This meet-up took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico on June 4, 2017. I covered a review of the Black Moon Lilith, it's definitions and descriptions, and the 11-year bubble cycle that I have recently discovered that is associated with the Black Moon Lilith.

A bubble is not necessarily financially related. It can represent a new craze or social trend that rapidly grows in popularity. And yes, there can be financial rewards and punishments with bubbles, as well as gains and losses of friends or respect.

Below are the three phases of a bubble:


The Black Moon Lilith is not a solid object. It is a line of focus from planet Earth to the longest part of the Moon's orbit, called the apogee. The following pages explain this:

8111057059?profile=original 8111056681?profile=original

The Black Moon Lilith has a 9-year cycle, but every 11 years it lands in one of the Fix Element signs of the zodiac (starting at the top and going counter-clockwise, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio). This is usually within an important time-span of when an important bubble takes place.  

8111056495?profile=originalThe key to understanding the nature of the bubble concerns the opposite sign that the Black Moon is facing. Hence, when the Black Moon is in Taurus, it is facing Scorpio (i.e. organized crime, secretive organizations, the mob). The Black Moon in Leo faces Aquarius (i.e. scientific applications, television, technology). The Black Moon in Scorpio faces Taurus (i.e. banking, financing, real estate). And finally, the Black Moon in Aquarius is facing Leo (i.e. speculation; financial or commodity speculation).

Because the next 11-year cycle of the Black Moon will be in Aquarius in 2018, one must consider the possibility of a bubble to form that may be related to speculation, and financial or commodity speculation (with public participation) stands to be the real probability.

8111057084?profile=original8111057470?profile=original8111057495?profile=originalDon't forget the media, George!!

Eric Trump: MSM Behavior "Out of Control"

Cases In Point On Why We Should Not Believe What The Government Or The Mainstream Media Tells Us, Especially If it Affects Our Wallet.

The 1920's Bubble And 1929 Bubble Burst


Seen Below: Your Brilliant U.S. Government And Mainstream Media In Action In the late 1920's.


The 1980's Bubble And The 1987 Bubble Burst


Now look at the graph below and compare the 1920's with the 1980's.

The general mood in the late 1920's was that anyone could be rich and do it easily with stock investments (and the stock market dropped to 1/10 the value after massive public stock purchases; a lot of the public was jumping into the stock market during 1929 and 1930).

The mood and mainstream media of the late 1980's was one that emphasized that being rich is horrible and that you didn't want to own stocks (and the stock market would increase in value 500% in the next 20 years after the 1987 crash).


Moral of the story?


Interest Rates:

Up. Up. And Away...


Neptune and Pluto transits on the world points (0 degrees of the Cardinal Signs and 15 degrees of the Fix Signs) usually indicate important banking or interest rate changes. Pluto transits on the world points usually indicate major banking changes, and Neptune transits on the world points seem to indicate major interest rate changes.

The chart below indicates this; the only exceptions were Neptune at 15 degrees Taurus and Pluto at 15 degrees Scorpio (with nothing taking place).

8111057661?profile=originalThe three squares drawn above indicate Neptune and Pluto forming transits to the world points at almost the same time. This seems to indicate an important bottom in interest rates to have taken place; the recent square with Neptune at 15 degrees Aquarius and Pluto at 0 degrees Capricorn (from 2007 to 2012) indicates that interest rates may have no place to go but up over the next few years.


Further evidence of interest rates going up, up, and away may be seen with the horoscope of the Federal Reserve. The Fed has always raised interest rates with Saturn transiting late Sagittarius and early Capricorn, and we are in that phase now. And yes, the Fed has been raising interest rates over the past year, and will probably do so over the next year.

Common Commodities Traded And Long-Term Cycles That Pertain To Them

It is apparent that the Federal Reserve is going to strengthen the Dollar, especially due to important foreign powers (i.e. Russia and China) starting to question the dollar at this time. The U.S. Dollar is in a bull market, and it stands a great chance at being the next bubble with Lilith entering Aquarius in 2018. The next sell point of the cycle is in January of 2022, pending wars or similar government intrusions. 


Gold has a neat 36-37 year cycle with buy-points at the waxing square phase of Saturn with Neptune, and the sell phase with Jupiter at 29 degrees of a Fix Sign transit midway in the cycle. Gold is also in a bull market, with a selling point in May of 2024.


World gold production is reasonably low at this point in time. China and Russia do appear to have a focus on gold production, and this may have something to do with a desire for a gold-backed currency.


Oil has continuous buy and sell points that feature the same aspect, Jupiter Square Neptune (with Jupiter squaring Neptune in the waning phase). Because of similar cycles between gold and oil, I placed the Jupiter transit of the Fix Signs at the 29th degree as well for a reference for selling. Oil is in a bear market until January of 2019, pending war or other similar types of government intrusions.

