Sunday Call 1/15/2023 (Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell


You are now at the cusp of the greatest changes in your history


 Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on January 15, 2023. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

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SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times that continue to bring great change into your lives, to the lives of your loved ones, to the lives of your friends, your family, to all of those that are around you.


Change is coming. Change is upon you. And all of you have been preparing for these changes. You have been preparing for lifetimes for these changes, but now you are right here in the midst of them. Right here at the cusp of the greatest changes to come over this Earth in your entire history. All that you have been working toward, training for, preparing for is now right here in front of you. It is not far off where you are going to begin to see the major changes to your life, but changes that you have been ready for, that you can know how to move through and withstand. Whereas others, who are not awakened such as you, will have a much more difficult time in understanding what is happening, why it is happening.


And that is where you will come in. You, those of you, the Light-Warriors now, the ones that are not only carrying the Light, but sharing and spreading the Light everywhere. Even in just your every-day moments throughout your life, you have been spreading this Light without even knowing that you are doing it. But you are doing it, because you are the Light, you are the love, you are the truthYou are bringing the truth forward in every way imaginable at this point, from many different sources, through many different sources.


The truth, the Light, is shining through now. Through the darkness. It can no longer be held back down within that darkness, as those of the forces of darkness have attempted to do for many thousands of years now, holding the truth in the darkness, holding you in the darkness. Not allowing you to become aware of the truth, aware of who you are, what you are really here for. Holding you back. Holding you within the programs. But no longer.


For you are moving beyond the programs. You are moving out of the doldrums of the third-dimensional illusion, and recognizing that indeed it is just that, an illusion. And as you continue to go about your daily activities realizing that it is indeed just an illusion and you do not need to become ensconced within it, to be held within it, any longer.


And in your discussion earlier about consciousness and vibration, indeed everything is consciousness and vibration. There is nothing else. Life was started with vibration, with light vibration. And vibration is what continues to keep the entire universe moving. Vibration and consciousness are changing all of the time. That is why you cannot be told when these things are going to be happening, because it only happens based on changing consciousness and vibration. And in every single moment there is a new vibrational change which brings about a new consciousness change.


And so much at this point, my friends, life is changing. It is adapting. It is evolving. And it is evolving because of you. You, those of you, again, the Light-Warriors that are sharing and spreading the Light everywhere. It is because of you that the dark forces are losing the battle now. Not only the battle, but the entire war. The war that they have started, and you are finishing. Look at it in that respect. It is a battle between Light and dark, good and evil. And you are not only winning this war, you have already won it. It just needs to remain to be seen as a victory, well fought.


I am Sananda. And I leave you at this time in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to move throughout your daily activities spreading the Light both consciousness and unconsciously throughout the planet. For this is the beginning of The Great Changeover.




ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. And we do not know if Shoshanna is with us. Is she with us or not?


JoAnna McConnell - (SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)



OWS: Not today. Very good.


JoAnna: No, but I don’t know if she’s going to pop up, so I’m standing by.


OWS: Good, then. If she wishes to pop up, we are ready for her, and we encourage her to do so.


So no message here. We are ready for questions if there are any. You can now unmute your phones and ask your questions if you have them. Would there be any questions here?


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: I’m not sure if this is a good one, but seeing the Med-Beds, if somebody goes in for healing of a foot and they have, for example, a plate in their foot. How does that work? Does that get removed or dissolved?


OWS: It is exactly that, yes. It will become dissolved and replaced by whatever is in the DNA memory process here, which holds a picture, you might say, a blueprint of the DNA within the body at the perfect state of when it began in the body, you see? So yes, everything will be alleviated. Everything can be alleviated, can be healed. Limbs can be regrown, as you have heard. And even your teeth if they have been replaced or received some sort of change to them, that will all be reversed and your full set of teeth will be there for you. It centers around every part of the body.


This is higher-level technology here that those here in the Earth could not come up with. This came from those of your brothers and sisters from the skies here. And it has been held back up to a point, but it is in the process of being released across the planet here, when the moment arises to begin to release these things. It is coming. Would there be other questions here?


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: We did not ask Shoshanna if she has anything to add here? Not so much. Okay.


JoAnna: She’s not here.


OWS: Very good.


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: We were talking during our discussion about what’s happening in California right now. First, last year were the big fires, and now the is massive rain and flooding. I’m curious to know: is this a combination of the White Hats cleaning the state, or was this also directed weapon weather modification by the bad guys but will be ultimately used by the good guys? Can you shed some light on this please?


OWS: We cannot tell you directly whether it is one or the other. But we can tell you there is a combination of what is occurring here. Those things that the dark side attempts to do, the White Hats, or the Light side, works against here. They know what is going to happen before it happens, and they are ready to work against those forces of the darkness here. That is what is happening here. There is so much that has been controlled, we will say here, by the dark side, by the cabal, all of this there in that state that you are speaking of, and the Forces of Light here, the Alliance, all of that, know about this, and are doing everything that they can to overcome those portions, or those plans of the dark side here.


It is happening, and it is going to continue to happen. And everything that is happening, remember, is happening for a reason. It is all part of the plan, the greater plan. Even if it may not appear so as it is occurring. It is all part of the greater plan of the Forces of Light winning here. Okay?


Guest: Thank you.


Another Guest: Can I ask a question?


OWS: Yes.


