A few weeks ago I had some sort of distortion in my eye, bothered me to the point where I could not do my work on the computer. Over time this distortion became more clear as to what it resembled.....see the pic. It was not a gold color as in the picture but a silver blue and as the image became clearer and clearer I saw a series of flashing (what looked like) crystals within the image. This lasted for approximately one hour and then disappeared.
Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.
Love and Light
Sounds like the goddess to me, are you familiar with Shekina? I saw the spiral too a few times but not like the way you describe, what a great experience! (look up the rainbow bridge, you may be having a breakthrough).
By your description and the added drawing, it immediately made me think of this:
See if it resonates
hope it helps... ;)
Hello Felizitas,
That was a great experience! The interesting or wierd thing about the shelll of the Nautilus, which is what your picture is of, is that it is grown by the creature who happens to be a relative of the octopus, and each chamber, when compared to the one before by division (you can't escape the mathematics) shows that the rate of growth is unaltering even as the shell becomes bigger and bigger. Essentially that means, the Nautilus has more and more shell to build but must do it in a way that matches a code that is fundamentally mathmatical, also his growing body allows him to keep up with the growth in the size of each new chamber.
If you can relate this tale to humans, there may be a message in the appearance of this symbol, particularly with it's being there in your eye. To me this seems to say that your personal growth is keeping up with the rate of your Soul growth very nicely! They say that the eyes are the window to the soul.
Blessings of Light!
It is a Fibonacci spiral. It has its own exact Mathematics. Very powerful symbol. Silverblue, may have to do with soul encodements. I would meditate on it, and see what come in. I believe the mathematics play a big part.
The Fibonacci Numbers and Golden section in Nature - 1
And yes Delila, that's a true I almost forgot Drunvelo also spoke about it. :)
When we spin our Merkabah we use the Fibonacci sequential numbers. These #'s you can find in everything in Nature. Even in a ANU, and the earth's Magnetic flow through the poles.
Nice :-)
It's the Golden Mean Spiral ~ that's what it represents to me. Here is some information regarding it:
Golden Mean Spiral - Wikipedia
Experiencing Sacred Geometry without Intellectually Understanding It
Although the Golden Mean Spiral is principally derived by utilizing mathematics, it is equally mystifying and intriguing to note that this mathematical spiral has additional properties that can be experienced by humans on a profound level that does not require an intellectual understanding of the mathematical principles. I would like to explore the phenomenon that ties the mathematical spiral to the experiential spiral. In practical terms, they are one and the same. It will take a bit of explanation to demonstrate the probably ridiculous notion that the golden mean spiral can be experienced most simply as a profound feeling of love.
Read more by clicking the link:
Flower of Life
Almost looks like a conch shell viewed from the top