At present the picture in the Middle East is not pretty, and many souls
are so eager to bring peace to their region that they risk their lives.
Be assured that they are subconsciously aware that they agreed to do so,
and their sacrifice will elevate them into the higher Light. Fortunately
it will not be in vain and the dark Ones will be dispelled in one way or
another. It has been apparent for some time that unrest would escalate
and bring about their downfall. Once people power is recognised as able
to achieve changes of great magnitude, no government will feel safe. The
Light gathers momentum all of the time, and it is going to achieve the
goals that people desire. There is therefore every reason to keep
relentlessly aiming for total victory, because it will be yours to
We are tempted to tell you to expect one thing at the time, but a number
of events are reaching completion together. So it is quite possible that
there will be a whole string of happenings in a relatively short time.
Things are turning in your way and it will certainly be a year of
surprises, and they will more than compensate for the unwelcome ones. Of
course there are upheavals to come, and that is the price of your
freedom. Concentrate on the benefits of the changes, and accept that
they cannot come without a major affect upon your lives. We watch over
you and are active where we can help to ease situations for you.
Remember that your thoughts and prayers are received, and your
consciousness levels collectively recorded. It enables us to check your
progress and respond to your petitions for help. We cannot always give
you exactly what you want, as there is a greater plan that we work to
and obey. However, together we are a force to be reckoned with, and yet
our only weapon is that of Love and Light. It is the one thing the dark
Ones have no answer to although they will try to take you off your
focus, through fear and intimidation. By now you should have learnt
enough about their methods to ignore them, and not in any way lose your
energy to them. They are not yet a spent force, but time is running out
for them very quickly. As always we are aware of their intentions, so
they cannot pull any surprises on us. They might as well surrender now
and allow the future to be moulded by the plans for your Ascension, as
nothing can prevent it from taking place.
The Forces of Light have never gathered together on Earth in such
numbers for millennia of time. This is of course in accordance with the
Divine Plan, and as you know by now many young people are here with
quite advanced understanding and abilities. They are spiritually
prepared and wise in many ways, and they will lead you out of the lower
vibrations. They do not find it easy to fit in with the old ways, and in
fact they are with you to help change them. Listen carefully to them as
they have much to say and teach you.
Nature is a victim of the upheaval on Earth, and over a long period many
species have become extinct. However, there is no total loss as we can
transfer them to other planets to continue their evolution. Genetic
modification can be carried out if necessary to suit the new planetary
conditions they are introduced into. In some cases animals have
completed their cycle on Earth, and are released such as happened with
the Dinosaurs. Although it is not often noticed, species come and go
quite regularly according to needs of the Earth and Humankind. It is
also the same for you who were only introduced to Earth as Homo Sapiens
quite recently, and that was to accommodate a different type of Man.
These matters will be explained in more detail as time passes, and you
will learn of your true connection to us. It is far more involved than
you might imagine, going back thousands of years.
As you move into and through the higher dimensions, you will appreciate
the beauty of creation that has been your potential all along. In some
respects you have had visions of what has been possible, and attempted
to introduce into your present dimension. You have experimented and
achieved some success and the soul within has "felt" the idea,
but been unable to fully express it. Yet when you rise up it will all
become so much easier, and your creations will be of the Light. Nothing
will be beyond your capabilities, and all will depict the absolute
harmony that exists within the higher dimensions. Furthermore,
everything is alive with levels of consciousness that will give you the
experience of talking with not just animals, but also any living
creation such as for example plants. On Earth they have consciousness,
and do respond to the energies around them. It is not unknown for people
to talk to their plants, and find that as a result they become more
beautiful and healthy.
Life will become entirely different to what it is now, and one
continuously happy and joyful event. The demands made upon you now will
cease and there will be no place for drudgery or boredom. Everything is
exciting and continually filling you with Light and Love. Most
importantly you are always totally energised, and do not experience the
tiredness and fatigue that is a normal part of your day-to-day life at
present. Because you replenish your energy as you go along, there is no
need for long sleep periods as necessary on Earth. You may rest and
relax but your body is of a higher vibration, and does not need long
regular re-energising. So Dear Ones, you have so much to look forward
to, which makes any efforts you need to make in readiness for Ascension
so worthwhile.
Allow for great changes to come with Ascension, clearly not all at once
but as a process of evolution that is always taking place. Duality is
simply the result of being in the lower vibrations, where matter is so
solid and dense that it can attract what you might call the impurities.
These are in the form of disease that cannot exist in the higher
vibrations. The lower they become the greater the possibility exists of
more deadly diseases. Conditions are not helped of course by Man's
insistence on introducing chemicals into agriculture, and into the food
chain. Your body is very resilient and adaptable, but will eventually
become poisoned as a result.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope you understand what a wonderful
opportunity to rise up is coming with Ascension.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
thankyou dear SALUSA
mother earth
Ok... so maybe something might happen. But their point of view might be skewed or biased, as well as their message. And then there's also corruptions in translation. Who knows.
So, anyways, I'm a young person! Hey! Listen to me! This is what have to say:
That's what I have to say.
OK so a few middle east dictatorships are falling. I douby the illuminati are quaking in their boots, it doesnt affect their stranglehold on the central banking system of the the U.S. and europe.
The scarey thing is that all the people living in the REAL dictatorships(eg, United States, UK, EU)
think they are actually living in a free world. Its not going to have alot of effect here.
When I start hearing about the lies of the federal reserve, the illuminati and UFO disclosure on TV then I'll start to beleive there are some changes.