Leo Lyon Zagami reveals the possible reasons for the choice of historical abdication of Benedict XVI and traces the process that led to the election of Cardinal Bergoglio: the Pope who many have prophesized will be the last and will bring the Catholic Church to its end.
He will also explore the recent scandals in the Catholic Church and addresses questions including What pressures decreed the end of the pontificate of Benedict XVI? What powers have an interest for the Church to end? and What is the relationship between the Vatican and the New World Order?
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You say that religious war starts in november. Which religious war would that be?
The total and systematic extermination of christians in the middle east and in africa have been going on for more than 5 years already, so .. Obviously, this is not the "war" you're talking about.
"What powers have an interest for the Church to end?"
Common Sense for one, but I am unsure whether humanity have evolved far enough for Common Sense to be an actual Power on Earth yet. ;)
Ignorance is what keeps people from evolving....once they find out the truth about religions, their origin, manipulations, satanisam, pedophilia etc. it will not take long for humanity to evolve....
Pedophilia is not a condition that is bound to faith/religion. It's a condition that is bound to physical connections in the brain that were never made. Much like autism, actually.
It is also dependant on how one is treated while growing up. For instance, bullied people develop pedophilia far more often than non-bullied people do.
Pedophilia is a psychological condition based on a warped upbringing.
If we terminate bullying at schools, we'll terminate about 90% of all the cases of pedophilia around the world.