Who are Saptarishis?


Saptarishis or the Seven Holy Sages were assigned to be present through the Four Great Ages, to guide the human race. These seven sages worked closely with the Adi Yogi or Shiva to maintain the balance on Earth. These seven Rishis were the mind born sons of Lord Brahma assigned to serve as the representative of Brahma himself.


Rank of Brahmarishi

The Saptarishis are also known as Brahmarishis because they have now gained all knowledge about Brahman. Vishwamitra was the only sage in the recorded history of mythological sciences who was appointed as one of the Saptarishi by Brahma on the basis of his merit alone, as one cannot become a Brahmarishi just on the basis of merit. Vishwamitra sat in meditation and performed austerities for tens of thousands of years.


Rishi Vishwamitra

Credited as the author of most of the Mandala 3 of Rigveda, he also wrote Gayatri Mantra. Born as a Chandravanshi Prince, son of King Kusha, Rishi Vishwamitra was a valiant warrior. However, later he did penance and was awarded the place amongst the Saptarishi as a result of his deep devotion to the Universe.


Rishi Vashishtha

Revered Vedic sage in Hinduism, Vashishtha is credited as the chief author of the 7th Mandala of Rigveda and his family also finds mention in the Rigveda. His ideas were very influential and he was called the first Sage of the Vedanta School of Philosophy coined by Adi Shankaracharya.


Rishi Atri

Atri was a Vedic sage, who is credited with composing a large number of hymns dedicated to Lord Agni, Lord Indra and other Vedic deities in Hinduism. An entire mandala, the fifth mandala of Rigveda is called Atri Mandala in his honour and eighty-seven hymns are purely dedicated to him and his dependents.


Gautama Maharishi

One of the Maharishis of the Vedic System, he is credited with the discoveries of Mantras. The Rigveda has several Suktas that go with his name. Gautama Maharishi is credited with authoring many hymns in the Mandala. He was the progenitor of the Gautama gotra.  



Father of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Vishnu, Jamadagni is the Saptarishi of the current Manavatra - Vaivastava. The descendant of Rishi Bhrigu, one of the Prajapatis created by Brahma; the God of Creation. Jamadagni was well versed in the art of weaponry and scriptures without any formal education. Jamadagni was an incarnation of Lord Shiva.


Rishi Bharadvaja

Bharadvaja Barhaspatya is one of the revered Vedic sages in Hinduism. His last name refers to his father, Sage Brihaspati. Bharadvaja is mentioned around four times in Rigveda and Shatpatha Brahamana as well. He is very respected sage in the Puranas and Mahabharata.


Rishi Kashyapa

Rishi Kashyapa is the most ancient rishi listed in the colophon verse in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and is credited as the self-made scholar of the Atharvaveda. He was based in the North-Western parts of the Indian subcontinent and per the legends, the name of Kashmir is attributed to him. 


The role of Saptarishis

The Saptarishis are the 7 immortal human forms that will live through the numerous Manavataras that the Great Ages of this Earth Cycle will see. These seven great sages are supposed to uplift the human kind to their best of capabilities and enlighten the planet in its entirety.

