SaLuSa 21-December-2009

You will evolve exactly according to your own pace, and one day you too will take a great leap forward having finished your education in duality.Dear Ones, yet again a promising arrangement has come to nothing, due to the inappropriate release of the date on which Disclosure was to be made by President Barack Obama. Our disappointment more than matches your own, as the announcement was agreed and the details completed many weeks ago. It cannot be as easily re-arranged, but there is a sense of urgency to get started again and lose no more time. Keeping details secret is extremely difficult once they get into the public domain. However, we have other ploys that will continue to emphasize our existence, and we ask you once again to keep your eyes on the skies. These are the days when the signs have become talking points, that will awaken people’s awareness to not just our presence but our methods of contact with you. For many years we have made crop circles as one means of getting your attention. As you will have noticed in more recent times, they have become more sophisticated. The messages they send have been interpreted, and their symbolism correctly understood. They have carried energy with them, and even although everyone has not understood them, it has connected with them sub-consciously.We are fascinated by your many interpretations of the blue beam over Norway. It has certainly become a good talking point, and your perception is sufficiently open to consider that it originated in space and that it has been beamed down to you. The connection with the presence of President Obama is also interesting, and shows that you see it as some indication of attempts to contact you. Millions of people accept the existence of Space Beings, and now many more believe that they have a place in the lives of Mankind. With a sudden surge of interest in us, and a desire to know us you have created the opportunity for contact to manifest. There are many factors involved, not least of all our role in ensuring that the plan for your conscious upliftment and Ascension takes place as decreed by the Creator.As you can understand, there are many reasons for speeding ahead with official contact. We want it to come out naturally, and in a way that will not shock those souls who have no belief in our existence. Many have put up a barrier in spite of the evidence that supports us, and the underlying reason is fear. Be assured whatever view you have of us, that we are peaceful Beings with no design on taking over your Earth or your people. Ours is a mission of love and the desire to prepare you for Ascension, by releasing you from the control and domination by the dark forces. Their power base is crumbling and their attempts to prolong their reign are going to fail. They certainly do not want you to get to know us better or place your trust in us, as that means the end of their influence and ability to hold onto their own positions. They trade on their massive fortunes that are used to buy people off, and support covert operations that are used to bolster their powerful positions. World domination is their goal, but they will not be allowed to go any further than at present. We are monitoring their every action and they are doomed to failure.We say again that you are such powerful Beings of Light, yet you not necessarily believe in yourselves. Your power of thought is creating your future the whole of the time, so providing you are focusing on what is for the good of all; you will hasten your upliftment into a higher consciousness. There are a number of different expectations where the end times are concerned, and again your power of thought will give you the experience you desire. So you may ask how can there be more than one ending, and we will answer by informing you that they all occur simultaneously on different levels. From any one individuals experience it would seem that everyone is involved in the same one, and there will be no awareness of any others. We might say beware as to what you focus on, by making sure it is what you would wish to give your energy too.God’s plan for the end times is called Ascension, but it is up to you as to whether you take advantage of it. You cannot just wish to be part of it and succeed, as it requires effort by you to lift up your vibrations. The Law of Attraction allows only for those souls who have reached a certain level to ascend. The process is one of living in the Light and Love, so that any ties you have had with the lower energies are cut. This enables you to focus on the task of further lifting up your vibrations, and as a result you will surely achieve success. There is considerable help around you, and you have only to ask and it will come to you. Use names if you desire such as your favorite Angel or Master, as you may be assured they will receive your request. Allow for the answer to freely manifest and do not insist it happens in any particular way. You may not necessarily know exactly what is best for you.You are learning a lot about life and have never been so well informed as you are now for a long, long time. For over a century spiritual groups have arisen with knowledge and teachings, that have explained the many misconceptions given out as the truth through orthodox religion. As you are often informed it is the truth that will set you free, and every effort has been made to place it before you. It is not forced upon you, and is not accompanied by fearful consequences for not following it. True disciples respect your freewill, and that way you are free to take what you can and move on. Each soul is unique and therefore what suits one is not necessarily another’s path. If you cannot grasp or understand the need for Ascension, then you are most likely ill prepared or insufficiently illumined to accept it into your life. Have no fear about making such a decision as you are not abandoned or held in lower esteem. You will evolve exactly according to your own pace, and one day you too will take a great leap forward having finished your education in duality.I am SaLuSa from Sirius and member of the Galactic Federation. I love these opportunities to offer advice, and it is essential that as many of you as possible fulfil your life plan by ascending, if that was your goal. Remember that those “coincidences” that help you are more planned than you realize. Your Guides work small miracles to get you where you need to be for the experiences you have chosen. For example you may feel that you met your partner by chance, well Dear Ones such an important step in your life is totally organized. There is much love felt for you and importance given to your life plan, and it is simply the out working of your choices by which to experience.Thank You SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.

