Sananda Spills Secrets! REMEMBERING BEING ONBOARD [Your Ship] plus HOW THE ASHTAR COMMAND CAME TO BE: How to Know If You Are Part of the Ashtar Command & How to Act Upon Your Mission Now
We communicate with our galactic global family in Chinese, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English! Can you spare a mere 15 minutes per day to send out intentions to light up the grids for the ASCENSION of MOTHER EARTH GAIA, and all of her inhabitants? Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers! We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Write janisel (at) today to join our global galactic family! We love you!
By Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended)
through the body of Deb Wright of Project: Eagle Triad
Why don’t I remember being onboard? [Aboard the ship/s]
You are not quite ready yet. You have remembered waking up in the middle of the night, thinking “What has just happened?” However, you are not allowing yourself to remember yet, and that’s fine. Each one grows at their own pace, each one remembers exactly how they need to remember it. Give yourself the opportunity to figure out why you still haven’t allowed yourself to remember. For it is not quite the way Gene Roddenberry has written it. [Star Trek] <grin> You have such a fascination with how he put it down, but it is not quite like that.
You see, when you are onboard, if you were to walk up to a wall of the craft, and you were to take your hands and rub them along the wall, she would giggle for you. And you can hear her giggle. <grin> She is a living, breathing entity that is created by all those that live onboard her, and she loves being touched. She is a creature just like you, she loves being embraced, she loves being caressed, and she loves being tickled. She loves being scratched. You, in your human mind, would consider it an abomination to walk up to a wall and say, “Oh, here, let me get that for you.” [scratches on wall] But she loves it, and she loves being paid attention to.
However, a lot of you still carry with you some of your thinking processes that you have here once you are onboard. Very few of you actually give in to surrender yourselves to her charm because you still carry some of that thinking with you. Once you can get to the point of acknowledging her as that living, breathing, loving, caring being that she is, she will allow you to remember her. She is definitely not made of wood or metal. She is made of Light and Love, yet you can sit, you can sleep, you can eat, you can lean against her walls just as you could if she WERE made of those solid elements that you make YOUR things out of. However, she is truly a being ‘in service’ to those on her that have become ‘part’ of her. It is the same with ANY of the craft that are around this planet right now.
By Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended)through the body of Deb Wright of Project: Eagle Triad
How about for once, I describe to you my brother Ashtar, and what is referred to as his Command, shall I? You see, the Divine Creator is in charge of all contracts... all Soul Contracts for each life that comes anew from the Souls that decide to experience some sort of lifetime in some dimension. These Soul Contracts are guarded and protected by the Divine Creator itself. However, there came a time when this planet began to call out to the Divine Creator for Christed energies, without truly realizing what it was they were crying out for. For you see, there came a time that there were too many 'gods', too much imagination going into the wonders of all that was. And man's small brain at that time figured that it was far too much for one Creator to do, so therefore, there came about many gods. Well, the next thing you know, there are wars... many, many wars... because everyone had their favorite god and they wanted everyone else to worship THEIR god.
It became very violent and, therefore, those that knew and had always known that there was but one true Divine Creator, called upon the Divine Creator and said, "Bring us a sign. Bring us a gift that will prove to all that you are still with us, that you still watch us, that you still watch over us, and that you still protect us. Bring us the One that will teach ALL of us who you truly are and how we may truly commune with you." You do realize, don't you, that I was but one of those?
There were many of the Christed Beings that came to ALL of the civilizations upon this earth. Each civilization that cried out for a Christed Being received one. When the first Christed Being stepped upon this planet... and I will not give away yet who that was... the Divine Creator wished to have protection for that Christed Being... SPECIAL protection... a way IN for the precious cargo, and a way OUT for the precious cargo. So therefore, the Divine Creator put out a call and asked for one who would be willing to sacrifice their own independence to make sure that this Christed Being would be protected for however long it took them to be here. One Being came forward. That Being is my brother Ashtar. But you see, it is not as if everyone else was just spinning their fingers with nothing better to do... there was much going on at that time. And this was a new planet, in universal standards, that is. So you might say that my brother Ashtar went through an intense training period from the Divine Creator to guard over this Christed Being.
Now... it is as such. He did an excellent job, and he did such a wonderful job, you might say he got a promotion. And the Divine Creator asked if my brother Ashtar felt that he could handle a 'larger' mission, if he could coordinate many Beings to watch over the Beings here on this planet, to make sure that their Contract time and their Contracts - ALL aspects of their Contracts - were followed.
