Dear Friends,
Many of us realise the truth, which continues to elude our politicians and "top" economists....That the current finance system, which is based on perpetual indeptedness to banks, is not working....Corrupt bankers and banks have become the problem and not the solution.....
Here is an example of how removing corrupt bankers from an economy wll actually improve it, contrary to what is taught to the people of America and Britain, in particular...
Enjoy this amusing summary, as to why this is so and observe some evidence from the example of Iceland, which supports our conclusions....
Drekx Omega
The only issue with this I can see is that many of us who are in debt will have all we own taken from us. This includes people with mobile phone contracts!!
This is the absolute answer! Love your neighbour as yourself and the selfish ones will only have themselves to blame.
Totally, Kat! Coolness indeed! :D
Yes indeed! Iceland has set a great example for other countries to follow. The banks are just lending out fake money.... 0's entered into a computer screen and transferred around from bank to bank. It's fiction... the value that is. Your signature is what gives a loan value. But the banks profit 10 times the amount of your signature for creating fictional value. Then they charge you interest on a fraudulent loan. They are SUPER SCAMMERS! This financial system is in it's last days...
Anyone living in the EU and especially the Euro zone.....My advice is to take your money out of any savings accounts, and keep it secure outside of a bank, as there are secret preparations underway, by the PTB, to STEAL YOUR MONEY.......and you won't have cash available to feed your families....
It would be a glamour to idealistically ignore some facts, such as the need to feed people...
Love this thread!!!! :D