Sunday Call 6/26/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell




Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on June 26, 2022. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

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LORD SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)


(Transcribed from last part of today’s Sananda’s meditation:


“Know that this connection to the Christ Consciousness grid allows you to have freedom of health within your body. Perfect health within your body, because it is connected to this grid. The more that you know that, the more that you realize that, the more that you remember that, the more you will find healing within your body. Because it is this connection remembered once again will allow for the openings of all of the meridians within your body, letting energy flow freely through your body. You are beginning more and more to activate that life force within your body and life force within the etheric form, the Kundalini energy shall rise once again.”)



I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue the process.


The program that we began some time ago with each and every one of you, both within this group on this call, but even far before this, lifetimes before this, bringing you all together once again as lost souls coming together, as gathering my flock together again. For that is what you are. You all belong to me. To me as Sananda, as Yeshua. You are my flock. You are the ones that I tend to.


Know that as each and every day, each and every moment moves forward, you are on the path. You are on the path to freedom. Freedom within you, within each of you. And as you find that freedom within you, you will recognize the freedom outside of yourself as well. Because you are creating that freedom. That freedom to make your own choices. To live your life as it was meant to be, and as you want it to be. And knowing that there is nothing that can stop you from this. There is no government. There are no politicians. There are no kings and queens. No rulers that can keep you from your chosen life path. Because it is your life path. No one has the right to stand in front of you and create obstacles, unless you allow them to.


Each of you know now and are remembering now to a point that you are remembering who you are, the deepest levels of your being you are remembering. When you have those a-ha moments in your life, when you have those moments of pure ecstasy within your life, pure euphoria within your life. That sense of bliss within each moment. When you have that, you are remembering. And gone are all those things that are happening within the external illusion, the third-dimensional illusion.


Because when you are in that blissful state, even for a moment, you are indeed connecting to the crystalline grid, The Christ consciousness grid. You are connecting to that. And when you are connected to that, then there is only bliss. There is only euphoria. There is only the rising of the dopamine, that chemical within you that brings the joy within you. Yes, you can manufacture that any time you want. It is within you to do so. You do not need pills. You do not need drugs. You only need yourself, your inner self, to rise up within you, as it is doing right now in this moment! Each of you are feeling this within you.


Because it is time. It is time for the illusion that is all around you to collapse, to fall. You are seeing the signs of this.


Yes, it is true, you want to remain in the fifth-dimensional expression as much as possible. But you are human. You have human bodies. You have human feelings and thoughts. This at times does pull you back into the illusion, but know that as you are pulled back into the illusion, the illusion is indeed collapsing. When you have heard that nothing can stop what is coming, this is what is happening. The connection to this grid is happening once again, just as in Atlantis and Lemuria and other civilizations and, of course, in other planets and other systems. You have all experienced this before.


The times that you have come here for to lead the way to be those Pathfinders and those Wayshowers is here now. Yes, indeed, there are various events that are going to manifest. They are in process. They are in momentum right now, and they are coming. The truth shall be revealed.


But it is because of each and every one of you that are once again connecting to this grid. And not only connecting to this grid, but building this grid. Building it more and more. Bringing the vibration higher and higher so that the grid is reverberating down onto the planet and raising the vibration. And of course, we cannot forget of the Great Event that is also making its way here. The Great Solar Flash is coming.


You are all preparing for that. We have been doing everything that we can to prepare your astral, your etheric, and your physical bodies to be able to withstand the energies coming in. Slowly at first, but also gaining momentum. More and more energies coming into the planet.


More and more you are able to take those energies in. Take that light in, anchor it within yourself, and then shoot it out from yourselves. Spread it to all corners of the planet. You are doing it consciously, but you are also doing it unconsciously.


Because you are the light. You are the love. You are the truth. You are the I AM that I AM. The consciousness within you. The Source consciousness within you. The Christ Consciousness within you. It is remembering itself within you.


I am Sananda. And I leave you now, and tell you that at your next session that you have, Saint Germain will be with you, and will bring a special message of freedom during your Independence Day.


All of my peace and love be with all of you, my dear friends, my brothers, my sisters, all of you. We are here as one together to make it through this transition and to come fully into our ascension process.


ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here, and Shoshanna is here.


And what a message was that! We wish to just say here that you are in a program, as you have heard many times. We have been working with you in this program bringing you further and further along.


And Sananda has just done that again! Bringing you to the next step, and that was this connection to the crystalline grid, The Christ Consciousness grid, and the remembering of that connection.


And we hope, indeed, that you have all remembered this connection! Because it is real. And it is going to catapult not only you, but all of you together and as one as a planet. So the next phase you will be entering is the next phase of your ascension process. It is coming. And it is here now.


We are ready for your questions if you have them for One Who Serves and Shoshanna, who is wonderfully standing or sitting by here, reasdy to bring a different perspective to you that we as the One Who Serves bring to you. She is able to bring further truth to you that at times we are not able to bring forth here. At some point here, you will understand why, all of this here.


We are ready for your questions if you have them.


Guest: Yes, One Who Serves. Hello Dear Ones.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: I will go out on a limb here and ask a question that’s been with me for a long time, and always comes up when I’m on these calls, so let me ask it.


So we had this conversation about manifesting. We talk about that a lot and what there is to do to manifest, instant manifestation, you should be able to have exactly what you want, when you want it, how you want it, you know, is the idea I get from that. But then on the other side it, not sure, but like there is a way to do that.


