8/4/2019  Sunday Call     (Sananda & OWS)


 When You Are Ready, You Will Then Pass Through The ‘Ring-Pass-Not’


Sananda and One Who Serves (Ascended Master collective) channeled by James McConnell 



These messages were given during our weekly Sunday  Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZ  on August 4, 2019. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)


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SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Sananda.   


It is at these times as we come together that you are more and more becoming aware of who you are.   Not who you have been told who you are growing up,  not who you have become programmed to believe, but who you truly are at the deepest essence of your being.  And I say purposefully here ‘essence’ because that is what we all are is pure essence, pure consciousness, taking on a body of some type. 


When you fully come to realize this, that you are not the body, that it is just an instrument or a vehicle for you to use, when you fully begin to realize that, a whole new universe opens up to you.  A universe that is beyond the illusion, beyond the dream state as you have been speaking about, and into the more full waking state of what you all are. 


You are all spiritual beings, simply having a physical experience for a time, in a relatively short time at that.  Because this is not meant to be a schoolhouse.  Yes, you are hear to learn, to experience.  But not to learn as if you were in school, for that is just more programming.  You are here to experience life.  Life of all kinds. 


And it just so happens that up until now you have been experiencing life as an illusion.  But many of you have begun to move out of this illusion.  Yes there are times when you are held back.  There are times when the programming continues on.  But there are also times when the programming is lifted, and who you are comes shining through. 


These are those times now that you are all moving into.  These are what this group is all about, and many other groups that are meeting at these times.  It is all about finding yourself, remembering who you are.  And remembering who you are within the illusion.  Because once you remember who you are, then the illusion begins to disappear. 


And when the illusion disappears, there is naught left but reality.  Reality that is your true being, your true being in consciousness, your true being in oneness.  For you are your Higher Self, and your Higher Self is you.  For you are the Source within you.  The Source within you is you.  All is one in the same, and the same in the one. 


So let go now of all preconceived notions, all of the old programming.  Let it become burned away by the Violet Flame.  Know that everything here is happening for a reason.  You are all part of the flow of the energy here, and the consciousness here. 


So move freely through the consciousness and into the next higher levels of consciousness, into the higher vibrations.  And when you are ready, you will then pass through the ‘ring-pass-not,’ as you have let go of all attachments that have held you back, and you pass freely into the next higher dimensional frequencies.  That is what you are all here to do.  Not only to do yourselves, but to then demonstrate to those after you how it can be done. 


I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And to go forth together, and continue to share the light wherever you are able.  Because you are the Light-sharers and the Light-bearers. 


I am Sananda.  Peace and love be with all of you.





ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani padme hum, hum, hum.  


Greetings to you!   One Who Serves here with you.  Are you back here, all of you? 


Guests:   Greetings, One Who Serves. 


OWS:   We are ready to move forward, then.  Are there any questions here?


Guest:   Hi.  I was wondering if we can clarify something.  I am trying to picture what the fifth dimension might be like.  I’ve taken LSD before and I have raised my vibrations, so I know what that is kind of like.  Say for instance I have a house here, and then in the fifth dimension would I have the same house, but a much higher vibration?  Or is it a completely different scene altogether? 


OWS:   What you are describing, the scene, as you are describing, is to be whatever you want it to be.  If you want a house as you have it now, you can have that.  If you want something completely beyond what you have now, you can have that as well.  For in the fifth dimension you will be able to create whatever it is that you want, and have that be sustained as long as you want it.  And when you no longer want it, you simply think it into nonexistence, and think something else to come into existence.  It is that simple. 


Now, it is not something that is instantaneous, though.  It will take quite a bit of effort on your part; practice, if you will, to be able to create those things which you want rather than those things which you don’t want. 


But you have had much practice in this over your three-dimensional illusionary experience where you create many things that you do not want.  So you have had the practice in doing this, and it is simply now to practice creating what it is that you do want.  But we would say for you to do that now, not to wait.  To be in the NOW and begin more and more to create what you do want rather than focusing on what you don’t want.  Because, as you move through this fourth dimensional experience into the fifth dimension, you will have the access to your imaginings, to your visualizations, and they will become manifest much, much quicker than they do not within this 3-D illusion where there is this buffer zone.  There is a buffer also in the higher vibrations, but not as large of a buffer.  It will take much less time to manifest that which you want. 


So, in summary here, just simply create what you want, and begin to do it now, okay?


Guest:   And then just let it go?


OWS:   Yes.  Let it go.  Go with the flow.  Yes.


Guest:   I mean, I don’t have to keep repeating it to manifest it.  You do it once, then let it go?


OWS:   That is the key, the secret, in knowing that as you create within your visualization as you manifest something, then you already know that it is appearing in front of you.  When you are able to do that, you have arrived. 


Guest:   Sweet.  Cheers!  Thank you.


OWS:   Yes.  Would there be other questions, here?


Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  I think many of us would like to know about this occurrence, this mass shooting, if this was somehow manipulated or manufactured by the cabal, and if people actually did, in fact, die.  I hate the term ‘false flag,’ but I have a sense and I could be wrong, but you can correct me on this, that sometimes they manufacture it and people still do die, and sometimes they don’t.  So, can you tell us, if you wouldn’t mind.


