Salusa channeling of 10 april because some problems Mike had with computer no email notifications where send and messages are from Nancy Tate who is emailing Mike's messages

SaLuSa 10 April 2015 via Mike Quinsey | ET First Contact

From our perspective time is moving so much quicker than you experience. So whilst you have been without our messages for what seems some time, to us it is just a fleeting moment. Over a long period you have read or heard of many experiences where people have been out of the body and been “away” for days, to return and find that only a short time has elapsed. Sometimes it has only been a matter of hours or minutes as opposed to days. In such circumstances you begin to understand that everything is in the Now. You are learning that time is not constant, and it will become more apparent as you move away from Earth, into the higher vibrations.

These are times when you must keep a very open mind, as more surprises are waiting to be discovered. Things are not necessarily as you have been taught, and perhaps one of the hardest facts to accept is that you can travel faster than the speed of Light. There is much to learn that will come to you when you become fully fledged as a Galactic Being. At this time your consciousness is opening up and your vibrations are increasing, and you are on the way to returning to levels that you are in reality already familiar with. From here-on it is a matter of re-learning what you have forgotten and that will not be difficult as you will be getting much help. As we have told you previously, you are much greater than you imagine and in essence you are Gods in the making. However, there is a long way to go before you reach such a pinnacle of growth.
Around your world peace seems hard to broker, but be assured great Beings such as President Obama are busily working behind the scenes to bring it about. Naturally there are millions of souls working towards the same end, but clearly some wield more power than others. You also need a leader such as President Obama who has yet to reveal his plan to bring permanent peace to your Earth. As Souls of the Light you came to Earth at this important time to help bring about the changes necessary to carry you forward further into the Light. In the not too distant future you will rise to a level where the dark Ones can no longer be present, and the New Age will have truly arrived.
Knowing what you do you can help others through what is a difficult period. By general reckoning it is chaotic, and peace seems as far away than it has ever been. However, as we have previously mentioned, certain events have to be played out to clear long standing karma and ensure lessons are learnt where they are needed. You could correctly say you are in a very busy period where souls are taking their last opportunity to evolve, before it comes to a close. Whatever level souls are on each one will have been given every chance to move on. With all of the help that is given it would be surprising if you did not learn from your experiences. However, some souls are enmeshed in the darkness and find it difficult to move on. Be assured however that not one soul is abandoned, and great Beings of Light do all they can to enable them to rise up.
Looking back you might agree that your experiences have strengthened your resolve, to stand firm in the face of the delaying tactics of the dark Ones. They have tested you in some cases to the very limits of your endurance, but you have withstood all they have thrown at you. Such experiences have prepared you for greater achievements, and in the future many of you will act as Ambassadors to the Beings on other planets. Evolution is a perpetual process of learning from those who have already advanced further along the path. There is always “help” when it is needed but other souls of Light do not impose themselves upon you without receiving your call first. You have almost certainly received help along your way, but may not be aware of it. Be assured that your Guides are most active trying to ensure that you keep to your life plan. When that useful “coincidence” that is beneficial comes along it is often brought about by them. It goes as far as saving your life so that you can continue with your necessary experiences, and complete your life plan.
In the immediate future the direction you are going in will become clear, and the work put in by the Lightworkers will come to fruition. Much is happening that will ensure success and be assured that we are also giving you a helping hand. The way of things at your level, dictates that the dark Ones are allowed a certain leeway to put you to the test. However, their future is in our hands and this cycle will be the last one of this particular Age. You will soon rise up into the higher vibrations where love and peace are present and the lower vibrations non-existent. It is what you have been working towards for millennia of time, and the journey is nearly over.
The experience you have gained over many lives will hold good, and enable you to be mentors to those souls who are still making their way forward into the Light. Not every soul will progress in the same direction, as there are many varied opportunities for you to serve the Light. At your level of attainment you have a great deal of freedom to decide what you will do next, and naturally you in turn have your mentors to help you. Many of you will return to your “homeland” before deciding your next step, and the calling to do so will be very strong.
When you can look ahead rather than look back, and your consciousness grows the way forward will become clear. The times you have spent lives in the lower vibrations will soon become but a distant memory, but the lessons learnt will always be with you. Already as the level of your consciousness grows, you will find it easier to maintain it without any risk of falling back. The world can pass you by without there being any fear of being distracted from your goal. Yet you can still be fully aware of what is taking place.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and happy to be in touch with you again. We know how much you look forward to receiving our messages, and we will continue for as long as they are necessary. We send you our love and are never far away if needed.
Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey.


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    Interesting discussion on this very channel at

    Sir, I guess I never did get your point of view straight in my mind. Will you please have another go at it?


    You support the GFL. They support Obama.

    You support Casper’s stance regarding Obama.

    How can you support the GFL knowing they support the greatest fraud in American history?


    This is the thing that has stopped me from outright ‘supporting’ the GFL. WE are overwhelmed with evidence against Obama and can’t see how the GFL, if they are who they say they are, could not know what we and half the world knows about him.


    Casper    6-3-12


    p.s. There have recently been many requests from the GFL for readers to make their thoughts known on several different subjects. Why do you and other believers/supporters not address their questions?


