
The first thing on my mind....(Continued from Part 1.)
Chaotic Node Ending

SB: Thank you for that. It’s been said that we’re going through a chaotic node. Could you comment on whether we are or not? And if we are, how to react to it successfully, please?

R: You are actually coming out of the time of the chaotic node. Now, do not think of a chaotic node as a time of distress. It is a time when there is a great deal of energy that is churning - yes, simmering; well, perhaps at a slow boil - all over your planet and within each and every one of you. You have felt this time of chaos, of uncertainty, for many of you, turmoil. But what it really refers to is dramatic change.

And very often the change feels of such a magnitude that it feels like chaos.
Now, throughout the universe, we work with what you think of as creative chaos, to call in all the energy at our disposal. And this is what we have done, directly from the Mother/Father One, to the archangels, to the seraphim, to the angelic realm, to your star brothers and sisters, the entire Company of Heaven.

Everybody has been sending the higher vibrations, the higher frequencies to the planet and to each and every one of you. Whether it has been acknowledged or not, it doesn’t matter, because it has still been anchored within.

Some of you who are obviously more enlightened and aware have been very clear about these upgrades, upgrades, upgrades and downloads, and it has created chaos in the air, planetarily, in this time - yes, time - where the collective of humanity has said, “We will do this as one.”

It has also created a great deal of chaos, and even planetarily there has been a bit of a wobble. It is the only way we can describe it. So that simultaneously things have sped up and things have slowed down. And that is the definition of a chaotic node. It is what appears to be, certainly in your reference, discordant energy - and we don’t mean conflicting - but discordant energy - faster, slower - coming together at the same time.

Now, within that is the impulse and the point of creation and also the point where the pause ends, where the pause button, if you can think of it, for humanity is turned off and where the plan continues in its unfoldment.

So this has been a chaotic node in many, many ways, but it has been a positive thing, it has been a positive frame. But you are coming out of this time that you think of as the chaotic node.

SB: Well, if I can intervene at this point, I don’t want to leave people confused by what we’re talking about right now. Usually the word “the pause” has been associated with the time taken to see if the whole of humanity can go forward into Ascension.
So if you say that the pause has been taken off, then I think a lot of listeners will think, “Oh, well, then Ascension’s coming.”

But my understanding is that the Event, which I hope we’ll talk about in a moment, happening on the equinox is not Ascension, and that Ascension won’t be happening until probably next year.
So, could you - could you just correct me if I’m wrong on anything I’ve just said, please?

R: No, you are not wrong. What I am saying is, is that the pause button, that period of everything being in pause, is coming to an end. It has not been hit as yet.

SB: But we’re not to expect Ascension …

R: And for people to think that as soon as the pause button is released that Ascension is taking place would be an incorrect assumption. When the pause button is released, the plan continues into full action, and the next step in that full action is the rising of the human collective consciousness, or at least those who are going forward with their Ascension process.
The Event, Sept. 21-22, 2013

SB: Okay. That’s very good. Thank you. Could we take a look now at this Event that is said to be taking place on the 21st-22nd? It’s happened in the past that we’ve looked at, say, 11-11-11 or 11-11-12, and other events like that, and it’s been said that we’ll experience a great advance, and then a lot of people don’t have that experience.

And I’m a little bit worried that on the Fall Equinox this will happen again, that it will be billed as an event the people will experience, but many people will not. So can you tell us what will be coming at Equinox time, please?

R: Yes, I can tell you this, for I am quite a clear spoken master and I have no hesitation to speak of such matters. (3) But I also want to draw your attention to what your archangel friends have said repeatedly. It is not simply a single event. It is a series of events of which this equinox is a part.

Now, there have been many events, and let us go back to the Harmonic Convergence, the original 11/11, the original 12/12, and all that has come since that time. Each of these has been waves increasing the level of human awareness, consciousness, heart anchoring, and love.

This time of this equinox is the opening yet again of that doorway to a greater framework of love, of the capacity to hold and to be, and to experience and to know love, because that is truly what consciousness is.

Now, does everyone immediately feel it the same way? Well, no, of course not. Does the tree feel the energy intake the same as a blade of grass? No. Do the Rocky Mountains feel it the same as the rivers and streams? No.
So the human beings tend not to all integrate, or to recognize, what has taken place at the same time.

Having said that, when you are in a place of acceptance, allowance, heart-openness and anchoredness, the openness to receive and to be consciously aware of that, when you make the decision to be consciously aware - and this is part of the gift - then you will be.

Will it be identical for every single person? No. When you gather, whether it is three thousand or three, does it help? Yes. Do you create sacred ceremony for yourself to receive, to open, to be in that heart space?
Yes. So that is what it is about.

The other piece of this - and I do speak to you as your planetary logos - let us speak of one of the sidebars of this increase in consciousness, in heart consciousness, in the expansion of who you are. And it has to do with the coming together also with your star brothers and sisters.

