SaLuSa - 18th Jan 2010 are beautiful people beginning to realise your true potential, and as youaccept your power you are helping to create a new reality. For too long you havebeen kept in the dark, but now you are rapidly growing in awareness. You are atlast beginning to accept that the future lies in your own hands. All along ithas been so, and you created your experiences in lower vibrations. Now you areintentionally directing your thoughts in such a way, that you are creating theconditions for your experience in the higher dimensions. It is sufficient thatyou concentrate your thoughts on all that is the creation of love.Suddenly, and all in the space of a few years, you have increased the Lightquotient upon Earth so that the outcome is assured. The pathway to Ascension islit all the way to completion, and no attempts by the dark to prevent it will besuccessful. Therefore you can move through these last years, without feelingthat your future is threatened. The dark Ones may cause minor problems, but theydo not have much longer to remain in their positions of power. Their cycle ofexperience will also end, although like every other soul they will continuetheir evolution at levels consistent with their vibration.When the changes are completed you will take nothing with you except yourvaluable experience. Because of your creative powers that are to increasetenfold, all of your needs will be satisfied. The high vibration of the 4/5thDimension will enable you to manifest what you want instantly, and it will be aperfect expression of what you have visualised. Happiness and joy will accompanyyou wherever you go, and the harmony of all life forms will add to yourenjoyment. The Oneness will be a sweetness that accompanies the UnconditionalLove that all feel.We want you to break your ties with the old where it no longer serves you, andit will allow you to walk free from its affect. With the Light as yourprotection the lower energies can no longer harm you, or deflect you from yourpath. Staying within your light is a discipline that you will come to learn,that will also keep you safe from psychic attacks. Be alert and you will notdrop your guard in response to such attacks, and know that these can come fromdiscarnate Beings. Your light attracts quite a lot of interest, and not alwaysby the more evolved souls.Dear Ones, for so long you have gradually been given more and more informationto prepare you for the end times. There is little more to pass on to you, atleast not until the conditions on Earth allow for the return of highly evolvedbeings such as the Masters. Then you shall be lifted up by having the truthrevealed to you, so that you go through the end times fully aware and with aheightened consciousness. You are to become Masters in your own rights, and itwill return to levels that you passed through to participate in duality. Each ofyou has such a capability, and will at some time in the future return to it. Inyour present lower vibrations it is hard to contemplate what it will be like,but we assure you it will seem quite natural to you.Much is happening around you, even although it doesn't seem to be contributingto the emergence of positive changes. However, there is always some progressbeing made by our allies, and it is a case of being slow but sure. Changes aregradually forcing the hand of the dark Ones, who are being kept occupied bythem. As the Light continues to gain the upper hand so the opportunity forDisclosure grows ever stronger. It is the turning point that will give theLightworkers the go ahead, and then you shall see so much come into the open.All activities that will bring peace and abundance to Earth are a priority andwill occupy a lot of our time. That however presents no problem, as we are wellprepared for whatever challenges that arise. Our resources are unlimited andspeed will be our aim in whatever projects we tackle.Over recent years that you have been prepared for these times, and you haveresponded extremely well to the call to play your part in bringing this cycle toits conclusion. What once seemed so far away from you is now about to burst uponthe scene. Watch and listen carefully, and you will begin to pick out theindications that signal the beginning of end for the dark Ones. They know it tobe so yet try to avoid the obvious end to their domination of the people ofEarth. You are soon to released from their influences and how refreshing it willbe for all of you, to have people in power who by their words and actions willbe known to be true and trustworthy.The Internet is proving to be a wonderful source of information, even if it isused by those supporting the dark agenda. You should be sufficiently wellinformed by now not to be mislead and able to trust your intuition. Rememberthat everything of the Light will resonate with you, and if it does not do soset it aside. This has been your means of evolving, and discovering throughpersonal experience what can be trusted. Your spiritual understanding is gainedin this most reliable way, as the beliefs of another may not be for you. Afterall, you are at different stages of evolution and have to seek out your ownpathway.Over a long period of time you have had some wonderful teachers that have cometo Earth, so you have not been neglected or left entirely to your own devices.Progress is arranged so that the largest numbers of you can keep up with it, andbring understanding into your lives. What is heart warming is the great numbersof you who have found it possible to "Walk your Talk", and live your lives asones who have discovered how to walk in your Light. By doing so you have alsohelped others who have been touched by it, resulting in the upliftment of themass consciousness.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our efforts over the years haveresulted in positive changes to your thinking. They were carried out verypatiently to bring a new way of understanding to you because the old paradigmwas proving inadequate. You had to start creating one more suitable, and youhave been successful in doing so. We say "Well Done" because you are to becongratulated for your achievement.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey

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