SaLuSa - 22nd December 2010

As those who celebrate at this festive season look forward to gatheringwith family and friends, the feeling of happiness and joy is growing.Humans are remarkable at finding the ability to do so, whilst at thesame time experiencing difficulties arising from the more mundaneproblems of life on Earth. It is no wonder to us that you can do so, asyour natural state of being is one of desiring to live in peace andcreate happiness around you. It is fortunate that although thesignificance of Christmas celebrations is lost upon many people, theidea of creating goodwill and coming together in celebration brings outthe best in you. It is a reminder of the Light of your true selves thatcan emerge and lift you up. The concerns and worries that you usuallycarry around with you, are set aside and love abounds that touches thehearts of so many of you.

Inone sense the traditional reason for your celebration is unimportant,but it does nevertheless remind you of the birth of a World Teacher.Jesus came to show by example, that it was possible to live a lifededicated to the most complete showing of Unconditional Love. Heillustrated that when you can find it within your heart to love all lifeincluding those who oppose you, it is possible to create balance andharmony. Jesus came not to create Christianity, and his teachings werefor all people regardless of their personal beliefs. That his powerfulenergy of love still remains on Earth, is a credit to his ability tomanifest such a high level of vibration when there was so much darknessaround. He spoke of the One God that every soul is connected to andconveyed the idea that all were One within that energy.

Ofnecessity when we can openly speak with you, matters such as religiousunderstanding will have to be addressed. It is so important that youshed those beliefs that have infiltrated the true teachings that are ofLove and Light. There can only be the One Truth even although it can beexpressed in a number of different ways. In the past the Priesthood havejealously guarded their power, and tried to make their followerscaptive to their own teachings and interpretations of the scriptures. Tocounteract such ways there have been further teachings that havepromoted the idea of finding the true self within. Each of you carriesthe truth with you, but because of the struggle to make headway insituations where you are continually facing duality, you are more oftenthan not confused and unable to progress. That Dear Ones is thechallenge you have undertaken to enhance your understanding, and stillevolve through discovering the Light within. Many paths have led you toyour present level of understanding, and with the benefit of being ableto incarnate into the different cultures, you have experienced theirbeliefs first hand. What you have learnt still remains with you at asubconsciousness level, even although you cannot recall it in detail.

Youhave come a long way to arrive at such an important time as theconclusion of this cycle. You should be fairly well equipped to dealwith the final challenges involved, and Ascension should settle quiteeasily within your mind. Certainly much effort is being put in to helpyou raise your levels of consciousness, and no one will truly be able toclaim that they were denied the opportunity to ascend. There is nointent to force the issue upon you, but once you are interested there isso much information available if you take the responsibility to lookaround. Your Internet is still a source of vast pools of information,even though it is also open to abuse from those who deliberately set outto mislead and confuse you. This is where your ability comes in to bediscerning, and if something does not resonate with you set it aside orlet it go.

Life isabundant everywhere and exists on many levels, and you are justbeginning to accept that possibility. Since all life originates from theSource it follows that apart from its outer appearance, it has the samecapability to evolve, You should expect to find Beings with very muchthe same levels of consciousness and understanding, albeit that somehave evolved much further than you have at present. We of the GalacticFederation and similar organizations such as the various councils areone such example, and having long ago found our godselves are offeringourselves in service to you. Normally we would refrain from directcontact, as it is essential to allow developing civilizations to findtheir own path to understanding and experience as they choose. It wouldbe quite incorrect if in desiring to assist you we altered your courseof evolution, and that is why we often explain to you that we cannot beseen to interfere. It is different when the Lords of Creation give usthe authorization to do so, as it is they who plan your cycles.

Everythingthat happens on a Universal level is set to carry all life towards thehigher levels of Light and Love. That is part of your experience as youjourney back to the Source, as nothing stands still and all constantlymoves forward and upwards in this way. The dark Ones also evolve, andlike most souls in duality move from one side to another as part oftheir journey to gain from their experiences. Remember that you areliving out an illusion, and that it is holographic in nature and it ismore like a grand game of life. You may come and go as one life afteranother passes by, but as you have infinite life you will always survivewhatever the challenge. All of these matters will be further explained,but we avoid going as you might say, over the top. Your understandingis best served by the release of a steady flow of information. However,with time speeding up and running out where your present cycle isconcerned, we have to open you up to the levels of truth that willenable you to shed all of those beliefs, that would most likely hold upyour progress.

Iam SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of a vast team of souls just likeyou, dedicated to ensuring you have every opportunity to ascend. Ourplan has reached a point of manifestation that very soon we will becalled into action. Our allies are ready and as your levels ofconsciousness continue rising, so the time to go full speed ahead isapproaching. You sense it to be so and your intuition will let you know,when it is time to be ready for the changes to commence that will starta new era in your lives. Know that we draw closer each day, and we lookforward to making ourselves known to you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above

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  • Thanks for taking the time to post these Jim.
  • These messages are worse than a televangelist. Aggggggggg!!!
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