their vibrations in order to explore the outerworlds of Creation. During the early days of this universe, there wereonly a few dimensions, and the outer worlds were vibrating at what todayyou would call 7th density and higher. So these “ancient ones” oftenstarted their soul journeys at level 7 and gradually worked their wayback up to level 12, maturing as they ascended. Once they reached backto level 12, they were like fully functional adults, having grown from ababy, through young childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, andfinally as mature adults (mature souls).

A note to those of youunfamiliar with this channel's material. The difference between“density” and “dimension” is explained briefly a little further along inthis book, and is also explained in depth in the channel's hardcopypublication, “Life On the Cutting Edge.”

Additional waves ofCreation followed the birth of the ancient ones, with souls and clustersof souls emerging from the Godhead over billions of years to thepresent time.

Countless variations ensued, and while there weredefinite patterns to the emergence of souls, and mathematically preciseexplanations for much of what took place in the early days of Creation,there were always exceptions to the rule. Some souls emerged as solitarysparks of light, while others emerged in pairs, or 12-point clusters.There were some that emerged in large clusters and then broke down intosmaller clusters as they descended further into the manifest Creation.

Inthe first e-book, soul clusters, oversouls, monads and otherarrangements of soul emergence, were discussed. It is recommended thatthe reader already be familiar with the concepts introduced in theearlier material before venturing too far into this book. At some pointwe will delineate how souls return to clusters and group soul complexes(aka soul families), but for now we are simply laying a brief frameworkfor what is to come in this book. Let us summarize what we have said sofar in slightly different terminology.

Some souls emerged veryearly in the Creation (from the perspective of Earth's timeline) andhave evolved into 12th density beings capable of creating entireuniverses. They are known as the Creator Gods. We are among the CreatorGods. A tiny portion of our energy has been projected down into 7thdensity, where we are able to make contact with our channels, includingthis one.

The majority of you reading this book emerged duringone of the large waves of Creation that happened approximately 100million years ago. In this wave, you emerged out of the Godhead at a 7thdensity level of vibration. You then had a choice of exploring thelower density worlds (below 7th density), or evolving from 7th densityup to 12th density. The first e-book goes into greater detail on theseprocesses.

At this time in your soul evolution, you havedensified your vibration into third density and are now moving up intofourth density. Some of you are preparing to move from fourth densityinto fifth density. A description of the characteristics of each densityis given in various stages throughout this discourse. There will alsobe a brief review of the “fall from grace” and its implications.

Thereare several Divine Principles at work in the creation and maintenanceof the various universes and galaxies. Although many of the universeswere created by the Creator Gods and not directly by the GodheadHimself, most of the same Divine Principles apply to these localuniverses. However, not all universes have what you call “free will.”That is a principle applicable to only a small percentage, includingyour universe.

When the Godhead gave souls free will, you couldsay it was a bit of an experiment to see how the Creation would unfold.Like any good scientist in his laboratory, the Creator experimented withmany different possibilities. He commissioned us and others like us toengineer the DNA molecule, one of the precursors of life in thisuniverse. After many millions of Earth years, we perfected the aspect ofDNA that pertains to the humanoid form. Although God ultimately createdall forms, we played a central role in the form you are now wearing.The purpose of this form was, of course, to provide a vehicle capable ofexperiencing, in intimate detail, the lower density worlds anddimensions.

As you know from prior teachings, the “fall fromgrace” was a free will event not anticipated by the Creator, in whichsouls became trapped in the lower densities. How did this happen? Theintensity of the soul experiences within the incarnational processcaused most souls to “forget” who they were. They began to believe theywere bodies (and the personalities associated with bodies).

Youthat have forgotten your true identity have been slowly working your wayback up through the lower densities. One day you will remember yourtrue essence, your soul, and you will free yourselves from the illusionsof the lower worlds. Without Divine Intervention, that day would likelybe a long way off. And so the Godhead, in His infinite wisdom, created aseries of Divine Dispensations, or decisions affecting the course ofevolution. To help you understand, let us review the definition ofevolution.

Evolution actually has two definitions. (1) Theprogression of intelligence within a given life form, such as a humanbody/mind complex; and (2) The progression of awareness of the soul fromlower densities to higher densities. For the sake of these lessons, wewill use these definitions interchangeably, but will make an effort torefer to the physical evolution simply as “evolution” and/or “mutation”depending on the rate of change of the species, and soul evolution asthe “wheel of reincarnation” and/or the “spiral of ascension,” dependingon the level of awareness of the soul.