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  • I certainly agree. Mike Quinseys channelings have been pretty good up until say the 14th October thing, ever since Iits gone downhill.
  • How are things in Sirius, plenty of weed for the do-gons I pleed.
    Spread love not war, the bitches are ready for the choir..
    Have fun things from up above All we're spreading is Love.
    carry on ;)
    • "yet again a promising arrangement has come to nothing, due to the inappropriate release of the date on which Disclosure was to be made by President Barack Obama. Our disappointment more than matches your own, as the announcement was agreed and the details completed many weeks ago"

      OK...I have to be horribly honest, this really stinks. why do I think this was never going to happen at all, and it was just another experiment testing out reaction to such an event? why is it every time there is a prediction, a few days after they come up with some excuse as to why it didnt happen? We are all pretty sick and tired of build led astray, built up then brought crashing down.

      then..."It cannot be as easily re-arranged" surprise surprise, so when is it going to happen? the year before we are meant to ascend? yet another convenient excuse.

      These beings are loosing credibility really fast.
      • I guess there is a lesson in all of this. No matter how convincing a channeling sounds, like these ones, never put your life in their hands, never count on it happening. in fact I would go as far as to say it is best to assume nothing at all will happen, and if it does, then thats a bonus. dont give all your power away to these channelings!
        • I so agree Draco!! Channelings can give insights and cause you to think deeper about the realities and illusions in life, and is great for introspection and growth, but best to let life happen as it unfolds and is meant to unfold. My very wise and very laid back and totally unflappable Grandmother used to say that "if you could get back all the time that you spend anticipating or worrying about things that were predicted that never came to happen or be, you would gain another entire lifetime!" So true, so true. How many times in life do we read a channeling, get all worked up about it, get fearful sometimes or truly elated, only to feel disappointed or let down when we realize it did not happen sfter all. Only causes frustration and even anger sometimes. Such a waste of time. Easier to say "oh that would be nice, or that could happen" and leave it at that. After all, the fun part about watching the races (life) is the anticipation of who the winner will be. To know the winner before the race starts by predictions or channels dimishes the fun don't you think? So I read the channels but never put much stock in it. Each person creates their own reality anyway.
  • I love the message. Thank You!

    So nice to continue with those hopeful and lovely messages despite being bombarded with insults and hate. Bet a normal human can't withstand that, and retaliate in negative way in return.

    May love and light shine to us all.
  • I don't care if i die... you can ascend but you won't be with clear minds, you still will do not know what is true.
    • I agree, the mass of humanity is not yet ready for ascension. I mean take a look at the earth, insanity by definition is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results, so we would have to be insane to believe that all human errors would be absolved in the 5th dimension. Simple cause and effect and karma would state if we just jumped off this wounded planet it would come back and bite us in the ass in 5d.
      • The reason no one is ready for ascention is because no one has any idea ascention is going to happen, so how could they even be preparing for something they have no idea about? We live in a world where the ruling elite has supressed all information about ascention and spirituality in all the mainstraim media outlets not to mention education system. we are bombarded with lower vibrations on a daily basis from the tv, radio and newspapers so how is it fair to damn people who have not even been given a fighting chance? people like us here on AC have a better chance because we are originally from higher places. to say the majority of humanity are not ready for ascention is like a hard core christian saying remote tribes in the jungles of brazil are going to hell because they dont beleive in Jesus. Its ridiculous guys.
      • You're right Thomas...
        so let us humans forget about contacts and et's for now, and concentrate
        in getting our 'shit' together to make something useful for one time for ourselves and for the Planet!!!
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