Now, you have made enormous strides - yes, you have! - in your love, in your elements, in your anchoring of the divine qualities. And you have done so, especially some of you, in tremendously stressful situations - financial, emotional and spiritual. You have kept going, and for this I cannot even begin to tell you how much you are recognized and commended.

But in the old third, your energy grid - collectively, now, I am speaking - was in many ways (incompatible would be a nice word) incompatible with your star brothers and sisters. (4) The energies required to bring you up even for a brief conversation on Earth would have been difficult. And it virtually became out of bounds when you made the collective decision to ascend as one.

Your levels of consciousness, of heart availability, have been increasing constantly over the past year. Now, what your star brothers and sisters have also been doing is attuning themselves not only to the energies of Gaia, which are very firmly in the fifth and fully compatible, but also with the energies of the human collective.

As you take this next leap - and I do say this; it is a quantum leap - some of you may be aware of it; for some of you it will be slower. Some of you wake up in the morning and your eyes pop open and you jump out of bed. Some of you wake up slowly - you stretch, you yawn, you lie in bed for a while.

It matters not; the energy will be there.
As you take this next shift, your energies, your heart abilities, your anchoring in the divinity of who you are becomes even more compatible with your star brothers and sisters. That is one of the sidebars, but that is also one of the gifts.

You are coming to a place where the full awareness with your partners above, which have been basically unseen - and seen, somewhat, to an extent in the night sky - are becoming more available to you.

So this is not simply a tiny upgrade. Will you all experience it differently? Yes. But prepare yourself and open your heart. Create a beautiful ceremony, whether it is alone or with others. Open your hearts, beloved ones, and receive. Let go of fear and doubt. There is no place for it.

SB: All right. Thank you, Raj. On previous occasions I personally have been alone, in my apartment, usually. But on this occasion a lot of us will be gathered at Joshua Tree, so we’ll be in each other’s company.
Is it different when you’re in a group and an event like this happens, than if you’re alone? What can we expect, and how should we be?

Raj: When you are in a group, there is a group energy that takes place, and there is a greater cry, shall we say, because it is a collective statement - we are here, we are open, we receive. So it is a greater call-out. And there is the support, the mutuality, the unity.

How do you know? Because when you are in a group what happens is when you are partaking of this there is this sharing of community and joy. So, in that way you simply are in a hyper state of awareness and vigilance and openness. But that is not to say that this cannot happen as an individual alone in your bedroom, in meditation before your sacred altar. And your sacred altar, dear heart, may be one picture or one crystal. It is still your sacred space.

Now, the benefit sometimes of being alone is you do not have the distractions of those around you. You have the blessings of your sacred space, of security, and you feel safer to go deeper and truly unite with the Company of Heaven and to have an incredible experience. Do you get to smile, joke and play with others? Well, you can do that thereafter.

So it is not to say that one way is better than another. What is important is to make your choice and to be present and allow these energies. And it will be over the course of several days. It is not simply a moment in time, as you well know. You can’t go wrong.

SB: Okay. [laugh] Actually, I didn’t know that it wasn’t a moment in time, but that’s good.
President Obama
Now we’ve got about 13 minutes left. I want to ask you about President Obama, and then I have two questions on 9/11. I’ve got a lot of questions if time permits, but I don’t think we’ll have the time for that.

So, the first question is: A lot of people are criticizing President Obama because it appears that he wants to either go to war with Syria or take actions which will be interpreted as warlike. Can you tell us where President Obama is on the Syrian question.
This portion of the transcript was posted earlier.

Raj: What we would say about Barack Obama is, he is being worked with. Now, as Michael has said, does he always listen to guidance? No, but primarily he does. And he has been positioned in this nation for a reason.

Now, what I would say to you is we would suggest that you look at history. And we mean even the history of this individual. Barack Obama is not usually an individual that waffles. He is a person who makes clear, quick, and decisive decisions and has the capacity to move into action.

So, our question to all of you is, why do you think that he is waffling so much? And why are the actions of the military not completely aligning with the words?
He is a strategist, and the strategy at the moment is stall, stretch, wait. So we would suggest that you look more clearly at what is taking place rather than just what is being said.

The public - and we do not simply mean the American public; we mean the public of the world - is very actively and vociferously coming together on two platforms. One is saying - and we have spoken to this as well - the information about this entire situation regarding Syria is incomplete.

There are factors that have not come to the surface as yet. But the second collective opinion and movement is that, regardless, people do not want war. Finally, the human collective is tired of war.

So, even in the United States, for example, where you have the leadership speaking of war or strategic strikes, you have the populace saying, “No.” And that is significant and has not occurred since the time of Vietnam at this level. So this is an important shift.