There is a lot ofconfusion regarding physical evolution and soul evolution. Althoughthere is no entirely accurate way of describing these patterns usingyour language, a relatively simple idea is to think of the physical formas a machine and the soul as the operator of the machine. The computeryou are using to read these e-books had its beginnings in the era ofvacuum tubes, magnetic tape drives and teletypewriters. The physicalform you wear had its beginnings within the mineral, plant and animalevolution of what your biologists call “natural selection.”

Thepurpose of this physical form you wear is to give you a directexperience of the outer realms of Creation. As your soul evolves intohigher and higher frequencies of awareness, it needs a vehicleappropriate to each realm it enters, just as an engineer needs a fast,sophisticated, modern computer, while a grade school student might besatisfied with a basic model.

There are seven dimensions thatrequire some sort of vehicle in order to have a direct experience ofthem. As your soul works its way up through these seven dimensions, itneeds a vehicle appropriate to each dimension. As stated in our earlierwork, there are a number of ways of moving through the dimensions. Inyour third and fourth dimensions, you use the wheel of reincarnation,which is one of the Divine Dispensations described below. As you workyour way into the fifth and sixth dimensions, you will utilize theetheric crystal light body, which is part of the spiral of ascension(another Divine Dispensation described below).

Before we discussthe Dispensations, it is important to reiterate an analogy given inprevious sessions. There is a misconception on Earth regarding how soulsattain Oneness with God. First of all, we are all One with God,regardless of our level of vibration. It is impossible not to be Onewith God, since God is everything and we are part of everything. Theidea that souls ascend higher and higher in vibration and theneventually merge back into the Godhead is incorrect. The best analogy toexplain this is the human birth process. You emerge from your mother'swomb and slowly grow and develop into a fully functional adult, justlike your parents. You might then go on to become parents yourselves,continuing the propagation of the species. As you grow into an adult,you obviously do not crawl back into your mother's womb.

Soulsemerge from the Godhead as “baby” souls and gradually grow and evolveinto mature souls. Once they reach maturity, they become like their GodParents. They realize they are part of the All, the Oneness of Creation,but they are individual gods in their own right, capable of creatingentire universes just like their Parents.

Although you have freewill within the lower worlds, you also have a glorious predestiny andthat is to grow up into Creator Gods like us. Well, okay, not exactlylike us, because every soul is unique and has a unique contribution tomake to the Creation, but you get the idea.

Another concept thatis difficult to explain is the idea of group soul complexes. Asindividual souls you have the ability to form an energy matrix withother souls in order to experience the combined energies of the group.In essence, this can be thought of as a way of working your way back upthe spiral of evolution until you return to the clusters from which youemerged in the beginning. Again, this is not entirely accurate, butuntil you reach a certain level of awareness, you are hindered by theinadequacy of your language and intellectual minds to differentiatebetween group soul complexes and monadic/oversoul clusters. Therefore,it will require a diligent and careful process of explanation in orderthat you might grasp these concepts. We will carefully explain theseideas in the proper sequence at the proper time. However, the topic ofthis dissertation is Earth changes and 2012, and so we will return toour discussion of the Dispensations that have taken place upon yourworld, since this information is relevant to the topic at hand.

The Divine Dispensations

Therehave been several major Dispensations issued forth from the Godheadthat are relevant to your progress as an individual soul. They are, inchronological order, as follows:

(1) The Answer to the Separation, or Fall from Grace

(2) The Galactic Shifts, occurring approximately every 108 million years

(3) The Precessional Alignment of the Earth, occurring approximately every 25,920 years

(4) The Wheel of Reincarnation

(5) The Spiral of Ascension

(6) The Mass Ascension

(7) The Interventions of God's Helpers during Major Civilizations

(8) The Introduction of the Highly Evolved Children

The First Divine Dispensation – The Answer to the Fall

Asstated above, the simple definition of the Fall is “the tendency of asoul to identify with the realm in which the soul is exploring.” Theanswer to the fall and its resulting belief in separation from God,manifested as an implanted and imprinted program within the DNA offallen souls. Without this intervention mechanism, the decision of soulsto evolve would be left entirely up to free will.

Within a fewmillion years subsequent to the emergence of souls from the Godhead,many souls had become so enmeshed in the lower densities that they mightnever have remembered their Divine Origin and made the choicesnecessary to extricate themselves from the bondage of identificationwith material form. Therefore, at the same time as the fall, there wasalready an answer.