So on the other side of it we have this whole concept of divine right timing, and perhaps the Higher Self is wanting you to be somewhere some time, and so that is why things don’t automatically come into being that you might be working on, or whatever.


And I’d like some clarification. Are both of these valid and legitimate? How do you know when one is at play versus the other? How to you know if maybe you are not doing it well enough or right enough, or good enough, if really you are just supposed to be where you are right now, and that’s what there is?


OWS: We will tell you there is no ‘well enough’ here. You are already doing what you need to do. You just simply need to believe it. When you believe it, you will see it. When you can conceive it, you will create it. That is how this works. There is no secret here. There is no trick here. It is just simply to be in the moment, and create whatever it is that you want.


And yes, indeed, there has been this time buffer system here that has been purposefully put into place in your third-dimensional illusion because you would have not been able to handle your thoughts being created immediately here. Think about the fears within your thoughts and what you could create from this if there was not this buffer system.


But the buffer system, as you have noticed, is fading away more and more. So that what you are wanting now, when you truly want it, and you truly intend for it to be, and that you believe it to be, and you already know that it is happening in that moment that you create it, then it shall be because the buffer system is fading away more and more. So it is up to you, each and every one of you to have whatever it is that you want to have.


But I will add here, we will add here, that because of this connection now, or this remembrance of this connection now more and more to the crystalline grid, that you will have even more experience of an immediate manifestation coming to you as you are able to handle it here, we will say.


Shoshanna, do you have other perspective that you can add here?


SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)


We will share. We agree with all that you have given. There is not much more to say. But we can add an element here, if we may, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: When a being is working on the power within them, which is God, the power within them to manifest that which they desire, there cannot be a conflict about that. There cannot be a decision there, and then a new decision there, and then something else, and then a drawing back, and a going forward. It does not work that way. If one truly wishes to have something and to manifest it, it has to be clear, it has to be concise, and it has to be a great focus that occurred within the being.


What we find in individuals that wish for manifestation and then do not achieve it, is because they are not clear about what they truly want. They change their minds. They are conflicted. They create reasons why they do not have it. So it must be crystal clear what they wish to manifest, and then the focus has to be on that until it occurs.


So we will say that those that have not learned the power that they have, or exercised the power that they have to create their lives exactly as they wish their lives ot be, to start with something small. To begin a process of learning the power that they have within them with something small. We find that failures occur when there is a great amount of manifesting that is requested, but they do not know how to manifest something small. So that is our perspective. Namaste.


OWS: And we wish to add one more thing here. When you use the term ‘crystal,’ get your vision ‘crystalized,’ and all of this, thing about what that really is here. For you are crystalizing your cellular structure, are you not? And the more that you do that, then the more your vision will become crystalized within you. It all leads to the imagination, and the imaging-in process, which leads to much quicker manifestion as well. It all works together here. And you are moving in that direction.


Would there be other questions here now?


Guest: Well, can I just say this then? I am just going to put it out there, and you can tell me yes or if it’s not. So I’m hearing you say that there really is no validity to the concept that the Higher Self might want it in one place, which would be different from what we’re trying to manifest, and so that’s why things were not coming about. There is no validity to that concept, is that correct?


Shoshanna: We will share here.


OWS: Yes, please do.


Shoshanna: We will sahare here. May we share, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: The goal of spirituality, and to recognize the wholeness of the being that you are, is to merge with the Higher Self. So if the being is at a lower vibration and is not merging with that which is the Higher Self in the decision-making process to manifest that which they wish to have, then the manifestation will not come into fruition. There is no conflict there. There is simply a disconnect. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. Very good.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: Would there be any other questions here?


Guest: Um, hi.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: I don’t really know how to ask this question, but I’m just going to see what happens here. So yesterday we kind of went through an old cycle that popped back up. And I recognized the cycle right away, because it triggered some trauma quite quickly. And I was just wondering if by noticing the cycle so fast, and acting on it more of the best way to handle it and removing ourselves from that, if I broke that cycle? Because I really don’t want to go through it again, so I’m hoping that my early recognitino of it helped cledar that cycle, if that makes sense. (Laughs)


OWS: We would say here that recognizing it is the first part. Accepting it is the next part. So accepting whatever it is, and allowing it to be, and then moving beyond it, you see?


Guest: Yes. Thank you.


OWS: Shoshanna?


Shoshanna: We can share on this. May we share, Dear Sister?


Guest: Oh yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, the patterns that one is born into in these incarnations are the patterns that wish to be broken. That is how it works. So you are along with many beings participating in the experiment of humans to break the pattenrs and gain control over the higher vibrational self that wishes to participate with you fully.


So now what we will say is that when there is a pattern to be broken that you call trauma, that traumatizes the being that you are, and maybe the beings around you, the idea that you are conscous of the pattern does create the opportunity to break it, you see.


We will tell you though that you will experience this again until this completely resolves. You may see it again. And when you pay attention to it, you empower it. So we suggest that any time a pattern shows up that your Higher Self is not in alignment with, and creates trauma for you and others, recognize it quickly, but do not participate in it, you see. Move away from it. Walk away from it. Namaste.


OWS: Very good.


Guest: Okay.


OWS: Would there be any further questions here? Nothing further? Then we are done for the time. Shoshanna, do you have parting message?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good. Then we simply say that keep remembering that everything that is happening is happening exactly as it needs to in this moment, and the next moment based on the moment previous to that, and every moment previous to that, and so on, creates the next and further moments on. And that is how this works. So with that understanding, use this creative process to create the moments ahead and the life ahead that you want to have.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.  



Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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