Now, sometimes the words of threatening war makes everybody sit up and pay attention and take a position, including those who are being threatened, and in this case it is the Syrians. But the threat is not simply about the Syrians. The threat is to say that certain forms of aggression, of warfare, are completely unacceptable, that you cannot with invisible weapons kill children in their beds.

But we say to you, many are working, above and below, in the White House with Barack Obama. But I would ask all of you, each and every one of you - and we do not care what your political affiliation is; this has nothing to do with it - we ask you to send energy - love, prayers, meditation; however you conceive of this - to Barack Obama and to the people of Syria.


SB: All right. Well, thank you. That was very, very helpful. I … yes, I understand it a lot better now. Thank you.
I have two questions on 9/11, which is just two days away. I’ll read those two questions to you because we only have about 6 minutes left. I’d really like you to answer the second question first, but I’d like you to answer both questions, if possible.
9/11 and an Apology to World Islam

So, first of all, the first question is, if you could tell us how far we’ve gone in the revelation of the truth of 9/11; what we can expect to have happen this year in terms of that revelation, and the second question is, Muslims were not responsible for 9/11, even though they’re blamed for it. Ironically, nominal Christians were, if one wants to be honest about it. Do we owe world Islam an apology?

Raj: There were many aspects and many conspiracies that still have to come to the surface - or not - regarding 9/11 and the atrocities that have been committed. And the atrocities have not simply been, shall we say, on the American people. They have been on the planet - on every nation, every culture, every religious system. So those responsible - who are a mixed bag - do they owe an apology to humanity? Yes, they do. But do they also require forgiveness? Yes, they do.

Now, let us also speak of what many still revert to in terms of 9/11. And we do not wish to minimize the level of conspiracy, on many levels - and that is important to realize - that took place. But when you continue in this, you are engaging in those elements of fault, blame, shame, guilt, judgment. And that is of the old third.

That is what those who were involved in these actions were all about and anchored in. And they were pivotal in creating human chaos, division amongst people - Christian, Islam, nations, false wars…. So the list is quite large.

But it is time for the planet - because Gaia was also injured, enormously, by this action - it is time for everybody to move to the higher realm and, through forgiveness and compassion and enormous prudence, to move forward. Because when the truth does come out - and it will, and it will very soon, in human time, very soon - it will be shocking to everybody.

And that is when discernment on the part of the human collective will be absolutely necessary. And I know you are capable of practicing discernment. That is what I say on the subject.

SB: Well, let me just clarify one thing, Raj, before we leave the subject. I’m not really suggesting that the people responsible for 9/11 owe world Islam an apology. I’m more suggesting that all the citizens who did not inquire into the truth of the event - shall we say that - and blamed world Islam, I think it’s time that they realize that they owe world Islam an apology in order to bring this situation to a point of healing.
Would you care to comment on that?

Raj: What happened with 9/11 was the occurrence and the identification of the external enemy, which in many ways became the world of Islam. And that was correct. This [i.e, the people who engineered 9/11 and made world Islam a scapegoat] was a group of renegade individuals, on many levels, from many different nations.
So yes. This division between religions and communities has need to come to an end. And yes, an apology is always welcome, on every level.

SB: Okay. Thank you for that. We’re just about out of time, but perhaps I can turn to some questions which I postponed.
Gautama Buddha His Successor
You said that you were universal logos, or at least that you were going to become universal logos. I heard another version in which - I think it was through Michelle Coutant - in which you called it solar logos. Are they the same position?

Raj: Yes, they are.

SB: And Gautama Buddha is to be your successor. Is that correct?

Raj: That is correct. And that will be a joyous day for many!

SB: Yes? How is that, Raj, apart from the obvious?

Raj: The energy of this wonderful Buddha is the fulfillment of love and the bringing of deep peace throughout many, many eons. So there is a great deal for the human collective and Gaia, to look forward to.

SB: Oh, that’s excellent. All right. Well, there we are, the music comes on! Thank you ever so much, Sanat, for so much reassuring information and comforting information. Thank you.

Raj: Go with my love, and go in peace. Farewell.

SB: Farewell.


(1) Our interpretation of this mysterious clue is that when the intel/dinar gurus and other commentators fall silent, know that the gold is near. And they have fallen silent, some in total, some in part.
(2) The prosperity programs and the global currency reset (or “reval”) are different. The prosperity programs come from a number of sources and are gifts to peoploe whereas the reval comes about as a result of people’s purchase of currencies such as the Iraqi Dinar and the Vietnamese Dong. (Of the two, I recommend the Dong.)
(3) Sanat has said on previous occasions that we can ask him questions we cannot ask Archangel Michael, that he has greater latitude to speak on some subjects than Michael may have. I think that’s what he’s referring to here.
(4) This was one of the reason that the Neptune expedition was cancelled - because our energies were too discordant with that of the galactics.


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