In eternity, all time happens NOW, and sothere is ultimately no lapse in time between the problem and the answer.That answer is a complex series of implants and imprints within theetheric field of each soul, in the form of a series of DNA codes andkeys that trigger awakening at various intervals. These triggers affectthe functioning of free will significantly. While it is still possiblefor a soul to refuse to listen to the Voice of God within (the soulessence) in favor of the voice of the ego (the part identified withmaterial form), it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore the signalsbeing sent from God through the activation of the ascension codes andkeys. The Master Template of ascension is one of the implanted DNA keys.This template is activated during the fifth Divine Dispensation, theSpiral of Ascension, which will be detailed below.

Essentiallythe first Dispensation established a permanent link between theseparated souls and their higher selves (the aspects of the soulresiding in densities 5 through 12). While ultimately, this link iseternal and can never be broken, the time period (in Earth years)required for every soul to re-establish this link on its own would havebeen far too long to keep the Creation going in any semblance of order.As you know, souls tend to get lost in the intricacies of free will, andhad everything been relegated strictly to free will, it would havelikely taken a very long time for even the most basic of learning toproceed. So the Godhead decided to provide a special pathway back to theremembrance of a soul's Oneness with Source. This first Dispensationmanifests in some souls as the conscience, or as a vague and subtlereminder that there is a better way of living than identification withthe ego. It is what spurs you on and keeps your hopes up when thingsappear hopeless.

We will now discuss the Second Dispensation, which takes the form of a periodic cosmic event, or cycle.

The Second Dispensation – The Galactic Shift

TheSecond Dispensation is the Galactic Shift, discussed in depth in thefollowing sections. The Galactic Shift is an emanation from the CentralSun of each galaxy that bathes the rotating and revolving stars andsolar systems with a high frequency burst of radiation at periodicintervals during each revolution of the galaxy. In the Milky Way galaxy,this shift occurs approximately every 108 million years for stars andsolar systems in the arm of the galaxy in which the Earth is located.Each time the Earth and her neighboring stars and planets pass throughthis beam of light, the dominant vibration of the atomic structures onsuch stars and planets is moved up to the next density level, through aprocess known by various names, including the entering of the “photonbelt”, “stargate”, or “portal.”

Since there are no illustrationsavailable at this point to describe the Galactic Shift, you can pictureit as a spiral shaped like a spring or coil. As you move along the coil,you return over and over to the same point on the spiral, except thatyou are shifted into a higher position along the coil. When you look atyour galaxy from a vertical point above the plane of the spiral, itappears there is only one dimension to the spinning arms of the spiral,but in actuality, the galaxy is much like the coil in that each time itspins, the vibration changes and you emerge at a higher point. Soessentially, every 108 million years (halfway through one revolutionaround the central sun) a shift is made into a higher frequency oflight. We will explain the time discrepancy between the Galactic Shiftand the duration of one revolution of the galaxy, in the specificsection on the Galactic Shift coming later in this treatise.

TheGalactic Shift is a Dispensation designed to create an upper time limiton how long souls can linger in a particular realm without showingdefinitive signs of growth and soul evolution. Since God knew that notall souls would be ready to undergo this shift during its naturallyoccurring time cycle, the decision was made to transfer the “laggard”souls to planets in other regions of the galaxy to allow them more timeto prepare for the shift. The mechanics of the shift will be describedin detail in the following sections.

There are teachings on yourplanet that suggest that the reason for all the problems on Earth has todo with the “laggard” souls incarnating upon this world that were castout from other worlds. To some extent this is true, since some of thesouls incarnating on Earth originally came from worlds that were gettingready to ascend. Such souls were not ready to make the shift and weretransferred to Earth as their planet of remedial learning. Now they arebeing given another chance to graduate, and some of them will make itthis time. Others will be sent to yet another remedial planet for athird try.

In some rare cases, souls have failed to progress evenafter going through many transfers to more slowly evolving planets. Itis not possible to postpone the Galactic Shift inevitably. Eventuallyall souls must go through the process. Souls that are unable towithstand the shift (and that have exhausted their transfer options) gothrough what has been referred to as the “second death.” The seconddeath is merely a reassembling, or recycling of the soul matrix backinto the Godhead. In a sense, it is like starting over from thebeginning with a new soul matrix. Such souls will be merged back intothe Godhead and then will re-emerge back into Creation at a later time.This is the only case in which souls actually merge back into theGodhead and it is, as we stated before, extremely rare.