    Mr.Ed responds to Casper

    Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]

    Date: Monday, 4-Jun-2012 00:29:54

    In Response To: To Mr. Ed from Casper (hobie)

    Hello Casper...I should have addressed you sooner when you asked about the GFL...but it is impossible to convince somebody on one communication what took me 20 years of research to find out myself. No one can do the research for you and you certainly won't find any of it on the MSM.

    Listen...we are allies and I have read you for years. I got your back on all the crimes of Obama as most are in denial of this.

    I figure you are like most that want someone to come along and prove the galactics are real or show me something thay have done as they said.

    So, I didn't respond because you will find out soon enough anyway when everybody else matter what you support or think.

    So, I will answer your question this time since you brought it up again.

    They are in 5th dimension...and we are in 3rd. That is like trying to see what is showing on channel 5 when you are watching channel 3 on TV.

    This is the same reason why you can't see their ships. (until they lower their frequency so they can manifest in the lower 3D reality so you can see them if they want you to) discredit the GFL based on one simple point that you believe the GFL support Obama.

    Everybody is well aware that some channels have come out and claimed Obama is some great lighted soul here to save everybody from the dark cabal...bla...bla...bla...he is riding the fence...he is a double agent...and so forth. All lies and dis-info put out there by some faction of the cabal to confuse the sheeple and it worked. (likely CIA)

    Then there is the group of people (this might include you as well) that don't know the difference from a galactic human (that looks like us) and an ET alien creature that is nothing like us...or greys. The world leaders have been involved with dark ET draco reptilian shapeshifter greys for 70 years now and covering it up with lies that anybody can see through.

    The ET's did the abductions during all those years and our government agreed to let them do this and sold us out like cattle. (for genetic experiments and breeding to save their race by cross breeding with humans)

    The GFL came along about 10 years ago and stopped the dark ET's from coming to earth to do anything against our free will so this marked the end of the abductions.

    The GFL respect free will of all worlds and nations...the dark do not.

    Now...with that being said...I have been told by GFL Ground Crew Commander Drekx Omega from London that the GFL do not support any president...never have and never will.

    Why would they? The presidents are freemasons and align with the dark...and disregard the constitution...and do not represent the people.

    Now, I have been posting channeled messages from the GFL for years now and I never post anything I don't agree with.

    I never post anything that is pro-Obama.

    I do post SaLuSa...but not when it is pro-Obama. (or if I do I put a disclaimer on it about the Obama part)

    OK...I was also told by the Commander that Mike Quinsey (also from London) likes Obama and injects his own personal convictions in his translations from SaLuSa and that none of the pro-Obama stuff is coming from SaLuSa...but from channel Mike Quinsey. (who does not live here under Obama rule)

    There are other channels that have good info but promote Obama as some saint when it couldn't be further from the I never post them.

    I like Mike Quinsey and I don't think he consciously knows he is doing this...and has no ill intent...just uninformed and unaware of the truth.

    So I know I walk out far on the limb by posting SaLuSa messages as you have pointed out to me in the past that they were pro-Obama at times. But I feel that everything else that comes from him is genuine GFL messages as I see the same info coming from other GFL channels.

    Greg Giles is another good example of real and pure info coming from the GFL and is supported by other channels.

    Now, I will tell you this (also verified by the Commander) the official source for direct pure intel from the GFL or main earth GFL representative is Sheldan Nidle.

    Whatever he tells...trumps all the others as far as genuine intel on the GFL agenda...and he has spent his entire life doing so.

    Much is now free to view on youtube for anybody that wants to learn the truth.

    I know factions of the new caretaker government and they are currently working with other earth allies to bring down the illuminati/cabal and meeting in person with GFL and Agarthans of inner earth. (who are our family living in 5th dimension)

    Before year's end everybody will know this and have seen them on TV at least.

    The GFL are comprised of 200,000 star don't be so hung up over one source of mis-direction...or even a few of them.

    Make no mistake...the GFL are on a divine mission and work for heaven.

    They have been here long before us and have been watching over us all the time we have been incarnating here this cycle.

    A complete cycle has come and gone and we came here 26,500 years ago. (or 13 millennia)

    In 6 months the cycle will be complete and we will enter the golden age. (mentioned in the bible)

    Much will take place in the next 6 months and so do not have any fear as that is our worst enemy.

    The arrests have already started but are for now out of sight and not in the news of course.

    They will then be a quick mass arrests and it will go

    public...followed by the intro to the restored republic (to replace the corporation) and new banking under Basel III compliance and the new gold backed currency hits the streets to replace the useless FRN's.

    The release of suppressed technologies and later off world technologies.

    Free energy/utilities...replicators in every home...prosperity for all...common law...transportation (antiquated overnight cars & planes)...clean air water and more GMO's...the list goes on.

    So, if this all sounds like pie in the sky...then please just sit back and watch...but don't ask me anymore about it if you don't credit what I have just explained. (Quinsey)

    On the other hand..if you just want to know more about the GFL, I will be glad to answer your questions.

    But I don't have time for anybody who don't follow what I am telling.

