SaLuSa 16-October-2009

"The Light has suddenly surged and taken another upturn which delights us, and long may it continue. Bless you all in the name of the Creator."As to be expected, the news about the declaration to be made acknowledging the existence of your Space friends has caused a stir. There are some of you who are cautiously accepting it, and that is always desirable where other events may eclipse it. However, as a high point in our plan, it can be taken as a positive move that will take place, unless the overseers decide otherwise. You have been awaiting such a first move not knowing from where it might come. Now it is nearly here, do not allow your expectations to run away with you. It is but the first of a whole chain of events that are planned. Remember that all of our actions are dedicated to bringing you what is yours already by divine decree. They are based on the truth regarding your purpose for being here, and to ensure that you are fully prepared by the time Ascension is to take place.What will soon be apparent is that the new times opening up, will give many of you the opportunity to be of service to the Light. Some of you have been searching for a way to do so for a long time, and your desire to help has not been ignored. There will be plenty to do as the truth unfolds and projects can begin to go ahead. Everyone here at this time has been aware of what may be asked of him or her, and came to Earth for that very purpose. Naturally, very few have any recollection of what their life contracts are, but feel the urge to put themselves forward for selection. We know all about you and have your profiles upon our computers. In fact, should the need arise; we can also locate you no matter where you are at any time. Your Government has planned to use their technology to control your every move, but we can say that it will not go much further than it is now. Freedom of movement and speech is very much at the forefront of our plans, to release you from the Draconian laws that now reduce you to not much more than slaves.Your dreams of a state of Utopia upon Earth are not unrealistic at all, and in the course of time you will see all that stands in its way being removed. However, allow time for the forces for good to be set up and become operative. The technology and equipment are ready, and our Supply Ships have enormous capacities to hold more than sufficient for your needs. Your engineering and manufacturing industries have been savaged by the quest for ever-increasing profit levels, and the consequent loss of contracts to foreign countries. The economic and financial position is also leading to a lack of work, and even so if we suddenly required your facilities they could not cope with our demands. That we are fully aware of your problems, means that we have provided for our own needs, and will also help you update your machinery and methods.Once the changes really get started, you will find that they will take place at an ever-increasing pace. Speed will be of the essence so as to keep any inconvenience to you at an absolute minimum. Forget Man’s ways as ours are so advanced that in spite of the amount of changes required, they will in no way be labor intensive. Even our robots can be programmed to carry out quite complex tasks. We are already in a far more advanced stage in computership, and have quite intelligent models that are extremely clever and able to solve problems. Our Motherships function almost entirely through computer application and usage to very high standards, to the extent that they are almost independent of us. All of this technology is to be yours as you rise up more to our level of understanding, and can be trusted to use it wisely and only for the good of all. Sharing is a word that goes with love and service for the benefit of each other. There is no personal ownership involved, or monies that exchange handsWe know that at heart you are beautiful souls that will take quite naturally to a new way of life. The separation that you have experienced from one another for many thousands of years, will pass into oblivion and you will wonder how it was brought about. The Controllers of Earth and its people have deliberately set you upon each other, to keep you under their control and in a frequent state of chaos. Peace is coming, and when the old threats are removed you will see how readily people can put aside their differences, and become friends. The spiritual aspect of life will return and be understood, and it will be realized that you can be your own teachers by looking within. The schisms that have caused so much trouble in the past will be consigned to the scrap heap. It is possible for different beliefs to live side by side, providing there is no intent to thrust them upon other people. The truth will bring you together, and it will be acknowledged that there is but the One God.Dear Ones, be prepared to think anew and leave your selves open to new ideas. Those who refuse to move on will be allowed their freedom of choice, but they will remain in the lower vibrations, which they cling to. There will be every opportunity for any soul that is seeking to find a way of satisfying their needs, and at the same time create a pathway to Ascension. There is nothing to be frightened of, as you will lose little and gain much more than you could imagine. Consider how you would like to jump ahead a thousand years by your present standards, and enjoy all of the benefits it would bring. That is realistically what you stand to gain, and not least of all upliftment to a state of full consciousness.The adventure is about to begin in earnest and you may pinch yourself to see if it is real. You are gradually leaving the illusion of gross physicality for a refined state of being. You are gravitating towards a more realistic dimension that will be more consistent with your higher vibration. It was never the plan that you should remain in the 3rd dimension forever, but take your place as Galactic Beings in the next stage in your evolution.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that at last we can talk of implementing an important development that will lift your spirits. You can look forward to more exciting news as time goes by, as once the ball starts rolling there will be no stopping its progress. The Light has suddenly surged and taken another upturn which delights us, and long may it continue. Bless you all in the name of the Creator.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.

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    • I concur with this. Too much deflective deception is floating to the top in these times. The feeling I got from reading this channelling is there are too many carrots offered and not enough caveats. I'm also wary of beings/channellers that talk more of technology than spirituality to help alleviate our problems. We can all save our present environment, to our benefit through a change in our attitudes to mother, ourselves and others. I suspect that it is not technological help we need at the moment, but wisdom. Technology without wisdom (but with greed) is what got us here in the first place. Cleaning our mess up for us doesn't mean we will become less messy.

      Also, I keep hearing people say we need to save the planet. This is delusional. We are really talking about saving ourselves and the current diversity of lifeforms here. I say this because if we totally ruin our environment the planet will be fine, but we will cause the extinction of ourselves and much of the present biodiversity, however this would be just a blink in the eye for mother earth, who will carry on and evolve more life forms over billions of years. Our existence on earth has been mere seconds compared to how long she has lived, and will live. I think it is only her compassion that has stopped her from cleansing her surface herself. We must remember the mother has freewill as well.
  • Absolutely my friend. I feel some sort of kinship to you I can't really describe, and the voice inside me thinks it's a great idea :)) You've had some interesting experiences. I've never seen (or maybe not noticed) any UFOs so far, but I know that different (or similar) beings of every description exists intuitively, without question.

    Love, Peace, Harmony and Justice to you my friend.

    Pan :)(:
  • I like your philosophy :))

    I'm not an technophobe, but it doesn't make sense to me that beings would help mop up our environment until we had cleaned ourselves up first. I was offering my reasoning for discernment of the channelled message here based on my feelings and reasoning. My feelings here tell me that some of this channelling doesn't fit what's going on or what is going to happen. I know that a lot of messages or parts of messages can be intentionally/unintentionally misleading for many reasons. It isn't necessarily the source is wrong or the channeller is wrong, but a misinterpretation or inefficient translation between the two. This can be cut down to a minimum if the source/channeller are very skilled, share some spiritual link, or both actually reside together. Yes you are right none of us really know what's going on, we just think we do based on what ever our current belief system is at a particular point in time.

    I've heard different things said about Sirians from Sirius A and B. To tell you the truth I couldn't really care less about any of that, or stories about other species. The way I look at it is I wouldn't take any stranger's word on a group of people I haven't personally met in my travels, that would be silly. Best to keep an open mind. I'm sure some off-world beings have terrible and mortifying histories, but that doesn't mean they are that way now or will always be that way. I'm sure there are bad stories about us floating around the universe (justifiably so), even after we evolve beyond our present state. Either way there are beings here now aiding our faltering steps to the source, despite our given the current shape we're in.

    As far as offending anyone, I think the universe can be very forgiving...depending upon the intent of the being. Also laws can and have been broken, if creator so decrees it.

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