The Third Dispensation – The Precessional Alignment of the Earth

TheGodhead gave each planet involved in the Fall a chance to make periodicjumps, or mutations, within its species (humanoid and otherwise), bycreating a way for a planet to align itself with periodic bursts ofenergy from at or near the center of the galaxy (smaller than the onesissued forth during the Galactic Shift, but powerful nonetheless). Inthe case of Earth, this alignment occurs once during each precession ofthe axis. The mechanics of the alignment of the axis with these energybursts are discussed in the following sections.

Approximatelyevery 25,920 years, the Earth goes through an energy shift thataccelerates the evolution of the organisms present on her surface. Aswith the Galactic Shift, not all organisms will be able to make theshift successfully. Many perish (leave their physical forms) and havethe opportunity to reincarnate at a later time on Earth, or on anotherplanet. This brings us to the Fourth Dispensation.

The Fourth Dispensation – The Wheel of Reincarnation

Whensouls first started exploring the outer worlds, the bodies they enteredinto had been designed (by us and other Creator Gods) to endure for aslong as they were needed. Once the soul had seen everything he or shewanted to see and experience within a given realm, that soul woulddiscard the body and return to a state of pure spirit in preparation forthe next journey. Theoretically, the bodies taken on by such soulscould last indefinitely, and in the beginning most of them lasted forthousands of Earth years.

As time went along and the souls becamemore and more identified with the lower worlds they were exploring,their bodies began to decay and disintegrate at a faster and fasterrate. Souls would enter into a lower world and in only a few hundredyears their bodies would die. These souls left many lessons unlearnedand many projects incomplete. Because they had fallen so far invibration, it was nearly impossible for them to return to their homestate (seventh density) without leaving pieces of themselves scatteredthroughout the lower dimensions. This is the process known as “soulfragmentation”, which is discussed in the first e-book.

To allowsouls to complete their assignments and reassemble their fragments, thewheel of reincarnation was invented. Now souls did not have to return totheir seventh density homes before incarnating again. In actuality,they had lost the ability to do so anyway and so until thisDispensation, many of them wandered, lost and confused, in the manyastral and etheric planes surrounding the worlds in which they hadincarnated. Now, with the process of reincarnation available, thesesouls and soul fragments could re-enter the world in which they had justleft and continue their lessons there in another body.

The soulswere allowed to reincarnate as many times as they needed until they hadlearned all that they desired to learn in that particular world, anduntil all of their pieces and fragments had been reassembled into anintegrated whole. Once this integration occurred, such souls were freeto return to their home state (seventh density) and then explore otherworlds and other density levels.

The Fifth Divine Dispensation – The Spiral of Ascension

Theprocess of reincarnation had many benefits, but it was highlyinefficient because each time a soul reincarnated, most of the memory ofits past lives was lost or obscured by the veils surrounding the lowerdensity planets. Therefore, a great deal of time and attention was spentre-learning and remembering the lessons from previous lifetimes. Inaddition, the birth and death processes themselves created a lot oftrauma and fragmentation within the souls. It was like taking two stepsforward and one step back each time a soul incarnated.

A processwas devised whereby a soul could evolve directly into the next densitylevel without discarding the physical form. This made it possible forthe soul to enter the next series of lessons without having to re-learnand remember, and without having to go through the traumas of birth anddeath. This process is known as the spiral of ascension. Unfortunately,until very recently, very few souls were able to go through this processbecause it required that a certain amount of karma be balanced, and acertain critical number of soul fragments be reassembled before the soulhad enough energy consolidated to be able to make the shift.

Oncea soul had enough awareness to be able to go through the ascensionprocess, the preset triggers, including the Master Template, would beactivated, causing an automated conversion to take place, converting thephysical body to an etheric body. A similar process takes place as asoul evolves from the etheric body into a celestial body.

The Sixth Divine Dispensation – The Mass Ascension

Whenthe ascension spiral was introduced, the requirements were very strict.A soul had to have nearly all of its karma balanced, all fragmentsreassembled, and be able to pierce the veils of forgetfulness (amnesia)inherent in the lower worlds. This was an arduous task, and until theSixth Dispensation was issued in 1950, only about 300 Earth souls hadmanaged to move off the wheel of reincarnation and onto the spiral ofascension. These 300 souls were the product of nearly 10 million yearsof inhabitation of Earth by humans. Many of these souls reached greatheights of awareness, only to have their bodies be destroyed when themajor civilizations ended (due to calamities caused by the ending of theprecessional cycles, or by warfare, or from intervention by negativelypolarized ETs, or by other celestial events).