Well, my brother Ashtar began recruiting, was given the energy and the time, and went among all the universes and recruited... asking for the volunteers to come and help. This, then, became Ashtar's Command. Now, there are going to be some that read this that will find it highly unlikely, highly improbably, perhaps even fictional. This is well and good. It is your choice. I am more or less just filling in a few blanks along the way for those that wish to have this information. For you see, the ones that resonate with this information, the ones that feel in their heart that this IS the correct information, are truly those that were the first volunteers that came to my brother Ashtar's call for assistance. For they are the ones that were with him from almost the beginning, that know the truth. And over time, many, many more have joined in. So therefore, if you do not believe this story, it matters not. Perhaps you volunteered and came in at a later time. That is fine, too. But there are also many out there who are reading these lessons that will say, "I am not of the Ashtar Command, I just KNOW of Ashtar." If you resonate at ALL with the name Ashtar... at ALL... if you KNOW of the name of my brother Ashtar... at ALL... you ARE of the Ashtar Command!
Now... I will step on a few more toes here. There are those of you that KNOW... you feel in your heart and your soul that you are a member of Michael's Legions. If you are on this planet and you are of Michael's Legions, you are ALSO of my brother Ashtar's Command. If you were of Michael's Legions and you were NOT of my brother Ashtar's Command, you would not be here on this planet. It is possible to be of the Ashtar Command on this planet and NOT be of Michael's Legions... but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be of Michael's Legions on this planet and NOT be a member of my brother Ashtar's Command. It is just the way it is. Some of you may not resonate with that, either! This, again, is entirely up to you.
It matters not to me at all if you do not resonate with this, however, I can tell you for a fact that any that know of my brother Ashtar, or any that feel they are of Michael's Legions that are on this planet at this point in time, you ARE OF THE COMMAND, and you ARE here for a SPECIFIC MISSION, possibly even more than one. For there are those out there who have denied for far too long. There are those out there that are still asleep, and it is well-past time for them to wake up. For things have accelerated to the point where ALL are needed. You still have a choice, mind you, as to whether you wish to continue on with your mission or not. However, the time has come that, if you decide NOT to continue on with your mission, that mission will be taken from you and given elsewhere. There are very few instances now of those being able to postpone their missions any longer. You CAN renegotiate your mission, you can decide not to give up everything in your life to do this because this is not what is being asked of you. The main thing that you are asked to do right now is to recognize who and what you are here for. You do not have to change anything at all about your life, except recognizing and ACTING UPON WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE HERE FOR."
One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth, and it was to be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. Project: Eagle Triad was set up by Ashtar as a means for us to work with the Earth grids, aligning them and helping to change the mass consciousness of the planet. In other words, bringing more Light to mankind. This 5th-dimensional grid, as well as the others that have since been established, will assist in ushering in the higher frequencies for the cleansing of Mother Earth as well as transmuting the negative energies of fear, etc., from the mass consciousness grid. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension and beyond.
This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists of doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day, which are given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha' meditations, and are designed for even those who are new to meditation in general. These meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more convenient for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the same meditation each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after which time we are given a new one. As of now, we start each new set of visualizations on Mondays.
All those participating in this Project are grouped into 'trinities' (three people working together), however, the members of each trinity do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the others. Through their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to the appropriate grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each trinity stay in touch with each other via email or other means in order to facilitate the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart. If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email janisel(@)
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
This should not discourage people who are seeking Ascension & Higher Densities & Higher Dimensions. It just reveals an aspect of the Science that are the Universal Laws that we are having to learn in order to have control of. We learn that it is Planck Lengths such as The Resonance Project teaches about that we can use to Create Our Own. Love and Light
10Dimensions youtube Channel
Love you all!
Job's on people.
LOL Peter
I know you are doing your Mission, Krishna! Love!
This Resonates with me & specifically that I am part of Archangel Michael's Legions of fractaled selfs and agents and I am one of many of the category called Rain. The Spaceships most used for mobile communication & travel that I am familiar with are indeed alive. My impression is that they are like expanded Orbs with a Membrane covering an Energy Field that includes all entities inside of the Ship Bubble. Conscious Heart/Mind with extra senses are used by the Techs Navigating the Orb Ships which are a type of Macro/Micro Sacred Geometry method of Quantum Spiritual Science. In 5D the Planck Lengths are Curling & Mutable & can be Manipulated by Masters of Spiritual Sciences. I am trying to provide info in a nonlimelight way so that it can be used in a more direct way by others. I hope that that is good enough in regards to my mission which is actually a shared mission with the other Rain's Mission Category. Love & Light