
“Greetings all family on Planet Earth, I AM Sanat Kumara, I AM called ‘Ancient of Days’ by some; I AM given the title as being the Head of the Kumara family. We come from a Planet that is called the Planet of
Love, and we came here long ago to be here on Planet Earth to hold the
light of Love when darkness had fallen over the Planet. We promised to
stay through all of the dark times and the lighter times, and we have
kept that promise to all. We are Love embodied and we have grounded
Love on this planet through all times, even when it did not feel so very
loving, and now we are here to say congratulations to all of you who
have joined us. Starseeds, indeed from all over the universe, have come
to this Planet Earth, whether you are on your ship in the skies,
whether you are a part of the ground crew as Ashtar calls you, you are
the light, bright beaming radiant ones who have made this all possible.
We have not come out to greet the new age which has dawned, ever before
in the history/herstory of the Planet, and that is an appropriate way
of saying it, is it not? It is the divine feminine which is finally
coming into balance with all of the male energies which have been so
dominant upon this planet.

“It is that which is making possible the reunion with your Twin Flames, and if you have not yet been in connection or as Beloved Ashtar says, communion, with your Twin Flame, it’s time to start. A greeting, a
hello, an invitation to reunite with that part of you from which you
have been separated all these eons. Some of you may have had some times
of togetherness, particularly when you have journeyed elsewhere, up and
out of 3-dimensional Earth. For the most part, you have been separated
and we know that you have had loneliness at times in your many
lifetimes here. And we come to assure you in this particular gathering,
that your time for that loneliness is over. That which is called the
Golden Age of Planet Earth has promised so much. The promises are all
kept. The promise of reunion with your Twin Flame is one. We ask that
you allow that promise to come into your beings and we suggest that you
issue an invitation. For some it will seem to be answered instantly.
This is possible for all. For some it might take some messaging back
and forth, some getting acquainted. Many of you have your twin already
in body upon this planet. Many of you have your twin not in the body
of a human but in a spirit body, or a starseed body, and believe me,
they will be so delighted to hear from you and it makes no difference
whether they are in the house next door to you or across the planet or
millions of miles out in the stars, there is nothing that can keep you
apart. When you put your heart into it, when you give thanks and
gratitude that your twin is so ready to be reunited with you, when you
allow yourselves the gift of knowing, the gift of opening, the gift of
receiving, you’re receiving the love of all, the love of Mother/Father
if you choose to see that, you’re receiving the love of the divine one
you are, and you’re receiving the love of your twin from whom you have
been parted. So if you have not yet made that contact, that connection,
we are here to invite you to do so from your heart, your wisdom and
your very soul. Spend time in that space. Welcome your twin flame and
let this be the moment of the beginning of togetherness evermore.

“And so when we got together, as we do, to plan, to examine the possibilities, to see what it was that you beloved, beloved ones were putting forth as the topics that you wanted to hear about in this family
gathering, it was unanimously decided that I, Sanat Kumara, from the
Planet of Love as you call Venus, would come forth and give this message
to you. You may be more familiar with one of my family members. You
are in truth familiar with more of my family members than you might know
our family the Family of Kumara, but the one in particular is beloved
Sananda. He is one of my sons and some of you know that it was Sananda
whose spirit came into the body of the teacher, the beloved, sacred and
holy man that you know as Jesus. We Kumaras have been with you not
only as lights upon the planet, but we have been honored to be
represented at times with embodied humans. And the one you know as
Jesus is the most familiar to you. Sananda has accepted the mission
long, long ago for being in charge, so to speak, or shall we say the
director of the Ascension of Planet Earth and most particularly the
return to spirituality, the uniting of all in spirit, in spiritual
practice, in spiritual living.