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    The 7 Great Maharishi’s, who are the TRUE FOUNDERS of the 7 MOHYAL CLANS, their Embodied DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS was a ‘’PART and PARCEL’’ of the COSMIC ENERGIES, which Vitally Originate From the SAPT RISHI MANDAL [URSA MAJOR CONSTELLATION], which is an Integral Part of the COSMIC DIMENSIONAL SEGMENT OF TRUTH, about which the Holy Avatar SRI GURU NANAK DEV JI Explained as ‘’SACH KHANDD’’ in Holy ‘’JAP JI SAHIB’’.
    Since Very Ancient Times, the Great Mohyal Mantras were used by the Mohyal Elders for invoking the Graceful blessings of our 7 Rishi Pitris, who in the true Sense are the 7 Mohyal Clan Originator Heads. And as we are the Descendant children of the seven great Cosmic Rishi's, who are our First and Foremost Mohyal clan PITRI’S, we should always reverently recite the 7 "Gotra Rishi Mantras" to obtain their Graceful Energies, which are meant for the PROTECTION and WELFARE of the Seven Mohyal Clans.
    These “Gotra Mantra’s” are composed of ‘’Vital Frequency Vibrations’’ having Invisible Live Elementals which following these TONAL SOUNDS will Instantly group together to Vitally Connect us with their Blissful Energies, which were composed of their ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM, and thus are to be used daily, especially in all the sacred auspicious ceremonies, meant for the Seven Mohyal Brahmin Clans, which should be chanted with Great Reverence to get the Blessings of all our lineage forefathers.
    The seven Mohyal clans are Vaid’s, Datta’s, Lau’s, Chhibber’s. Bali’s, Bhimwal’s, and Mohan’s, and their corresponding Gotra Rishi mantras have been written as below, The sequence of recitation should be by reciting the mantra of our Great Agram Maharishi at the start, who happens to be the great MAHARISHI BRIGHU, the head of Chhibber Clan, in whose lineage later on Maharishi JAMADAGNI and his great son Maharishi BHARGVA later on known in the World as the 6th Holy Avatar of Lord Vishnu "The Great PARSHURAM JI" were born.
    So the sequence for the recitation of these Holy Mantras should be as per the CELESTIAL SEQUENCE of the Seven Stars of SAPT RISHI MANDAL [Ursa Major constellation], which are Vitally Manifested in the Celestial Sky [AKASHA] of Our MILKY WAY GALAXY [KSHEER SAGAR BRAHMANDA], and their Sequence in the Celestial Sky as Mentioned by Ancient SEERS and SAGES [Rishi, Munis] is as Followed, which should be also used in the same manner while Reciting their HOLY MANTRAS:-
    [1] Maharishi Bhrighu – Who is also the Cosmic Head of Chhibber Clan.
    [2] Maharishi Vashisht – The Cosmic Head of Lau Clan,
    [3] Maharishi Bhardwaj - The Cosmic Head of Dutt Clan,
    [4] Maharishi Bhardwaj and Maharishi Dhanwantri – The Cosmic Heads of Vaid Clan,
    [5] Maharishi Kaushal - The Cosmic Head of Bhimwal Clan.
    [6] Maharishi Kashyap - The Cosmic Head of Mohan Clan.
    [7] Maharishi Parashar - The Cosmic Head of Bali Clan.
    Their Ancient Mantras for our Mohyal Clans are as followed:
    Starting with the Head Star of the Saptrishi Mandal [URSA MAJOR CONSTELLATION] as Manifested in the Celestial Sky, which represents the Cosmic Energies of MAHARISHI BHRIGHU, for all the Descendants of CHHIBBER Clan their Gotra Rishi mantra is:
    [1] Maharishi Bhrighu Mantra
    "Om Chhibber Gotrapramukh Saptrishi Bhrighuaye Namah".
    Then Following the Celestial Sequence of SAPT RISHI MANDAL, as manifested Many Billions of Years Ago in the Celestial Skies, its Second Binary Star represents the Cosmic Energies of MAHARISHI VASHISHT for all the Descendants of LAU Clan their Gotra Rishi mantra is:
    [2] Maharishi Vashisht Mantra
    "Om Lau Gotrapramukh Saptrishi Vashishtaye Namah"
    In the Celestial Sequence of SAPT RISHI MANDAL, as manifested Many Billions of Years Ago in the Celestial Skies, its Third Star represents the Cosmic Energies of MAHARISHI BHARDWAJ for all the Descendants of DUTT Clan, their Gotra Rishi mantra is:
    [3] Maharishi Bhardwaj Mantra
    "Om Dutt Gotrapramukh Saptrishi Bhardwajaye Namah".
    In the Celestial Sequence of SAPT RISHI MANDAL, then its Fourth or Middle Star represents the Cosmic Energies of MAHARISHI DHANVANTRI for all the Descendants of VAID Clan, and for Vaid's there are two Rishi mantras, one mantra is for MAHARISHI DHANVANTRI of the DVAPAR YUGA ERA and another for Maharishi Bhardwaj, who happens to be their clan head also from the Earlier TRETA YUGA ERA. In the Ancient days All the Students of these Great Maharishis, who left their Own Brahmin Family Lineage’s, and then became their Permanent Disciples living at their Hermitages, were all known as their own CHILDREN, and their Children were known with the Same RISHI GOTRA.
    [4] Maharishi Dhanvantri Mantra
    The DHANVANTRI Rishi Gotra mantra is:
    "Om Vaid Gotracharya Saptrishi Dhanvantriye Namah".
    This Great Mantra was created in Ancient times by his own son Maharishi “Astik Vaid” for the benefit of all in ancient time, to be beneficially used by his lineage children, or for his descendants [Vansaj], especially to obtain Protection from Various Illnesses, as Maharishi DHANVANTRI was the Founder of AYURVEDA in BHARATVARSHA, and as Physical and Spiritual Health is True Wealth, the Auspicious day of ‘’DHAN TERAS’’ is celebrated with great Reverence during the Festival Time of Diwali.
    And for the Vaid Descendants their TRETA YUG clan head MAHARISHI BHARDWAJ of SRI RAMA’S TIME, whose Hermitage was Situated at TEERATH RAJ PRAYAG [TRIVENI SANGAM OF ANCIENT DAYS AT ALLAHBAD], the Pious Gotra Mantra for Vaid Clan is :
    ''Om Vaid Gotrapramukh Saptrishi Bhardwajaye Namah”.
    Then following the Celestial Sequence of SAPT RISHI MANDAL, as manifested Many Billions of Years Ago in the Celestial Skies, its Fifth Star represents the Cosmic Energies of MAHARISHI KAUSHAL for all the Descendants of BHIMWAL Clan, and their Gotra Rishi mantra is:
    [5] Maharishi Kaushal Mantra
    "Om Bhimwal Gotrapramukh Saptrishi Kaushalaye Namah".
    Then following the Celestial Sequence of SAPT RISHI MANDAL, as manifested Many Billions of Years Ago in the Celestial Skies, its Sixth Star represents the Cosmic Energies of MAHARISHI KASHYAP for all the Descendants of MOHAN Clan, and their Gotra Rishi mantra is:
    [6] Maharishi Kashyap Mantra
    "Om Mohan Gotrapramukh Saptrishi Kashyapaye Namah".
    In the End, Then following the Celestial Sequence of SAPT RISHI MANDAL, as manifested Many Billions of Years Ago in the Celestial Skies, its Seventh Star represents the Cosmic Energies of MAHARISHI PARASHAR for all the Descendants of BALI Clan, and their Gotra Rishi mantra is:
    [7] Maharishi Parashar Mantra
    "Om Bali Gotrapramukh Saptrishi Parasharaye Namah".
    During the Recitation of these Mantras, the use of Sandalwood incense is highly recommended to get the attention of Vital Elemental Lives, who instantly get attracted to their Sweet Fragrance.
    Many Thousands year old depiction of OUR GREAT SAPT RISHIS, has been Found Etched upon a Seal from the Indus Valley Civilization. In this Seal Lord Maheswara is depicted upon the Upper Left hand Corner, while the 7 Rishis are depicted on the Bottom.

  • Let's have some action from these Magnificent 7 as the Planet Earth is in a pretty bad shape caused by craze beings on this Planet 

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