The assassination of JFK took place 11/22/63 at 12:30 PM, in Dallas, Texas. JFK had recently issued an order to bring back all troops from Vietnam, and it was rumored he wanted to talk to Khruschev about important peace agreements between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
The mainstream media would do some of the most incredible lying of all time to the public with the JFK assassination, and it's lunacy then would certainly compete with the lunacy now concerning the current lies claiming that Trump is being bankrolled by Putin.
Citizens at Dealey Plaza were reported to be storming the grassy knoll to apprehend the shooters, and the mainstream media claimed they were running from the gunfire to seek cover in the trees. The mainstream media also focused on a "lone nut" (MUCH LIKE THE RECENT LAS VEGAS SHOOTING) with a Manlicher-Carcano rifle that has been called "the humanitarian weapon" in Italy because you can't kill anyone with it.
My favorite lie of all time from the mainstream media featured an ambitious reporter named Dan Rather who got to watch the Abraham Zapruder film of JFK getting his head blown off. Here is what he told the public; please go to 2:07 for Rather's outrageous lie regarding the movement of JFK's head after getting hit by the sniper(s):
Below is a reported good quality copy of the Abraham Zapruder film. Please go to 0:40 to reveal JFK's head motion, and it can be clearly seen that Dan Rather is a liar. Note that the lady in the red dress is Jean Dixon (who claimed to have seen an assassin behind a stockade fence, which is where James E. Files claimed to have positioned himself and fired upon JFK. She would be labeled as a "conspiracy theorist"). The lady to her right is Mary Moorman, who takes a picture of JFK while he gets his head blown off.
Moral of the story: fake news pays well.
Other Interesting Facts
The assassination took place in Dallas at a location of an old open Freemason temple that was 33 degrees north of the equator (and a separate infamous event existed at a 32-33 degree latitude of an area called Golgotha, located near Jerusalem). JFK's murder also took place while JFK was being labeled as "King of Camelot" by the media (and of which is also somewhat similar with another similar peacemaker who was being labeled as "King of the Jews"). And yes, both of these "dangerous men" who advocated peace also advocated ideas that threatened to take money out of the pockets of "special men" who were knowledgeable in the interpretation of the Hebrew Kabalah (and who also held high ranks in the military, real estate, and banking).
Another interesting aspect that came out of both of these "killing of the kings" (who promoted peace) is the meaning of 33 in the Kabbalah: "to kill a king of Edom."
Okay, enough of occult symbolism. The moral of the story is that if anyone wants to label you as a "king" (and you are in an area near 33 degrees latitude), get the hell away fast. Especially if you cost (or may cost) somebody a lot of money for promoting peace.
Map Of Assassination Of JFK On 11/22/63 And Positions Of Key Witnesses Near The Shooting
(a.k.a. "conspiracy theorists")
The uncircled stars above (with the black dot between them) is where a University of Texas at Arlington student found a pre-1971 0.222 caliber Remington bullet cartridge shell (with what appeared to be teeth marks in the shell) in 1987. This shell was found in the location where James E. Files claimed to have shot JFK with a Remington Fireball (which fires 0.222 cartridges). This location of Files' position is labeled with circled stars. I am 95% sure that Files did the headshot of Kennedy; the original 1:20:00 1994 confession of James E. Files may be watched via clicking Files claimed to have taken the hot shell out of his rifle after killing Kennedy, bit into it to leave teeth marks, and placed it on the stockade fence as a symbol of his "calling card."
Abraham Zapruder's position is about as good as it gets for catching a view of the headshot, and the position of Jean Hill and Mary Moorman were as good as it gets for seeing Files' claimed position and the position of "The Badgeman Assassin" (who is believed to be Charles Rogers, who has mysteriously disappeared. His parents were found in their home freezer, choped into pieces).
Here is Mary Moorman's famous photo of JFK getting his head blown off, followed by computer enhancement of "The Badgeman Assassin." James E. Files claimed to be to the left of the Badgeman, up the hills near the trees:
Close-up of the "Badgeman" to the right of the top of sidewalk stairs.
Computer enhancement of "The Badgeman."
Horoscope of John F. Kennedy
JFK's chart above features a packed 8th House. The 8th House rules sexual activity, secretive research, inheritances, banking, insurance, occult activities, espionage secrets, and death.