“Sananda shall be much in evidence, along with his helpers in allowing, or shall we say, teaching all to allow themselves to break the bonds that the dogmas of the religions have created, and then move
beyond as fully ascended masters in spirit united, with no fears and
being utterly in joy and bliss. And all will recognize the oneness and
the sacredness of all life. So he is back, he is attending to the last
minute details of what must be accomplished in order to make these
announcements official, then he will embark upon the next phase of his
mission which is the spiritual unification of the planet, free from any
rules, dogmas and fears. Being a spirit or a spiritual being in united
living with all other spiritual beings is totally free. It is optional
to the degree that not all have to do the ascension at this moment in
what remains of time upon planet earth, but as an ascended being,
spiritual unification is part of the lifestyle. It is as much a part of
living as is breathing, or flying. So understand well what we are
talking about and allow yourselves to soar into that space of spiritual
connection. Allow yourselves to be free from any fears or bonds of
dogma. Take back into your churches, your synagogues, your places of
sacredness, the spirit, the freedom of spiritual unification. Just be a
light there and allow others to learn from you. As you shine your
light, as you smile upon all there, you will teach and you won’t have to
say a word. You’re simply allowing and presenting an opportunity for
freedom from whatever may have been frightening or limiting. Soar with
that beloved ones. Bring your guides, they’ll come along anyway, but
invite them to come with you. And each one of you can be a minister of
love and peace and joy.

“And that is the message that Sananda will bring to the planet. There is no such thing as a holy war. The two words are entirely contradictory. Now the promise of peace is being kept. And when there
is peace and when everyone has abundance in all manner of things that
they could desire, it fosters the atmosphere of love and spiritual
connection. And you will find wonderous miracles occurring.
Neighboring countries will come together in co-operation and unity and
spiritual connection. They will unite to help Mother Gaia through the
last phases of her cleansing and we will be right there. They will
unite to uplift the world to a place where diseasement cannot exist.
They will unite to make sure there is no such thing any more as hunger,
or homelessness. And this, Beloveds, has been a major role of the
churches and other institutions of religion worldwide. These wondrous
institutions will come shining forth once more in this union, this
unification. And it will be all about blessings, and all about Love,
all about sharing and caring for each other. The planet will shine with
the love and the joy. We see it as done because that is the truth. It
is so. Just allow it into your beings. The truth, the reality of it
and then just turn your lights up even brighter and join with it. All
is well in your kingdoms. All is divine and all is sacred. Be in Joy.
Be in Bliss. And Be in Oneness with All.

“Thank you, Beloved Family. And now standing with me are Sananda and Beloved Mother Mary and they offer you once more the roses, the roses of Kumara, which is Love. The roses of joy, the roses of heaven, if you
wish, from the sacred gardens. Please take as many as you wish into
your hearts, into your beings and keep them there ever fresh, ever
vibrant as a symbol of the reality of the divinity you are. Be Love and
be Joy. Blessings and Namaste.”

Many thanks to Deborah Urquhart for the transcription.
© Susan Leland 2010. All Rights Reserved. This is a gift to all of us; you may share it freely on condition that all accreditation is
acknowledged and that no part is altered.

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Philip Davies left a comment on Comment Wall
"Hello Ashtar Command Crew I hope your Day/Evening is Good 🙏

I thought I would share my friend Alice Cellia webpage Glactic Souls.

You can obtain a Free E-Book called....

Awakening Your Divine Potential - Your Role as a Starseed in the I AM…"
3 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"If any other member(s) would seek to become a tourist, on the Sirian mothership, post official first contact, let me know.....If interested, just check out this Family of Light video, for the preliminaries.....…"
6 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall

The beings of Lakwedak (Tau Ceti star nation) are a very high vibe and it's all real, even though for some, it seems we are all living in a science fiction fantasy....For myself, well I've got used to fantastical things…"
33 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Actually the real Master Jesus does not want anyone to worship him, only to practice the art of self-realisation and become, as he has become...ascended..
I also know that Master Rakoczi has a ship of his own (well, in Agartha they don't own…"
1 hour ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"And ppl gonna fall on his FEET, uhh uhhh lol Jesus u back lol Uhh uhhh and worship lol And he's gonna be like GET OFF YOUR KNEES, YOU NOT USING YOUR BRAIN lol This what the Man wants you to do lol"
1 hour ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"Jesus gonna come back on a SPACESHIP lol Hopefully not a triangular one, apparently those are military types lol He gonna walk out, what up ppl lol I'm BACK."
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"That's another good one, Ivy.....And I would again like to remind members that these are not fakes, or drones...It is really happening and it's positive...

I feel a lot of joy about this....A great idea to project a hologram of the pilot's laughing…"
1 hour ago
ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"This is my favorite 😻"
1 hour ago