SaLuSa - 19th November 2010

On Earth sensational news travels fast, and the truth about the missile that was shot down is no exception. A brave soul Colleen Thomas has allowed an interview to give the Pleiadian version of events. I am asking Michael to make the link known to you, and he will put it at the bottom of this message. Such news is a sign of the times indicating that people are no longer in fear of the authorities, and are intent on spreading the truth around. It will only be by such sharing of information, that the real purpose behind action being taken in your name will be revealed. For too long you have been lied to and treated as objects for use of the Illuminati, in their plan for your eventual enslavement.

Many people have in fact indicated their readiness to support the efforts of the likes of Steven Greer. He has amassed hundreds of testimonies that will confirm the truth of disclosure, which awaits official permission to recognise our presence. It will be just the start of a long series of revelations that will go back far longer than you will probably imagine. The mood upon Earth is changing rapidly and the people are mobilising themselves, to put pressure where it is needed to get the truth out about the cover-ups. No longer do they blindly accept what the Governments tell them, and have long questioned their statements. With the increasing levels of consciousness this move to learn the truth will spread. For the time being the Internet is your only source of reliable information, but beware of those who for different reasons send out anything but the truth. If in doubt trust your intuition, and check the facts out by comparing it to websites you trust.

What is happening is speeding you towards the first real changes that are going to take most people unawares. However, there are enough awakened people to help ease them into an understanding of the reason behind such events. The most important reason is of course the ultimate completion of this cycle and finally Ascension. In the months leading up to it, much time will be given to explaining the manner in which people may prepare for it. It is largely a need to know how to centre yourself, and expand your consciousness to a point where the lower vibrations can no longer affect you. Ascension is a natural result of the culmination of the powerful energies that will bring it about.

It is easy for us to ask you to keep calm when Mother Earth becomes more active, but it is essential if you are to avoid experiencing fear. Fear quickly lowers your vibrational level, and if sustained will make you susceptible to illness. It also attracts to you the very thing that has brought it about in the first place. The Law of Attraction has no means of discerning whether what you are thinking strongly about is viewed as desirable or not. What you focus on is what you bring to yourself, and is the basis of self healing. It is possible to think yourself as healthy by taking such a positive attitude. In the distant future you will become powerful creators, and even co-creators with God. It may seem a long way off bearing in mind where you are now, but already such powers are already developing.

Most of you having been immersed in the lower vibrations for so long, have in fact forgotten your true potential. Opening your minds to it is part of the awakening process, and it will continue until you are fully conscious Beings. For so long you have been deliberately kept down, and had little realisation of the great Being you really are. That is now all changing, and you are beginning to understand concepts that not too long ago would have baffled you. If you can identify with that description then you are surely experiencing an expansion in your consciousness. Telepathy will also start to grow and you will realise that, when you know what people are thinking and you are picking up their thoughts. You can develop it by projecting your thoughts to another person, and will be surprised to find it works. In time it will become the normal means of communication, which is what we of the Galactic Federation use.

You will find that in your dream state you will meet other souls also out of the body, but more importantly bring a waking memory back with you. Some of you will also be allowed to visit us, and that will most likely be because you are in fact related to our civilisation. Many of you on Earth especially for this time are representing your real family, such as Colleen Thomas and the Pleiadians that we mentioned earlier in this message. You will at some stage get to know about your links with us, and may find that you have arranged to return to your home planet when this cycle ends. You are coming out of your dreamlike state which has been put upon you, and into an unrealistic position of believing the illusion that you have been living. That is why some emphasis is being placed upon getting the truth out into the public domain.

Dear Ones so much is happening your heads may be in a spin, which is why we so often emphasise the need to stay centred. Going with the flow is good advice, but use your advantage of knowing what is planned to stay grounded and calm. One day you will look back at these times and in seeing the big picture realise how privileged you were to be present, to experience the transition to the higher dimensions. It is a big event of such massive importance to all life in the Universe, and it will pass off as planned and represent a fantastic change that could only happen at the Creator's command. Little Earth therefore becomes a very important cog in a very big machine, and it is why it is attracting a great deal of attention. Visitors to your solar system have to keep their distance, but many, many civilisations even from other Universes want to be present to record Ascension. That will give you an idea of what a great event is about to be played out, and it cannot be affected by anything that happens on Earth. The potential for such levels of interference has passed, and we are here to see that success is guaranteed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thrilled by your progress towards the real commencement of Ascension. Of course it started a long time ago, but it is only since the last 30 years that it has substantially picked up.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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  • Skootz, You're right but not everybody can maintain and stay in the 'frequency' of God's light especially during these times of 'great changes'. The energy can get quite crazy and some of them maybe a bit unbalanced with their chakras, aura etc. It's going to be hard to maintain in the light if they have lost their homes or loved ones due to illnesses, natural disasters etc.

    There're a lot of egoistic factors involved and that's why the dark forces introduced bad money/banking systems, bad medical systems, introducing and injecting bad medicines/toxins etc...these are all meant to throw all of us off the 'light grid' so that the ascension will be difficult and although they won't get to 'keep imprisoning' the majority of them......but they do get to keep the others who're still stuck on the 3D keep on feeding their greed of power and stay as control freaks.