The SixthDispensation was essentially a ruling by the Godhead decreeing thatsouls did not have to complete all their karma or assemble all theirminor pieces before being allowed to ascend to the next level ofvibration. The mass ascension resulting from this Dispensation isscheduled to occur in stages, beginning around 2012 and ending around2030. These are only the major ascension periods being catalyzed by theshifts. Souls will continue to ascend between these major waves ofascension, but not in as great a number as during the years 2012, 2017and 2030, years that correspond to major celestial events. Thesecelestial events alter the electromagnetic field around the Earth, whichin turn precipitates mutations in the DNA of humans and certain otherlife forms. A detailed description of how this works will be found laterin this book.

When souls ascend physically, they enter into afifth density state of consciousness. However, the Earth will beprimarily in a fourth density state, and the majority of souls thatsurvive the Earth changes will be in fourth density.

By the year2030, approximately 15 to 30 million souls will be likely to have gonethrough physical ascension on Earth. As planet Earth moves into the moreintense frequency bands of the Galactic Shift (between 2015 and 2035 asdiscussed later), she and all her life forms will move into the fourthdensity, with the exception of those going through the ascension spiral –they will be in fifth density. Souls unable to make the shift fromthird to fourth density will leave Earth and reincarnate on otherplanets more suited to their level of soul growth (this is the“transfer” spoken of during our discussion of the second Dispensation).

The Seventh Dispensation – Intervention by God's Helpers

Toassist souls in preparing for ascension, and to help those souls notready for ascension that wish to remain with Earth during hertranslation from third to fourth density, a Dispensation was grantedallowing beings from higher densities permission to intervene in theaffairs of humanity.

This Dispensation has two parts. (1)Instruction and help in the process of growth and evolution; and (2)Intervention in the nuclear, neutron, electromagnetic and chemicalweapons programs on Earth.

In the 1940s, when human beings begantesting the atomic bomb, it was evident that they had the capabilitiesof not only destroying physical life on Earth, but also severelyretarding the ability of souls to ascend. These weapons disrupt theastral and etheric fields around the Earth as well as the physical, andthey also affect neighboring planets. Therefore, ET civilizations withhighly advanced technology were allowed to come to Earth to preventhumans from blowing themselves up with nuclear weapons. Since the 1940s,other classes of weapons have also been added to the list approved forintervention.

The decision regarding which weapons to neutralizewas based on the principle of critical mass (not unlike the criticalmass of nuclear material). At the time the Godhead made this decision,the number of souls that had evolved on Earth was now sufficient towarrant such a drastic measure. It was determined that the peaceful,loving souls on Earth that wanted to move into fourth density along withthe Earth, as well as the ones going through ascension, would need tohave safe havens in different places around the planet where they couldbe free from radioactive fallout and the electromagnetic disruptions ofwarfare. Only those weapons systems capable of making the entire planetunsafe were banned. Warring humans were free to bomb themselves intooblivion with conventional weapons, while the more enlightened membersof the human race would be guided to safe havens.

This is theprocess taking place today on planet Earth. Your nuclear weapons havebeen neutralized on five different occasions since 1962. The Bay of Pigsincident near Cuba was the first such intervention. There were laterinterventions made in the United States and the Soviet Union. The mostrecent intervention was made in the fall of 2007 when a renegade groupattempted to start a war between Iran and Iraq, or rather, between Iranand the occupying forces in Iraq.

This group attempted to launch anuclear missile from within Iran. The missile never made it out of itssilo, as the launch codes were immediately neutralized by one of thebenevolent factions assisting Earth.

There have also beenattempts by the so-called “Illuminati” and their black operatives toformulate and propagate chemical, neutron and electromagnetic weaponsupon unsuspecting “enemies.” These weapons are a little more difficultto detect, but God's helpers, with the use of sophisticated clairvoyanceand EM field surveillance, have been able to prevent any large-scaleuse of these weapons. There are numerous ET groups conglomerated aroundthe EM grid system of the Earth, working to prevent EM weapons and othernegativity from producing anomalies in the etheric field of Earth.

