Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 13:57:53
According to many alternative doctors as well as the results of some medical research, aluminium foil can be a great substitute for harmful and expensive drugs.
Russian and Chinese healers have been using its beneficial properties to relieve various health problems simply and naturally.
Even the psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich, a student of the famous and respectable Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, referred to the practice and the methods of this form of treatment.
According to the experience that alternative doctors have gathered over many years, aluminium foil can successfully and quickly eliminate:
pains in the spine, neck, arms, knees, feet, joints
-muscular pains
-effects of inflammatory processes
-postoperative scars
And this is why we need to make Renaissance theme towns, so we can go around looking like Knights of the round table. You left out the best one, The Tin Foil Hat. The Advantages are too many to number.