SaLuSa ~ 18-January-2013

artworks-000036775352-zkjs4z-t500x500-290x290.jpgNothing has put your progress back where Ascension is concerned, and all proceeds in an acceptable way. Somewhere along your path and not too far into the future, your civilization will fully ascend as planned. At that time you will have achieved a point of critical mass, and it will not depend on anything else for its success. So it is now up to you to create the circumstances by which it can be achieved, by keeping a powerful focus on all that you desire. Do not lose sight of the fact that all of the time you are creating your future, and many parallel worlds. Be sure of what it is you want and place your intent upon all that is pure and wholesome, and for the betterment of all.


Following your upliftment you are now more powerful than ever, and with the subduing of the Dark Ones little stands in your way to the fulfillment all of you had been led to expect. The world as you know it is still of the old paradigm, and has little to offer now that you have turned your back upon it. It is you however who are calling the changes, and much has already been put in place to bring about a succession of announcements, that will ensure you know that the New Age has begun. The world is in a turmoil but events planned will bring about peaceful solutions, and where needed will be backed by us. We certainly do not intend to disappear from sight, as our future is very much tied up with yours.


We of the Galactic Federation of Light are as busy as ever, as many issues concerning the changes are being sorted out. This means liaison with our allies to ensure that our plans are going to deliver what we need. Our craft have successfully kept a nuclear war at bay, which has threatened on more than one occasion of late. Such ideas no longer have any place in your world, and is the weapon of your last cabal who have been disempowered. In time all types of warfare will cease, and total world peace will be declared. Many industries connected with such activities will have to turn their hand to more useful and peaceful needs. There is no need to worry about the future job situation, as people will not suffer as a consequence of changes, as prosperity will take care of their needs.


You will be taken out of your poverty and lack, and become part of a society that will share abundance for everyone's needs. Simply go with the flow, and know that your frustrations and disappointments will soon fade into the background. You are so far along the path to full Ascension, that it is absolutely assured to be your greatest experience so far. Afterwards you may well consider your mission to Mother Earth and duality to be complete, and return to your home planet. It will be your choice that will decide your future, and many will continue their journey with Mother Earth. The cleansing of Earth is beginning to start in earnest, and we are now active in that respect.


You will certainly begin to see more of us in your skies, because as threats against us are eliminated it will be safer for us to show ourselves. We want to leave you in no doubt as to our presence, and then First Contact will become more likely to happen. It will of course be done with the correct protocol that acknowledges the leaders of your different nations. It is not an issue we wish to force, but it is our strong desire that it shall not be put off for too long. Together we have so much to do and already know those of you who are suitable allies to participate in the changes. For this reason, some of you have already visited our ships several times, but we erase the memories to avoid an over reaction on your part. When you have other earthly responsibilities, we do not want you to become distracted and ignore them. There will be plenty of time for such things in the very near future.


We share your vision for the future where your civilization will co-exist with us as One. Where your understanding of life and its true purpose, will lead to the removal of all barriers that have been keeping you separated from each other. Already we see how you are beginning to see yourself in others, realizing that in essence you all have the same desire for peace and happiness. You can enjoy the differences in each others life styles, and in art you see a true expression of the inner person. Forget color or race, politics or religion as in time none of these will stand in the way of a great coming together. Ease of modern travel and communication have already drawn you closer. For those of you who believe in the truth of reincarnation, it is so much easier to accept what we have been referring to. You know that each of you have had lives in many different cultures, in many different countries as part of your evolutionary development.


Realize that duality is all but at an end and that you volunteered to have experience within it, and it can rightly be viewed as an experiment. It has never been your true reality yet some people have got so used to it, they are reluctant to give it up. The familiar is always going to feel comfortable, but duality and the 3rd.dimension have served their purpose and are now breaking up. It is true however, that those who wish to remain in a similar existence will have their wishes granted. God has given you freewill and will not take it away from you. Only you will give it up as you progress through the higher dimensions and become a pure Being of Light. Then you will become at One with All That Is and serve the Will of God.


At present you are but an aspect of your real self, and understandably do not grasp what a wonderful powerful soul you are. Your potential is unlimited, and the first step back to a recognition of it comes with Ascension, and your return to full consciousness. Think big as you go through this year and know that it will be quite remarkable and exciting. You will as you might say " come of age" and the past will quickly fade into the distance, and no longer have any pull upon you. So let go and put all of your energy into helping bring the changes into manifestation. Be Love incarnate and forgive all of those who have entered your life with darkness, and give freely of your love. It is the only way to release yourself from your past, and step fully into the Light.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and overjoyed at your intent to push forward, and not waste your energies on what has now moved into history. The future belongs to you, so make sure it is what you truly desire.


Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.