8111059485?profile=originalThe U.S. oil production chart below strengthens the argument for oil to be in a bear market over the next year or two. This also may explain why so many mini-marts can currently offer contests offering prizes of free gas for one year (because they wouldn't offer something like this unless they are certain that gasoline isn't going to increase in price over the next year!)8111059091?profile=originalHere's wheat. I discovered this cycle while looking at Mercury Retrograde tables and Mercury Direct tables and comparing dates with commodity charts from 

I don't anticipate any major changes with the price of wheat in lieu of increased interest rates and the GMO conspiracy; organic wheat crops are currently making a comeback.


Sugar traders reportedly use Venus and the Moon. I discovered an 18-year cycle of Venus for sugar with the buys taking place during Venus Conjunction North Node (in Taurus), and then Venus retrograding in Scorpio as the sell point. One can easily see the1974 sugar bubble (during the transit of Black Lilith in Aquarius) on this chart; the height of this 1974 bubble is touching the peak of one of the cycles depicted below.

As is the case with wheat, I don't expect any major changes with sugar prices due to rising interest rates and the popularity of diet drinks.


Corn is said to have a 10-year cycle according to most traders, but sell points vary. The 18-19 year cycle I discovered features the North Node at 0 degrees Aries and the sell point with Chiron conjuncting the North Node. The problem is that this is not a neat cycle; the best effects of this cycle take place with Chiron Conjunction North Node taking place in the middle of the cycle (between two North Node Conjunction 0 degrees Aries. As is the case with sugar and wheat, I expect no major changes with the price of corn.


Now on to the stock market.


The New York Stock Exchange has a key component at 26-27 degrees of the Cardinal Signs. One can see that the Ascendant, Saturn, and Neptune are aligned with this area. I have noticed that major important market activity takes place at this axis; the midpoint of Mars / Admetos was on this axis during the 1929 and 1987 crashes. Pluto will cross this axis from 2021 -2024, and this will also be near the time for sell points of several important commodities previously discussed. Gold and the U.S. Dollar especially come to mind.

For those interested in serious investing and trading stocks, I recommend contacting astrologer Bill Meridian. He is the 2016 winner of Timer's Digest "Timer of The Year" for stock market predictions, and he has a great reputation. 

Below is the article of Bill Meridian's Mars Vesta Cycle used for trading Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks

It is 84% Accurate for profitability in the 20th Century. The cycle entails buying when the asteroid Vesta is at the waning trine relative to Mars, and selling when Vesta forms a waxing square to Mars (and keep in mind that Vesta moves clockwise relative to the zodiac, and Mars moves counter-clockwise relative to the zodiac). 

-For Info, Contact:


8111060897?profile=original8111061474?profile=originalThe next few charts will focus on the Dow Jones Industrials Average


A history of greed and government intervention is clearly seen below. And yes, this Dow Jones index is clearly a "museum" of emotional tantrums, conspiracies, and social backlashes due to both government and public fights for control of this market, and lack thereof.

8111061074?profile=originalThe chart below features my discovery, a Mars Conjunction Neptune (and both in conjunction with North Node) Cycle. The sell point is Jupiter Conjunction North Node and both forming squares to either Saturn or Neptune (and the squares must be within 10 degrees; they do not have to be exact).

Neptune forming 4th harmonic aspects (i.e. conjunction, square, opposition) to the star of Regulus is also noted.

The problem with the chart concerns 2005 - 2020. I have stated in one meet-up last year that with the recent Neptune Opposition star of Regulus and the recent sell signal in March of 2016, this should warrant a sideways movement in stock prices, similar to the 1960's and the 1970's. This isn't happening; the stock index has recently went through these points like a hot knife through butter. This to me indicates that something is not right, and one better be on their toes if stocks turn out to be the bubble that may manifest in 2018 as Lilith enters Aquarius.



The Dollar, Gold, Commodities, Or Stocks??

The U.S. is still the best-looking house in a bad neighborhood. I am aware of the Bitcoin craze at this time; the problem is that there are not a lot of places here in the U.S. that honor Bitcoin; it does nevertheless stand a chance for bubble-status in places like China, where it has much acceptance.

My guess is that the next bubble will either be gold, the U.S. Dollar, or U.S. stocks. And I am leaning towards U.S. stocks at this time due to abnormal behavior of the Dow Jones Industrial Index at this time.  

So how high can the stock market go if it is the 2018 bubble??

I don't know. But let's look at an old basic tool for a guesstamate: Robert Prechter's Elliott Wave Theory and Fibonacci Ratio Analysis.

Below is an ideal Elliott Wave. Note that it somewhat resembles the three waves of my bubble explanation with the very first frame of this presentation.


Here we can see an example of the Elliott Wave above with the graph below. The chart below is an index of small gold mines (GDXJ).


Finally, below is the most common type of Elliott Wave applied to the Dow Jones Industrials Average graph that I've been using. If this graph is accurate, we may see a Dow Jones Industrials Average of 30,000 to 50,000 (and it is currently at 21,000) before Trump finishes his term.

And I hope to God that I am wrong. This interpretation may imply a massive stock market crash awaits us in the wings if this application of the Elliott Wave proves to be correct. 


Again, do not believe whatever the government or the mainstream media tells you, especially if it affects your wallet.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" - Ronald Reagan

Thanks for viewing; all replies welcomed.

Love to all,


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