Guest: Can you hear me?


OWS: Yes, we hear you.


Guest: Good. Can you tell us who are part of the Forces of Light? It is humans? It is aliens? Is it a mixture of both?


OWS: All of the above, and much more beyond that. You have no idea of the Forces of Light that are involved here. It is beyond human, and it is beyond simply Galactic and Agarthan. It is beyond that. There are much in the way of Forces that are working for the Light here. Even the Creator Him/Her/Itself is a part of it.


Shoshanna: We wish to share here. We wish to share.


OWS: Yes, please do.


Shoshanna: Dear One, may we share?


Guest: Hi, Shoshanna! Thanks for joining us! Yes.


Shoshanna: Yes. Your vibration always calls us, Dear Brother. We will say, Dear Brother, that you are a Force of Light. That is why you have names yourselves Lightworkers, Light-Sharers, Light-Bearers, because you are a Force of Light. And when you think that is something outside of yourself, even though there are many that share the Light, that shine the Light, that use the Light, you are one of them. Think of yourself as part of the Forces of Light. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. Very good. You have also been called the Boots on the Ground. That is all part of the Alliance working together. Would there be any other questions here?


Guest: Yes. I was wondering if you might shed a little light on this. A few months ago, Trump was going to come forward with this enormous announcement. Everybody was waiting with baited breath. And it seemed to turn out to be something about trading cards on line, virtual training cards. He also said a little more about running for president. But what I‘m wondering, and many people have hypothesized that he was taken over by the dark, or whatever. But what I’m wondering is, was there something that took him off track of an announcement that was supposed to happen, and then he had to go a different way? Or what was the situation about this trading card business?


OWS: Simply misdirection. That is all. Misdirection. Moving one’s attention from one area to another, making them think something was not.


Guest: Oh, okay. Very good. Like so for the cabal, or something.


OWS: Yes. Think of it as a magician using magic. Not the magic of the olden times, but the magic that they use today, what they call magic, which is really not—more slight of hand. But they use misdirection to do that slight-of-hand, you see?


Guest: Okay, great. Thank you.


OWS: Yes. Shoshanna? Does Shoshanna have anything to add here?


Shoshanna: We wish to share. May we share?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: We did not hear One Who Serves’s answer. The technology here is sketchy. So we will give our perspective, if we may. As we understand it, this one, Trump, does things to confuse the dark side. So he created this idea of commerce and buying something of his to confuse the dark side. And it did. But we would suggest that if you really wish to know what the message, to re-listen to his speech. It was deep, it was about freedom, it was about freedom of speech, it was about the foundation by which your country was founded. So he just diverted the attention of the dark side. Namaste.


Guest: Awesome. Thank you.


OWS: Yes. As we said, misdirection. Very good. And we are ready. Are there any other questions here before we release channel?


Guest: Greetings.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: I was hearing some interesting intel that described that things have been, you know, slowed down due to a threat that supposedly the dark side had a weapon that could literally exterminate the entire planet in about a week, and that they threatened to use. And that God actually personally came and took care of removing this technology from the planet. I wanted to inquire if you are allowed to tell us about this incident, and how it is going to improve the events of this year. Thank you.


OWS: All we can tell you about this is that again, everything is exactly as it needs to be. It is part of the greater plan. So do not focus on those things of terrible destruction, and all of these things, because it cannot happen. As you have heard, those of your nuclear weapons cannot be detonated, will not be allowed to be detonated, and so to, it goes for this type of weapon that you are speaking of, which is more in the astral realm here. So it is not something to focus on at this point, because it is not something that is really of any concern here to those here on the Earth. It is more of a process on a metaphysical level here, rather than physical level. Okay? That is all we can say on this now. Do not focus on this.


Shoshanna: We wish to share.


OWS: Yes. Please do.


Shoshanna: May we share, Dear Brother?


Guest: Yes. Thank you, Sister.


Shoshanna: Dear Brother, your planet has many that watch over it. Your planet is a planet that must survive within the structure of the universe. And because of that, all things that will destroy your planet have been locked down, so-to-speak. One Who Serves said that the nuclear bombs will never go off. They have been shut off. They cannot produce any nuclear charge. They have been shut down. And this is all purposeful, you see. What you must have in mind here is that there are many weapons available to destroy your planet. But they are not being allowed to be you, because of the impact on the galaxy, the impact on the other planets.


It is as, if you would shoot your foot off, would you be able to walk any more? So you would have difficulty walking.


So it’s the same thing within the galaxy. If we destroy the Earth, then the galaxy suffers. It is much greater than just a weapon. It is the survival and the continuity of the entire galaxy and beyond. We hope this helps. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. And we would add here that the forces of darkness have been stopped many, many times from destruction of this planet, many times by those of the Alliance, as we have been speaking of. Would there be other questions here, before we release channel? We take one more if there is, otherwise we release now. No more questions, then very good. Shoshanna, do you have any parting message here?


Shoshanna: We wish to apologize for our absence. We could not control the environment that This One finds herself in, and it is very difficult for us to transmit our thoughts within an environment such as this. But we apologize, and we look forward to being back in the seat across from The One Who Serves that provide us with the great strength and energy to allow our thoughts to come through. Namaste.

OWS: Very good. And then we just simply close here with continue to shine your Light everywhere and in every opportunity that you have.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one. 



Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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