OWS:   That is correct.  There are those instances that are considered false flags where they are created by those of the cabal. 


It does not necessarily mean, though, that there are not fatalities.  Because those that go through this process have agreed to do this in their contract coming into this lifetime.  So it is part of the expression that they came into to be a part of, here. 


Now, that is not saying that what you are asking here is real or not real, or that those have perished or have not.  For it is not up to us to give you this information. 


It is up to you to discern for yourself as the process continues on what the answer is, here.  We cannot give you this answer directly.  But you can find it within yourself and know the truth as more revealings come forward about this and about other instances that have already happened in the past.  Much will come as a revealing of those false flags, if you will, that have happened in the past.  Much will come forward on these revealings.  And, more will come on what has not yet happened, but may still occur.  Okay?


Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.


OWS:   Any other questions, here?


Guest:   I have a question.  I am calling from Guatemala.  We have been hearing in social media about an event called “Storm 51.”  It is a gathering of people due September 20.  It is sort of like a joke, but I am wondering is it really a joke, or is something going to happen.  I have heard that people are thinking about invading or making a riot in Area 51 with the intent of rescuing or uncovering what is going on there.  I am a little bit concerned. Thank you.


OWS:   Yes.  You are speaking of the ruse that began of storming Area 51.  It was simply someone who put this out as a possibility, but not a probability.  In other words, they did not expect anyone to follow through with this. It was more of a joke, here. 


But it has taken a life of its own, as we find it.  And although we cannot say whether it will be or it will not be, we can say that it has captured the imagination of a great many people across the planet in terms of why anyone would want to do that if there was nothing there, if there was nothing real there.  So therefore, if the million, or two million, or whatever it is that have said they were going to become a part of this, if they are even ascertaining the possibility of this, then there must be some real reality to this place, here, this Area 51.  And certainly, those of you know that there is reality to this. 


But many people across the world are becoming awakened as a result of these types of things.  Not just this, directly, but many things that have already come forward and many more that are yet to be revealed, here.  Okay?


Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.


OWS:   Would there be any other questions now?


We hope you know that we cannot give directly these answers that you are looking for, because then it interferes with your own discerning in these matters.  And much of your preparation in the ascension process is about coming to understand your own discernment within yourself.  This is a major part of the process of ascension, here, and why it is happening as it is.  Okay?


Any other further questions before we release channel?


Guest:   Well, if no one is going to jump in, can I ask a second one that was requested earlier?


OWS:   Yes.


Guest:   Ok.  So we were talking about the ‘ring-pass-not,’ and we were wondering if it is just, I mean, I experienced it as the ring-pass-not between myself and my Higher Self.  But is that it, or are there many derivatives of ring-pass-not?  Does it show up in different ways?  We are trying to understand a little bit more of that. 


OWS:   The ring-pass-not is an understanding.  It is not a place.  It is not a thing.  It is not something you step into directly, as it was in The James’s dream.  But it is an understanding, a knowing, when you are ready to do this, when you are ready to move from one dimensional understanding into a higher dimensional understanding.  And this is a barrier that keeps you from moving from one to the other because you hold on to various attachments, programming of many different types. 


And all of this process of ascension is about letting go of all of these programs and these attachments, moving through it.  You move through it at your own pace, whatever that might be.  There is not a forcing here of any type.  There is just a letting go and going with the flow.  And as you go with the flow and continue to work on raising your own vibrations whenever you can, then you will find yourself letting go of more and more of these attachments.  And as you let go of more of these attachments, you will be ready to step into that ring-pass-not and simply pass through it. 


It is similar to the barriers that you came across when we took you to the Rainbow Bridge and to your Higher Self, to the connection with your Higher Self. 


And those barriers are there.  They are real.  And you were able to pass through them easily because you were not passing through with your physical body.  It is another entirely different matter to bring your physical body through these barriers.  You see? 


Guest:   Yes.  Thank you.  That is what I was going to ask you.  So we are doing it with the physical body!  Got it!  Okay, thank you. 


OWS:   Yes.  Any other questions, here?


Guest:   I have one more.   When you ascend into the fifth dimension, and ascension, is that the same as merging with your Higher Self?  Are they one and the same? 


OWS:   They are directly one and the same.  You are moving from an understanding of yourself as being separate from your Higher Self, to an understanding of yourself as being your Higher Self.  Not just the thinking of being your Higher Self, but literally, actually being your Higher Self.  That is your ascension.  Connecting all of the multi-dimensional selves into the one. 


Guest:   Perfect.  Thank you.


OWS:   Any other questions, here?  Then we are ready to release channel. 


Understand the time as you know it is getting short in terms of coming to your next Advance.  And we have been preparing much for this Advance for some time now.  There is much to come that The James has no idea of yet. He has just a smithering of what is to come, here, what is to be. 


But we will ask you, each one, to be ready to participate at higher levels, maybe, than you have in previous times.  There is one thing to simply listen and to be part of that respect, and there is another thing to really, really participate.  And we are not speaking about talking on your telephone.  We are speaking of really being the participant within the experiences.  Okay? 


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.



Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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