This report will look at and analyze the horoscopes of three cities that have been hit by major property-damaging floods: Houston, Texas, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. I have experienced two hurricanes (with major floods) in my New Orleans childhood and one recent major land-based flood here in Santa Fe this past summer. And yes, I have seen how flooding destroys homes and watch the lives of people become affected and changed forever as a result of such floods. Major floods to cities appear to be dominated by two transiting AND natal planets: Neptune and Pluto. Neptune rules "deception and disappointment" and Pluto rules "transformation, often through crisis." But I've also noticed that the personal points (Sun, Moon, Nodes, Ascendant, and Midheaven) are also affected. This is especially true with the Moon, since the Moon rules cardinal water. And yes, the Moon also represents "the home; the neighborhood; the public." Finally, I notice that Mars usually represents "the police department; the fire department; city emergency services." We will start with Houston, Texas and Hurricane Harvey.


Houston is a Gemini Sun with a major conjunction of the Sun, Chiron, and Mercury in Gemini (and all are in conjunction with the fortunate star of Rigel). This defines the many existing state of the art medical facilities and NASA facilities that make up Houston. Neptune in the 5th House definitely represents oil speculation, and Pluto in the 8th House (forming a trine with Jupiter in the 11th House) is indicative for a big draw of money and finance.


From a time perspective, It is nebulous and really difficult to estimate exactly when a hurricane, tornado, or major flood begins its impact on an important city. But thanks to color enhanced radar from the U.S. Weather Service that provides time and date, one can get an idea for a time when a major rain portion of a hurricane (i.e. yellow, orange, or red colors (as opposed to green colors, which represents light rain)) enter a city and bring forth serious rain amounts needed to start flooding. I used this weather service radar analysis via color to define the time that a hurricane enters a major city. Let's start with Hurricane Harvey, the most serious hurricane to ever hit Houston in terms of flooding (below).


Pluto Square Pluto (circled in red above) is definitely a strong suspect for defining a major crisis for Houston. But also notice the role of transiting Neptune. Circled in pink above, the T-square involving transiting Neptune squaring the natal conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, and Chiron (and opposing the natal Ascendant at 15 Virgo 21 minutes) is definitely suspect for "disappointments and deception" affecting "the reputation" (Midheaven, which is near the Sun) and "the environment" (Ascendant) as well. Circled in blue above, the transiting aspect of Moon Opposition Uranus is lying almost exactly on the Nodal plane, and this defines "connections with a major shock or surprise involving water, the home, the public, and/or a neighborhood."  Finally, the conjunction of transiting Sun and Mercury lines up with Houston's natal Mars (circled in orange). This may be indicative of the great confusion and arguments that took place with Houston's police and rescue services at that time. A lot of this was due to the conservative governor of Texas ordering an evacuation of Houston and the liberal mayor of Houston telling the city NOT to evacuate based on the path of the hurricane predicted to go west of Corpus Christi, Texas. The conservative governor would prove to be correct; Hurricane Harvey hit Corpus Christi (south of Houston) and then changed direction. Instead of moving westward, the hurricane went straight north for Houston after flooding Corpus Christi. Now let's look at New Orleans, Louisiana, my hometown from birth to age 19.


New Orleans is a prime candidate for flooding since most of the city is below sea level. Mardi Gras and the great alcohol consumption that takes place in New Orleans is definitely representative of the natal Sun Conjunction Neptune placement. The 2nd House of New Orleans is very interesting; Pluto in the 2nd House is highly indicative for a love for French Quarter antique relics from the past (which is a bulk of the cities tourist income) and Uranus in the 2nd House is usually indicative for income made via criminal activities (and organized crime did get it's initial U.S.A. start in New Orleans, and not New York, Boston, or Philadelphia). Jupiter in the 12th House is indicative of much religious (or Catholic) presence. The square of Jupiter with Saturn in the 3rd House is indicative of the HUGE catholic education system (and there are a LOT of catholic schools in New Orleans) and also the conflicts of this education system with the public school system. Voodoo may be represented by the Chiron placement in the 8th House.


Hurricane Betsy (below) hit New Orleans in 1965, and resulted in massive flooding of east New Orleans. The house that I grew up in had water up to the ceiling; I remember photos of dogs on top of rooftops to avoid the water. Circled in pink below and eerily similar to Houston's Hurricane Harvey, transiting Neptune in the 4th House is applying hard aspects to the natal Sun and to the natal Leo Ascendant. But also included in this is a very hard Neptune Square Moon transit; this certainly represented major disappointment to communities, homes, and the public. 1965 would feature the famous transiting conjunction of Uranus Conjunction Pluto (2nd House). Drawn in green below, this 1965 conjunction would form a T-square with Mars, along with the transit of Saturn Opposition Pluto. The mayor of New Orleans at that time reportedly did not know what to do regarding the major flooding of east New Orleans, and police and rescue services (Mars) were in a state of disarray due to this lack of leadership.