    Those who are still stuck on their aware that when the ascension starts....the pull of the dark forces will keep on fighting for the weak souls to stay within their grid. When you realize and think of this 'full impact' know that your journey is going to be more difficult. This message isn't meant to instill fear in anyone but to awaken you.

    If you need help...please do ask for help from those who are willing to help you. You don't have to pay a lot of money for only have to search within your heart and ask your spirit guides to send you to the right the right spiritual healers/ help sort out your ego/emotions that are 3D based.

    If the moderator here will allow our fellow sisters and brothers to air their issues/problems and allow others to help them (at another 'Help' discussion blog/space).....this is a very good deed on the moderator's part and that is good karma. I'm here to serve. I welcome anyone who need help with their personal issues - off this website....if you want it.

    The time is now....move forward and don't procrastinate anymore...please...take care..and don't be afraid of strong and be a warrior for yourself...fight for yourself...because...You are very cherished by all of us and by your Creator and most of all....You are worth it!!
  • There's been a lot of conjecture about SaLua's last message and I have to agree. I would like to quote a possible answer to this dilemma from Marshall, a member of ShareII.

    "After debating whether to write this or not, I have decided to, it is too important to ignore. The last time I identified hijacked channel's connection and who hijacked it, I came under rather fierce attack myself for 3 days until I figured out how to deal with it, and make it a losing game for him."

    "For background on this, I recommend reading RA, particularly the part about when Carla's (the channel), connection ets hijacked by a 5th level negative entity. There is nothing to be ashamed of if this happens, I have been interfered with by at least 4 of them in the last year myself. Anyone who is doing a lot of work for the light will draw their attention, and the righter their light the more power the entity can get by interfering, so there is a big payoff if they succeed. If anyone has problems with a 5th level negative entity, email me offline on how to deal with them. But the important part is to identify hem. I welcome anyone here who can dowse to dowse that what I am saying is correct. But be careful about dowsing anything directly about the entity, you probably don't want to draw its attention. One trick is to dowse the entity as of 1 or
    10 minutes ago, that will break the structured link back to you, and it will never know you checked on it."

    "I get that this questionable message came by way of a compromised connection to Salusa, where a 5th level negative entity got control of much of the communication. This entity had the following characteristics (before I went after him, its power is way down right now):

    Conscious level - 475
    Power of this entity - 610
    Wisdom of this entity - 745"

    "All of those were taken for 10 minutes previously since I really don't feel like drawing its attention and having to fight it off like happened last time I identified a 5th level entity."

    "Now, as far a Mike is concerned, it is taking its toll on him. His consciousness level was down 500 points from normal, so he is under a pretty significant attack. I am going to do what I can to try to stop this entity, but without Mike's knowledge or assistance I am somewhat limited. But if I can make it a losing proposition for the entity, it will focus its attention elsewhere. That is about all one can expect.

    • Jim,
      Where is the link to this message from Marshall? Can you provide the link, please? Thank you.
      • Hi Agnes. Marshall, is a member of ShareII, a Yahoo Group and to view the message you must be a member, and as the name implies we like to share.
        Steve Beckow of The 2020 Scenario cover this topic in detail.
        • Personally I dont take anything that Salusa says seriously anymore
          • Hi Draco,
            One shouldn't take any channelings too seriously. All channelers are humans after all and all of us do have some kind of ego or a weakened aura field. Any one of these two weaknesses will affect all channelings. There aren't any right or wrong way to do's just a part of transition and even when one arrives to 5D, one is still susceptible to the dark energy. There will always be darkness and light co-existing with eath other and can't exist without either. We all have to learn great discernment and delicate balancing between both. Sending Reiki blessings to you.
    • ...and again from a member of ShareII has raised this warning from Blossom's last message on the 14th November.

      So what is on the menu for discussion today?


      Ok. But have we not spoken of that already?

      Indeed. And yet we are aware that not everyone has taken heed. It is imperative to listen to your heart, FEEL it speaking to you ... does it say to you 'TRUTH' or 'UNTRUTH'? Do this regarding ALL matters. For in these days as the darkness is leaving, there is every possibility that what is seemingly displayed as Truth to the masses ... is more than likely an unTruth.

      Much that shall occur in your future days and we speak of imminently , will be entrusted to those in power to 'shine the Light' on certain matters. Yet if you do not LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART, you will most certainly be misguided and misled. It is for those who understand what is arising behind the scenes that must remain in strength and take positions of authority. Truth is Truth. It cannot be disguised. And yet we say to you, that when you recognize the display of stories that are about to occur you shall instantly KNOW that the times we have spoken of are upon you.

      And yet ,are not so many disguising the Truth.

      And yet , is it working? Truth is Truth is Truth is Truth. However much effort is put into trying to make something appear to be what it is not ... it cannot hide from the fact of WHAT IS. These words shall make more sense to you when that which we speak of is taking place.