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  • Extreme focus on love light (the new age definition mind you, not the true meaning of those aspects of Creator) leads towards suffering or an extended trip toward there, orchestrated by your higher self, no less  - for the purpose of learning, of course.

    You see, if you choose to turn a blind eye towards an aspect of Creator, you will in the future yourself undertake that path and remain in it for some time in order to experience it fully.

    A soul's path is slightly more grandiose than the simplistic take that gets thrown around on this site.

    And this is what this whole comment section is about in this topic, people who consciously ignore the negativity and think it less and those who know about its existence and that it is important to understand. In fact, this whole website tends towards the first, which would be in direct conflict with the greater pursuit of understanding, truth, unconditional love and wisdom.

    As soon as you don't want to accept something, it will keep growing until you have no choice but to accept it.

  • The End? Feels like a new Beginning to me AL.

    Till next time ;-)  ~ApotheosisNow555


  • Admitting to 'judging' is equivalent to admitting to breathing in this 'reality'... it's how we discern how to navigate in whichever direction we find meaningful Amanda. The 'irony' is in you 'acting' as if you know the members of this community "SO WELL"... when you simply don't. I mean listen to how you paint the few you've interacted with: "They "...other people" etc. Always setting yourself apart as more evolved... & again, all coming from a woman who has been on the site for less than a month. This has nothing to do with Sainthood darlin... although you seem quite comfortable on the pedestal you've built for yourself. Or are you really? Why not come down from there & join the fun. Is it possible you have as much to learn as you have to teach? Keep in mind that we are ALL Spiritual Beings having a Human experience. & no matter which way you choose to dissect it... the roles we've invested in are only temporary. Illusion. So try not to forget rule #62: Don't take yourself too seriously ;-)  If you liked the last track... here's another one for ya. ~InLight777



  • "'re making it look like you know me SO WELL when that isn't true at all."

    The irony of your statement is mind boggling Amanda... yet completely predictable. Thank you for using this thread to perfectly illustrate all of the points I made earlier. Your self appointed 'role' of Thought-Police only reveals a deep seated disdain for your fellows as lesser than. Again... pure Illusion my friend. Remember that you will attract more bees with honey than vinegar. But of course we both know that's not at the roots of your real Intent. No worries though... let it out Sista. You're better than these petty games... but so it goes. You underestimate the Experience & Knowledge of those you've interacted with on this site. Somehow I have a feeling that carries over to your personal life as well. How's that working for ya? Too funny. ~ In Lak'ech Ala K'in 555

  • Great discussion

     Sa Lu Sa try again or just stop. All is illusion.

    Amanda if you love yourself gives yourself the best gift love.

    Love and light to all.8114646455?profile=original

  • I don´t know who you refer to when you say "The are pretending to be something they are not"
    It sounds like you refer to CIA channels?


  • @Amanda , this "civilization" wouldn´t have existed without calestial help.

    Gaia would have done a " flipover" - a poleshift , like she has done many times before in history.

    We were down under 2:nd dim after WW2 , but at last it was decided that this planet should be saved and ascend within the divine plan.

  • Amanda I want to know your thoughts around starseeds (out of curiosity :) ) as a means to help humanity. From what I've understood, intervention isn't allowed from outside soruces, so you have to make an inside-job by incarnating here. You do that because you do care about humanity and you do love them. That love must be so strong in order to willfully incarnate in this rough place,  musn't it? The job is to help raise the vibration and concious awareness of humanity from the inside.

    Do you see this as a false unprovable theory? I don't think anyone is wanting to take away our own responsibility to survive as a species. They want to be a part of it and love us too much to witness humanity meet the same destiny as Atlantis. The direction humanity was heading over 60 years ago  would certainly have led us there if we hadn't gotten any kinds of help from loving and evolved souls wanting to help us making sure we made it through the gap and becoming graduates to a higher density, don't you think that as well?

    I'm not seeing how that could turn us into slaves worshipping anything. I do believe that there are disinfo-campaigns out there to discredit everything but I can't prove it, I can only go by and look at what has been for example promises not kept and manipulation going on. And I can also see that there are genuine loving channelings that serve a good purpose to rediscover ourselves and raising our conciousness and vibration. But to swallow the bait of discredit campaigns to start painting everything black is exactly what the hand behind them wants. I would love to think that there is a federation of benevolent ET's wanting to help us out there and I have yet to be proven personally if this is true or not. I can never know truly just by reading, I need first hand experience.

  • Amanda, GLF or Starfleet if you prefer , is very real , and are assisting us now and in the future.

    10 million ships or more are here around Earth.

    One thing they have helped us with is to disarm all nukes.

    It´s sad that CIA channels have many to leave their faith in Starfleeet



  • I like it! :-)

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