The big concerns with JFK's chart that concern the aspect of death are the Mars Conjunction Vertex in the 8th House (circled in red) and the Sun in Gemini in the 8th House (circled in black). The Vertex represents destinies of life we usually can have no control over, and in addition to a strong sex drive (represented by Mars in the 8th), there may be 8th House threats of death that concern areas ruled by Mars (i.e. firearms, knives, fast cars). The Sun in Gemini in the 8th House can represent "a great deal of curiosity about secret matters." And because Kennedy was not indoctrinated into the D.C. swamp or a part of the D.C. intelligence elite, he probably was exposed to a lot of secret knowledge that may have been shocking OR was denied access to a lot of secret knowledge that was shocking (and the Roswell aliens really comes to mind here. Below is the famous C.I.A. document (typed a few days before her death) concerning Marilyn Monroe and her possible knowledge of the Roswell aliens via JFK. Go to the 8th line of the 2nd paragraph below for the comment regarding "things from outer space").
The JFK Assassination Applied To JFK's Chart
Mars and Saturn are old enemies of the zodiac, and transiting Saturn forming a square aspect to the Mars Conjunction Vertex aspect (drawn in red above) is indicative of potential dangers to activities that range from 8th House financial issues, 8th House sexual issues, and yes, potential for 8th House death.
The Sun can rule the general health, and the T-Square of transiting Uranus Square Sun ("a surprise or shock to one's health") and Mercury/Vesta Opposition Sun ("issues or trade-offs that concern communications or short distance travel") are all drawn in black above and indicate a possible surprise to one's health while in the course of communications, short-distance travel, or both. And with the Sun in the 8th House, death or threat of death cannot be ruled out as an aspect of health that one must be concerned about.
Lyndon Johnson's Horoscope
Lyndon Johnson's 8th House of death has Saturn placed in it. Circled in red above, Lyndon Johnson's 8th House Saturn ("secretive government areas") is forming a quincunx to Johnson's 1st House Moon Conjunction Vesta to possibly define "secretive government tension with a public or community of a secretive nature." This suggests involvement with and tension with areas that involve secretive government areas. Like Nixon, Johnson has Pluto in the 10th House ("obsession with leadership roles in society; the desire to transform others via powerful career positions or powerful social positions"). Hence, Pluto 10th House placement may suggest a quest for power in some way, and involvement with secretive areas of the government (defined by the 8th House government-based Saturn applying to the "secretive-based community" in the 1st House) may be a part of this quest for power.
Transits Of The JFK Assassination To Johnson's Chart
Circled in red above, the JFK Assassination Mercury Conjunction Vesta transit (which formed an intense opposition to JFK's 8th house Sun) now forms a trine transit to Johnson's 8th House Saturn. And while this is going on, transiting Uranus forms a conjunction transit to Johnson's 1st House Moon Conjunction Vesta (and is thus also forming a quincunx aspect to Johnson's 8th House Saturn). These transits are all circled in red above, and this suggests "surprises involving people of a secretive nature that has tension with secretive areas of the government and is concerned with short distance travel or communications."
Uranian Astrology Analysis
I was floored when I looked at the JFK assassination on the 90 degree dial. Anytime the U.S. president is involved in Uranian astrology (be it the elected U.S. president or one seeking election to be U.S. President), the midpoint formula Sun / Kronos (or Kronos / Sun (same thing), as seen above in yellow at 61 degrees 13 minutes) is always the first midpoint formula to be looked at. And this event has Kronos / Sun ("the president") five minutes away from equality with the formula for "assassination" (Hades / Mars, or Mars / Hades (same thing, at 61 degrees 8 minutes).
These two midpoints are very close to equality, and I looked for synastry of other midpoints with the midpoint of these two midpoints (which is 61 degrees 10 minutes) that define "assassination of the U.S. president" that are highlighted in yellow above.
The formulas analyzed spelled out an incredible planetary picture that I define as the following:
"The assassination of the president took place with participation of many factions. These factions included a media with a reputation for very mean acts, government entities in the environment involved in murder, and high-level criminals that may include soldiers, police, or men of action."
The 90 Degree Formula For "Assassination Of The President" Applied to JFK's Chart
JFK's midpoint of "connection with others in the environment" equals the JFK Assassination Hades / Mars "assassination" midpoint, and is also equal to the president assassination formula of Kronos/Sun | Hades/Mars formula as well.
The 90 Degree Formula For "Assassination Of The President" Applied to Lyndon Johnson's Chart
Johnson's midpoint formula for "good luck or good deeds from others in the environment" equals the formula for "the president," and is also equal to the president assassination formula of Kronos/Sun | Hades/Mars formula as well.
The Star of Algol ("danger to head or neck; murder; violence; great evil") Applied To The 90 Degree Dial Of The JFK Assassination
My astrology computer program reveals the "evil" star of Algol at 25 degrees Taurus at the time JFK as shot. The midpoint of Kronos / Saturn (or Saturn / Kronos) is equal to this star per Uranian astrology standards, and this midpoint defines "ruling persons are impeded; the fall of a ruler or a government" and involved with the energies of Algol ("danger of injury to the neck or head").
For JFK's assassination, this is pretty accurate in my opinion.
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,