Theley lines and vortexes that make up the EM grid of Earth areessentially portals that allow the physical and etheric worlds tointerface. Advanced civilizations use these grid lines as their entryand exit points into your world. These grid systems are what keep yourEarth and its etheric counterpart in balance. If the grids are disruptedbeyond a certain point, it can literally tear the fabric of time andspace and make life on Earth not only impossible, but also disrupt lifein the entire solar system. (Most of the other planets in your solarsystem have life in the etheric and celestial planes.)

The gridsystem of Earth can become imbalanced not just from nuclear and EMweapons, but also from large amounts of negativity (fear and otherthought forms magnified due to large numbers of souls participating inthose thoughts). That is why you often have “negative vortexes” in areaswhere a lot of souls are stuck in negativity. (Negativity, as definedhere, means anything within consciousness that tends to obstruct orprevent a soul from growing and evolving in a natural way.) Theemergence of negative vortexes due to concentrated negative thinking wasanother reason groups of enlightened souls were sent to intervene inthe affairs of Earth.

The phenomenon known as “crop circles” thatyou see in your wheat fields is a byproduct of the grid work being doneby various ET groups. As they balance and stabilize the grid systemaround your planet, they often leave sacred symbols and “triggers”behind in order to help you awaken. These impressions left in the fieldsare formed by creating mini-vortexes using ET machinery on board thespacecraft. This is the same equipment used to transport their ships.The specific group responsible for the majority of the genuine cropcircles are the fourth density Pleiadeans, supervised by seventh densityArcturians.

The Eighth Dispensation – The Arrival of the Enlightened Children

Beginningin the 1950s, the Godhead realized that in order to preserve free willamong the enlightened souls of Earth, it would be necessary to bringabout change from within. The best way to do this was to introducehighly evolved souls through the incarnational process, as it wasusually too risky to land spaceships on the Earth and have theiroccupants walking openly among incarnated humans (although there are afew groups doing this).

To use a metaphor, God raised His handand said, “Who wants to volunteer to come to Earth and assist duringthis critical time? I want only the best and the brightest souls.”

“Wewill, we will!” shouted an exuberant crowd. And now here they are,coming in droves to your world, from all over the universe. Some havebeen in seventh density worlds prior to coming into Earth, and as suchhave retained most or all of their psychic and intuitive abilities. Theyare peace-loving souls who will not tolerate violence and hatred. Theyare aware of the risks of coming to Earth and are willing to take thechance that they might get caught in the veils of illusion.

Therehave been three waves of these souls – the first during the baby boomof the 1950s and 1960s – the second during the 1980s and 1990s – and thethird during the present time on Earth. They have been given variousnames, including Indigo (the first wave), Crystal (the second wave), andRainbow (the third wave). Each group coming in is generally more highlyevolved than the previous group. This is to ensure that as thevibration of Earth rises rapidly, the souls coming in later will have agreater chance of being able to withstand the vibrations of Earthwithout losing awareness.

Many of the Indigo children are nowadults giving birth to Crystal and Rainbow children. These parents haveenough awareness to encourage the children to develop their intuitiveand psychic abilities. Some of these children have perfectly developedtelepathic abilities and are able to trigger spontaneous healing. A fewhave developed the abilities of psychokinetics (moving objects mentallythat are close by) and telekinetics (moving objects mentally from adistance). Eventually some will learn the advanced techniques oflevitation, teleportation and bilocation.

Contrary to informationbeing circulated by some groups on Earth, very few souls have theability to shape-shift into other life forms. This is an abilityreserved mostly for souls who have evolved into ninth density andbeyond, and very few souls from those levels of awareness aremanifesting bodies on Earth anyway, as it is risky even at their level.What is being mistaken for shape-shifting is actually partial and fullpossession of humans by astral ET entities that have non-humanoid forms.There will be a later section dealing with possession of humans byDracos, Orions, Sirians and certain Zetas.

Now that we have laidthe groundwork for the discussion to follow, we will commence todescribe the mechanics of the Galactic Shift (occurring between 1950 and2100) and the precessional alignment (scheduled to occur in the year2012).

We are the Founders, in the consciousness of God's Limitless Love and Compassion, ever at your service.

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The time selected for the horoscope chart will be when the gates open, and not kick-off time. The Eagles are expected to wear midnight green jerseys, and the Chiefs will probably wear white. These are the reported…

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The map above revealed what happened at 8:47 pm. Air traffic control told the American Airlines jet of the presence of a helicopter in their flight path on route to landing strip 33 two minutes before the crash. Air…

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