The pink cross that featured hard aspects of Neptune with the Ascendant (as seen with Hurricanes Harvey and Betsy) continues with Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (below). This hurricane is considered by many to be the worst hurricane to ever hit New Orleans, and New Orleans has been hit by many hurricanes. Similar to Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Katrina has transiting Neptune Opposition natal Ascendant (defining "disappointment in the environment") but also note that Neptune is also now forming a very hard Neptune Square Neptune transit ("major disapointment"). Circled in green below, transiting Pluto forms a T-square with the natal Nodal plane. Please note that both of the natal Nodes from the New Orleans horoscope have conjunctions with stars that imply disasters, and transiting Pluto forms a T-Square with both of them. And yes, Pluto rules "transformation, often through crisis." Finally, the transit of Moon Square Uranus (circled in orange below) is indicative of "a shocking conflict that involves water, the public, homes, and/or neighborhoods."


My research that involved the defining of the horoscope of Santa Fe, New Mexico was a major project. This is due to conflict over when the area south of the Sangre de Cristo mountains was initially settled by Spain. Information on this is sketchy since the northern New Mexico area is an area with a history of horrific violence committed against native Americans by Spanish conquistadores, before and after the Santa Fe area was settled in 1609. Another consideration is that the Santa Fe area is also an area of great beauty. In addition to being a scenic mecca for aspiring artists and writers, many outsiders settle here due to the healing energy in areas outside Santa Fe like Taos and Ojo Caliente. And yes, the sunsets here are spectacular (and this was the reason famous artist Georgia O'Keefe stated for moving here). But again, there was much conflict trying to find a birth date and time. Thanks to the Spanish violence, the records from the early 1600's are very sketchy and nebulous, and involved a lot of hearsay. I do agree with most of the astrologers here in Santa Fe on one thing: Santa Fe is an Aquarius Sun. Evidence of this is due to mundane astrology research done by real estate and business astrologer Georgia Stathis (which was revealed in 1987, in the San Francisco bay area). Her research on various towns in northern California revealed that Aquarius cities and towns tended to have nearly all neighborhoods and housing with an almost "equal" appearance via similar architecture styled characteristics and appearances. A very good example of this is the Aquarius city San Francisco with its prevalent Victorian housing and dominant Victorian architecture seen in its neighborhoods. And here in Santa Fe, the Mexican adobe style architecture seen here dominate the neighborhoods and apartment complexes (and retirement centers) and are literally EVERYWHERE you travel in this city. And you do not see this dominant housing architecture phenomena in nearby Taos, Albuquerque, or Los Alamos. But the most important consideration in addition to the Aquarius Sun placement is the basic description of the Santa Fe area AND the northern New Mexico area: a land of great violence and great beauty.


Above is the chart of Santa Fe, New Mexico that I have decided on. The Venus Opposition Neptune placement ("involvement with art") is very close to equality with the Ascendant ("environment") at 16 degrees Gemini 46 minutes. Also note that the Sun in the 9th House ("higher education") forms a strong trine with the Ascendant, and there are many art schools in this area (and the biggest art school in Santa Fe closed down due to financial issues when transiting Neptune squared this Ascendant (and also formed a conjunction with Venus in the 10th House)). The square between Mars in Aries (11th House) with the conjunction of Moon and Mercury in the 8th House may be indicative of the many murders and great sexual violence that took place in the Santa Fe area as corrupt New Mexico governor Don Onate resigned and moved out of the northern New Mexico area in January of 1609. Despite the possibility of much negative energy present due to its violent history, northern New Mexico currently draws a lot of psychics, channelers, and natural healers. I attribute this to Chiron Conjunction the Galactic Center, along with the star of Fomalhaut ("Archangel Gabriel") in conjunction with the Midheaven (MC).


Santa Fe is one of the dryest and most arid areas of the United States. The air here is very dry, and water can be scarce. I have noticed that when rain does come it drys up very quickly here. The arid region of the United States is seen below:


Flash floods are always a possibility in arid regions. I live near some mountains, and there is a very huge drainage ditch next to where I live. There are many ditches like this in Santa Fe; the purpose of these ditches are to drain the huge amounts of water that move down from the mountains and to prevent flooding in the city area. This was not the case on July 23, 2018. One of the most significant rain storms on record hit the Santa Fe area and resulted in water overflowing from the drainage ditches and causing massive damages to adobe neighborhoods and property. Refered to now as the "1000 Year Flood," it caused huge dollar amounts in property damages. According to one survivor, her house was getting filled with water at 7:30 pm, and I used this for the time of this major flooding event below:


Similar to all the other charts (and drawn in pink above), transiting Neptune is forming a hard aspect to the Ascendant (at 15 degrees Gemini 46 minutes). Circled in orange above, transiting Pluto is in conjunction with the natal Moon (defining "a transformation of homes/neighborhoods via crisis") and both of these are forming a square to natal Mars (which indicates "conflicts taking place with police and rescue services" (who never had to deal with anything like this!)) And yes, this Pluto Square Mars transit with the Santa Fe horoscope is very similar to Hurricane Betsy's Pluto Square Mars transit; the police and rescue services were probably in a state of great anger and in chaos due to an inability to do anything to help the public.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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