Schrodinger Cat Paradox

Like the lable 'big bang', the famous Schrodinger Cat story morphed from being a cartoon into being an icon. Schrodinger intended to make it into something that quantum mechanists should be ashamed of but alas! It became something to boast about by the snake oil pedlers of quantum mechanics! At some point in history, physicists noticed that one can sell far more books by making people yeal whaaa and aaaah! Than making them to rumble oooh! So they invented such ridiculus stories as Schrodinger Cat.Do you realy beleive that before a physics prophesor streatch his tape measure from your toe to you crown and take it to a peer review (or peer preasure) pulpit, then you are neither tall nor short? I mean this will make the professor more daunting than God and a ruler more bizare than a magic wand.Schrodinger cat story has led to a new way of thinking termed 'cat in the box reasoning' or 'tree in the forest reasoning'. Ask a leynman what QM is all about and he tells you that when you look at a cow voila! It comes out of the void. One wonders why we cannot look at void, then 'collaps wavefunction' and create all the money and solve all the problems. What 'tree in the forest reasoning' mean is that when we are not looking at something, it does not exist! When we look, voila! It spirals into being from the bottomless pit. But what is truely amusing is to claim that it is proven so by physicists!! To prove that the moon donnot exist when you are not seeing, you will have to be seeing it when you are not seeing it! This should signal a clear warning that this is not even remortly near to what physicists are saying.The cat in the box reasoning insist that the cat is both alife and death WHEN WE ARE NOT SEEING and that this is a fact proven in QM. So one even suspects that such a poor cat has ever been victimised. They placed the cat in the box and then they saw without seeing it that the cut was both dead and alife?? Could even God do that? See without seeing?The only way to prove what happens to the cat in the box is to become the cut yourself and enter the box. This is called QUANTUM SUICIDE. If you will somehow become both dead and alife, it will be termed QUANTUM IMMORTALITY. The saying that curiousity killed the cat but the satisfuckion brought it back will be fullfilled!

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  • Good article for Quantum Mechanics. Ong's hat = Gateway to the Dimensions


       At this point a Fellow of the ICS is prepared for work with the device we call the "egg." This consists of a modified sensory-deprivation chamber in which attention can be focused on a computer terminal and screen. Electrodes are taped to various body parts to provide physiological data which is fed into the computer. The explorer now dons a peculiar helmet, a highly sophisticated fourth-generation version of the early "brain machines," which can sonically stimulate brain cells either globally or locally and in various combinations, thus directing not only "brain waves" but also highly specific mental-physical functions. The helmet is also plugged into the computer and provides feedback in various programmed ways. The explorer now undertakes a series of exercises in which the theorems are used to generate graphic animations of the "strange attractors" which map various states of consciousness, setting up feedback loops between this "iconography" and the actual states themselves, which are in turn generated through the helmet simultaneously with their representation on the screen. Certain of these exercises involve the "alchemical" use of mind-active drugs, including new vasopressin derivatives, beta-endorphins and hallucinogens (usually in "threshold" dosages). Some of these tinctures are simply to provide active-relaxation and focused-attention states, others are specifically linked to the requirments of "Cognitive Chaos" research.

          Even in the earliest and crudest stages of the egg's development the ICS founders quickly realized that many of the Dobbs twins' PhD thesis predictions might be considered cautious or conservative. Enhanced control of autonomous body functions was attained even in the second-generation version, and the third provided a kind of bathysphere capable of "diving down" even to the cellular level. Certain unexpected side-effects included phenomena usually classified as paranormal. We knew we were not hallucinating all this, quite bluntly, because we obtained concrete and measurable results, not only in terms of "yogic powers" (such as suspended animation, "inner heat," lucid dreaming and the like) but also in observable benefits to health: rapid healing, remission of chronic conditions, absence of disease.

         At this point in development of the egg (third generation) the researchers attempted to "descend" (like SciFi micronauts) to the Quantum level.

         Perhaps the thorniest of all Quantum paradoxes involves the "collapse of the wave function"—the state of Schrodinger's famous cat. When does a wave "become" a particle? At the moment of observation? If so does this implicate human consciousness in the actual Q-structure of reality itself? By observing do we in effect "create?" The ICS team's ultimate dream was to "ride the wave" and actually experience (rather than merely observe) the function-collapse. Through "participation" in Q-events, it was hoped that the observer/observed duality could be overcome or evaded. This hope was based on rather "orthodox" Copenhagian interpetations of Quantum reality. After some months of intensive work, however, no one had experienced the sought-for and expected "moment"...each wave seemed to flow as far as one cared to ride it, like some perfect surfer's curl extending to infinity. We began to suspect that the answer to the question "when?" might be "never!" This contingency had been described rigorously in only one interpretation of Q-reality, that of J.Wheeler - who proved that the wave function need never collapse provided that every Q-event gives rise to an "alternating world" (the Cat is both alive and dead).

         To settle this question a fourth generation of the egg was evolved and tested, while simultaneously a burst of research was carried out in the abstruse areas of "Hillbert space" and the topology of n-dimensional geometry, on the intuituve assumptions that new "attractors" could thereby be generated and used to visualize or "grok" the transitions between alternate universes. Again the ICS triumphed...although the immediate success of the fourth-generation egg provoked a moment of fear and panic unmatched in the whole history of "Cognitive Chaos." The first run-through of the "Cat" program was undertaken by a young staff-member of great brilliance (one of the original Paramus runaways) whose nickname happened to be Kit—and it happened to take place on the Spring Equinox. At the precise moment the heavens changed gears, so to speak, the entire egg vanished from the laboratory. Consternation would be a mild term for what ensued. For about seven minutes the entire ICS lost its collective cool. At that point however the egg reappeared with its passenger intact and Alice's Chesire Cat rather than Schrodinger's poor victim. He had succeeded in riding the wave to its "destination"—an alternate universe. He had observed it and—in his words—"memorized its address." Instinctively he felt that certain dimensional universes must act as "starnge attractors" in their own right, and are thus far easier to access (more "probable") than others. In practical terms, he had not been dissolved but had found the way to a "universe next door." The Gateway had been opened.

    • The internet is the robot, Saturn's cube is the box, and the Cat may be associated with Economic Collapse and our ability to die and reincarnate. (see video above)

  • Yes, nature seems to know when we can nolonger tell which slit these spirits went through!
  • Quantum 'Measurement' should be defined as interaction between the quantum and the classic world that enables a conscious observer to infer the state of the quantum system. With this, we know that there doesn't have to be a conscious observer to 'collapse' the wavefunction into one of its eigenstates. However, this nature of quantum system is still surprising and defies pure materialism. Quantum world clearly seems to know what it can or it cannot reveal its secreats to a conscious being! The amazing experiment termed QUANTUM ERAZER clearly demonstrate this.
  • This would make Einstein declare that if anything ever 'collapse' then it is just our knowledge. Indead it seems that the statistical ensemble of eigenstates just quantifies our ignorance of the system when we are not observing. However, following the work of John Bell, experiments such as Aspect's experiment gives evidence that something REALY 'collapse'! So to some, the more succesfull qm gets, the sillier it looks!
  • 8115428100?profile=original

  • 8115428083?profile=original

    • Schrodingers cat meets string theory...

      • :-)

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