SaLuSa - 5th November 2010

Each one of you has immense creative power, but few realize it or believe in their capabilities. Sometimes people of a like mind get together, and particularly where the purpose is for healing find an increase in there degree of success. Set up many groups and it gets even more powerful, until their intent is carried forward with a great thoughtform of extremely powerful energy. Just anything can be achieved when a strong focus is directed upon the object of your thoughts. Translate that into a countrywide movement, and you have a virtually unstoppable force for good or otherwise. In the past it has resulted in wars where one country has been pitted against another, and it has been fuelled by propaganda and hatred often generated quite falsely.

Now Dear Ones, as you might say the boot is on the other foot, because the worldwide movement of people power has brought about a great desire to bring peace to the world. The resultant energy is being attracted by those who are active on that front, and has empowered them beyond their expectations. Peace and a complete end to wars are coming, and indeed how could you bring Ascension into being unless the vibrations on Earth were raised. Because you have won this battle the future is assured, no amount of delay tactics by those who oppose it will make any difference. Therefore whatever problems you encounter know they will only be short lived, and you will soon be aware of changes that will carry humanity forward very quickly.

There are few people that have not noticed the way things are changing around them. Not all may understand why so much uncertainty exists, but when we can openly contact you the situation will become clear. There will be no going back to the old ways, and they will soon become history never to return. The future is golden in more ways than one, and the Golden Age beckons to fulfill all of the promises that have been made to you. Duality is real enough, but once behind you it will disappear into the distance like a bad dream. You will be left with the advantage of vast experience, that can be used in service to others who have not reached your level of evolution.

In the U.S. the mid term elections will not really change anything that is planned for the immediate future. Politics are like most other important issues that seriously affect you, and are to be completely revamped to come into line with the New Age. Given a little thought it would be seen that progress towards Ascension cannot go forward by leaps and bounds, until the new path is opened up. The clutter and residue of duality must be swept away, and restoration of the Earth completed as quickly as possible. For that we are fully prepared and simply await the right conditions to go ahead. It cannot be done without your full cooperation, which we know will be provided once you are informed of your place in our plan.

For our part and that of other visitors to Earth, we cannot do much more to confirm our existence. Sightings of our craft are intentionally more frequent, and our numbers are increasing. The cover up is no longer working, and pressure for the truth is forcing the hand of those involved in doing it.  We expect that disclosure is likely to be announced at the latest within just a few months. It is simply confirming what is widely known, and will surprise very few people. However, what it will do is allow people to step forward and reveal what they know. It will also beg questions of the authorities in respect of why so much was hidden away, and in whose interest it was done. Such revelations will eventually lead to an outcry about the suppression of free energy devises. This will rank as one of the most criminal acts carried out, as it has prevented the use of discoveries that would have immensely lifted the quality of people's lives. The list will be endless of things that have been denied you, and the people's outrage will not be helped by the fact that many advancements have been kept purely for military purposes.

Our advice is to keep calm and control anger knowing that justice will be done. Furthermore that you will not only be given many advanced technologies by us, but many will in fact be more recent inventions that are going to be even more beneficial to you. We want you to become independent of others when it comes to energy for heating or other needs within your homes. The Universe is full of free energy and the Galactic Federation member Star Nations, and other more advanced civilizations use it. We will not overwhelm you with everything at once, but bring you into the Galactic Age over a series of stages that we will carefully explain.

We will be kept quite busy once contact is made, but will have no difficulty in handling it as we have millions of crafts and also the personnel to go with it. What we do register more and more is the gradually lessening of fear where we are concerned. That is heart warming as we have patiently worked at creating trust and friendship between us. No one can deny that we have shown ourselves to be of a peaceful nature, and we have never been involved in any confrontation with you. As we have often mentioned, we would rather leave a situation that looked as though it could erupt in violence. That we have done on many occasions, particularly when our craft have been fired at without any provocation from us. We know that there have been incidents with the Grey's, but they are not members of our Federation or under our control. They were allowed bases on Earth by agreement with previous governments of the U.S., and that was quite a long time ago.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and looking back we see how much time has speeded up for you. It will continue to do so until you reach the point of Ascension, when your upliftment will leave you in the higher dimensions where all is in the Now. Your lives will be transformed into what seems to be a dream world, yet for you it will be perfectly real. You will be returning to a life experience that was once so familiar to you, that will bring you great joy and happiness. We are certainly very happy for you, and after your journeys in duality you have thoroughly earnt the opportunity to ascend. The Creator has kept to the plan for your release from duality, so that you could become unique Beings with a full consciousness level. We will then become as One and travel the Universe as Galactic Beings.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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  • Thanks Jim for sharing this message. I haven't read Mike Quinsey's messages in years. Miss them.
    I don't remember the channelings giving dates or a few months of when their presence will be known. I think it was always, as in this message, when most of humanity doesn't 'freak out'...
    • oh, I missed where it gave a timeline. The energy is always good in the messages, though. Time in the higher realms is different than here, too, so that is a bit odd.
      • Exactly! So why do they continually give up these false predictions when they are not sure that it will even happen? I mean, "massive changes" by the end of the 2008 is pretty shockingly innacurate prediction in my opinion... yet time and again they keep on doing it.
  • know that your faith within this channeling is justified by these developments in the United States. It is all following a divine plan, a set path for which we have already traveled in the future, but are also traveling in the now.
  • SaluSa told us previously that disclosure/mass landing would occur by the end of the it's in a few months, then it's gonna be in a few months and then a the end of the year. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    At least there's some interesting developpment these days regarding sightings, economy (Quantitative easing #2), Obama going away, possible nuclear threats...
    • Thank you SaLuSa!!
      Hi We Are One. I don't recall SaLuSa saying disclosure/mass landing would occur by the end of the year, so maybe you, or someone else can let me know the date SaLuSa mentioned this, so I can look it up on Mike Quinsey's site. Thanks.
      Blessings, Starman
      • You can pretty much look at the channelings in the first few weeks of each of the past three years and be
        gaurenteed to find a message saying that this would be the year for first contact.
        In fact, I remember on the 14th of October 2009, there was a channeling of Salusa where he claimed that disclosure would occur by Christmas that year(2009)...well we all know that did not occur.If you go back and read all the channelings its pretty shocking how many times he has given us wrong dates and in other cases outrightly lied to us. I clearly remember at the start of both 2008 and 2009 Salusa famously clamined there would be quote "massive changes" by the end of the year. What changes? Nothing has changed! It is almost the end of 2010 and guess what...nothing has changed yet!
        • This is very true.
        • No surprise. These channelings appear less and less credible to me. Something's going on for sure but now with all the (dis)information available its really hard to know what's happening...
        • Indeed it may seem that nothing has changed, but it is much simpler then we perceive. it is embedded within every simple alteration of reality. every little change, from a blade of grass blowing in the wind to the movements of the clouds is of a divine plan. know this within your mind, feel it within your heart. all is change. All is oneness.
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