      And yet with all respect, why must you speak of what ever it is like that.? Why are you unable to just come out with it ... what ever it is? Just say 'In the days ahead such and such is to occur'.

      We would reply 'we have very strong reasons not to do so'. Have not best laid plans taken a fall in the past for doing this very thing?

      Mmm! You have a point. I didn't miss that one!

      Be alert dear ones. Much change is to take place (in your time) very soon . And once announcements of a kind that will take you by great surprise are issued , there will be dividings. There will be upheaval and confusion on a grand scale. because what is to be told shall be taken and thrown to the wolves.

      Sorry, what to you mean by that exactly?

      There will be versions of the Truth announced. This is why we speak as we do. Do not 'take in' as a Truth all that you are led to believe IS Truth ... for it is not. It will be versions of. In your world you have a genuine article and then you have many 'copies' of that article , disguised as the real thing and yet there will be something/somewhere, within/upon that article that will reveal it to be what it Truly is ...a fake ... and yet it may appear so genuine at the onset. Be Aware! All that you have prepared for, all these times when you felt useless and were proceeding so slowly will very soon prove to you that they were indeed very valuable. For it is coming soon when you shall NEED to put into practice your discernment to the maximum of your capability. Do you see now why again we wish to speak of this matter of 'Discernment'?

      Yes I do, and I accept what you have said, for as you were giving me these words I felt quite an urgency about them. And interesting because I felt we maybe were talking on a more 'political' level, when to begin today we said we do not do that.

      And yet , we feel it necessary to state our case within this particular matter that is to come. It will not be one that shall go unnoticed that is certain. It will not be the case, that if you do not have your news on that day you will miss it , for it shall be spread world wide and be THE TOPIC of conversation everywhere.

      I am assuming ( and I know one should never do that) that you are talking about 'disclosure'?

      Yet , many are 'assuming' it will be in a certain fashion and we say that it may be of a surprising way in which it is delivered. And this is why we say to you to 'listen to your Truth'. For the Truth to begin with shall not be presented in the way that would benefit the whole.
    • To protect oneself from 'any entity' - shield yourself with the Violet Flame. Ask Archangel Michael to help you with that and add another layer of the 'Pillar of Light'. The 2nd shield - Pillar of Light is 'borrowed' from our prime creator, God and it has to come from the top of your head and sending it down towards your feet - spreading it outwards to your fingers and toes, while going down.

      I ask God for permission to borrow the Pillar of Lights and ask Archangel Michael to set the parameter of our property with the Pillar of Lights to shield ourselves and our home.

      If anyone has any problem...please learn to imagine it in your mind a big ball of Violet Flame. If you can't remember the Violet color - look for it on the internet - there are different variations...but it's all right.

      When you have the Violet Flame color right - imagine that you have a big ball of Violet Flame (like a big snow ball on your hand) and throw it out in all directions. Do it a few times if you have to.

      Another solution is - Dress up in violet and surround yourself with violet draperies or put a violet scarf on the chair you're sitting on. You can also light a violet candle or use violet bulb lights.

      I've imagined violet light bubls surrounding me and protecting. Lastly, please remember to thank God for His protection. We're His children and He is there for only have to ask.

      I was given a message to say the 'Our Father' before I start my day and before I go to bed and to thank God and His helpers for protecting and helping me. The Our Father is very powerful...please don't under estimate this wonderful and powerful prayer.

      Our Father, who art in heaven
      Holy be your name
      Your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth
      As it is in heaven.
      Give us today our daily bread
      And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us
      Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil, Amen.

      The entire message is about forgiveness and protecting us and asking God not to test us - especially when we're doing God's work as Lightworkers.

      His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven - So be it and so it is.

      May God's Pillar of Light be upon all who is channelling messages from God and shielding them from all darkness. Let there be Light and blessings unto the dark forces, so be it and so it is, Amen
  • My heart is telling me that there're some kind of 'manipulation' these channeled words. I'm saying that anyone is right or wrong...I'm saying that there're some kind of 'malice' here and it doesn't feel right.

    1) If a world leader is going to fire a missle - he wouldn't fire it in broad daylight, at a prominent time and place with satellites all over the place. That is part of 'intelligence' and common sense.

    2) All of us are from God - so is Pres Obama. The collective energy and needs of the Americans did manifest the current President of USA as they did manifest the 8-year Bush presidency.

    3) They're are all working hard to end 'nuclear weaponry' in both USA & pray tell me...where did this missle come from?

    The reason that I'm still a member here is that I consider this website a 'training field' where any kind of ego will visit ..throw out some imbalance...and we hone our own intuition/discernment..through these channelings. The channelings are done for certain reasons and aren't supposed to be taken as the total truthful perception 100%. Take some, learn some, throw some away, cut and paste, join some pieces whatever you got to do...for your own lessons/journey.

    Just voicing what's in my heart and now is the opening of our heart chakras (emotions)....make full use of it...while you can.
    • Either this channeled message is being given by someone pretending to be SaLuSa or like what you are thinking, this message may be a test for us to use our discernment and not just believe whatever they say.
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