    I tell it like it is and if you wish to dispute the info...please go to a chatroom and enjoy yourself.

    Regards Mr.Ed :)

  • See al the US, EU and most western gouverments as a bunch of criminals following orders from the dark.
    Obamma is no exeption but dont know what his real intentions are. Time wil tell.

  • Some people wil resonate with some messages others with parts and others never.
    depends on for who is it ment to be.
    That Obamma has commited lot of terrible crimes as president is stil no reason to see mike as cia asset.
    We can not judge about things we dont know like wy Obama act as a criminal and who are realy his 'handlers'.
    We dont know nothing about the person Obama.
     A lot of my questions are directly anwserd by Mike messages and our friends in the sky react posetive on Salusa's name. So for me when mike is falsh then we are realy lost and we have no friends in the sky but only ennemies.

    • Maybe that is Mike's strategy...?? To get you to have more faith in himself and his CIA handlers and less faith in the real GFL outlets, such as PAOWEB.....If you view ETs as "enemies," because you might find out that Mike is wrong, that does sound somewhat confused.....I'm telling you in advance that Mike is false and so do not fear the real GFL, in consequence...They have nothing to do with what he babbles on about...

      • Obama as president is a puppet pig but as a human, nobody knows what is in his mind and can judge the human Obama.

        But if you dont like the message just skip it and dont try to lay youre false judgment upon others

        • Far from being a "false judgement," what I say is prophetic truth....Even the obamanoids themselves are waking up to it, after several years of NOTHING BUT WAR, into this presidunce's, so called leadership of the "free world." LOL

          Only the most stupid of people still expect Obama to deliver something of value to the people...He only delivers value to the rich and powerful, not to the people...wake up soon....How many years will it take for people like you to wake up to his scam...??

          • Understand youre point but i make diffrence in the the job that Obummer is doing terrible like most us presidents do and the way his spirit is, the part no human can judge.
            In the messages it is never the president policies but the spirit where is the posetive talk about.
            Thinking posetive about a human spirit or thinking negative about a human spirit what is the better?
            Personly i dont care the way obama is as long we get rid of all form of government and ruling elite asap.

  • I would also like to state, for my personal record, that I have nothing against Mike Quinsey, as a fellow Englishman and person....It is just that I MUST be the one who exposes this insidious Quinsey fraud, anent Mike's claimed connections to our GFL policies, here on surface Earth...I do not relish this task, as I have become an object of much venom in the past, directed at me from Quinsey and Obama supporters...I'm truly sorry if I upset these people, BUT I am mandated to express the truth of GFL policy, even if it is at the expense of my own reputation...Better that I am labelled "bad," or "mad" and condemned, than that the GF should be presented falsely by Mike Q...

    I do not mind if people think that I'm wrong for exposing the Mike Q disinfo, about Obama.....I'm less important than the TRUTH of the matter...My reputation can take the hit, yet truth is strong, as I am, truly....I'm empowered to serve this truth, whatever...I seek to serve it...I love to serve it....I will serve it, whatever the consequences, until victory of the Light in the establishment of sound knowledge among the public...a knowledge that rings true and leads to sound progress...

    It is also true that I share my vids on YouTube, alongside Mike Quinsey, under "Salusa." The link below to this illustrious YouTube account, of Family of Light, proves it....Both he and I stand next to each other on Family of Light.....I respect that account on YouTube....I allows all to decide for themselves; which LIGHT is the TRUE LIGHT.......?? You can decide......That is good and freewill is honoured....

    I am very honoured to share this link again:

    Family of Light
    The Galactic Federation of Light The Galactic Federation of Light, which was mentioned in many of the channeled messages of Salusa and Commander Sohi…
  • Well, as everyone here knows I have been stating the TRUE case for the GFL, for years...Obama does not serve a lighted plan for peace, but rather he serves the dark cabal and Wall street.....Of course, my views on this are well known and endorsed by the GFL......So, Mike Quinsey is spouting CIA psyops disinfo, when he lavishes praise upon Obama.....The world does not need a messianic US president to save the peace, it needs NESARA and a reformed presidency, with a people-power focus and a restored constitution, that declares peace...

    Up till now, our OFFICIAL GFL spokesman, namely Sheldan Nidle, has been keeping quiet about the matter of Obama, as the official updates deliberately  never mention the names of politicians and/or cabal operatives....You will find that not a single PAOWEB update has ever mentioned Obama by name....Nor have they mentioned the Illuminoid families by name...The Rockefellers, Warburgs and Rothschilds....I have unofficially mentioned these characters and I'm permitted to......HOWEVER, now Sheldan Nidle himself has been permitted to state the truth anent Obama....Not on his updates, but during a recent interview on Galactic Connection.....

    I'll attach the link. And scroll down to the video in which Shel is interviewed by Alexandra Meadors..

    He clearly states, for the record, the facts of Obama and does not pretend, as Mike Q does, that Obama serves peace...Nidle states that Obama serves dark interests and that includes Wall Street......There is no mention of what Mike Q alludes to.........

    Please do see for yourselves....

  • Peace through Obama?  I don't think so.

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