In the last decade it has become common knowledge that there is an Elitist group running the world and controlling every thing and every one in it. Some believe they are the richest families in the world, while others are of the belief that it is secret organizations with members posing as a president’s right hand, some even say aliens in disguise.

Whatever the truth maybe, the fact is that the 99% is controlled by the 1% and there are things that the 1% would be happy if the 99% never find out of. Even so, Murphy ’s Law still stands even for those individuals who steer the wheel and as the law says “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”.

Top 10 Mysterious Secret Societies

People with some humanity left in their hearts leaked some information, people who see things as they really are revealed conspiracies, and some with a little logic still in the head discovered the truth hidden from the 99%. Here are some of the greatest secrets “They” don’t want you to know of:

6. They Control the Earth’s Environment

We are all familiar with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)program. This  project funded by The US Navy and The US Air Force and is technology that can allow US military to communicate with its fleet of submarines through very long distances. How this works? There is an instrument in HAARP called “Ionospheric Research Instrument” which is a facility that transmits high-power radio frequency directly into a limited area of the Ionosphere.

This instrument is capable of manipulating the Ionosphere, the place where free electrons exist, and has a potential to create radio waves that will manipulate the earth’s magnetic field. Imagine having a control of the earth’s magnetic field and you control the earth.

Perhaps even more frightening is the fact that HAARP has the potential to control emotions through wave frequencies and manipulate human minds. Could HAARP be utilized to control mood swings as well?

There have been claims made that Project HAARP was shut down in May 2013 is still being debated widely.

5. Tap Water Makes You Poor

There are no medical or scientific reasons for fluoride to be present in tap water, well for us regular folks, but for the ones who want to control the world and make sure no one rises above them, fluoride in tap water is essential element. Why? Let’s examine their reasons.

Fluoridation was recommended by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. Mind manipulation is written all over their foreheads. Fluoride is a chemical that has an effect on the Pineal Gland of our brain, some call it “The Third Eye”. This gland is responsible for majority of our emotions, as well as our serotonin and melatonin level.

Fluoride damages this gland and promotes apathy, depression, and low vibrations. This results in lack of motivation, bad health and boredom. To survive in the world today we must earn money to buy the necessary things like food, water, shelter, medicine.

So instead of following our dream and escaping the system, we are depressed and unmotivated which forces us to work for someone just so we can survive. These 2 forces, The survival instinct and apathy, limit us to follow the system and never rise above it. We are scared for our survival but unmotivated to go our own way, so we let others lead our whiny ass to safety. Their safety. We are effectively made into sheep for them to herd.

4. Chemtrails Spray Us With Fluoride

When you look up in the sky and observe what you may think is a con trail, in reality you may be seeing a chemtrail. This is another way to disperse these toxic agents all over the world, by spraying every one with Aluminum, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, and yes Fluoride. Why? Because you are asking too many questions. Now shut up and keep doing what “They” tell you.

Fluoride is now also being added to almost every food product made with water. Fluoride is also in insecticides and other poison products, toothpaste, mouthwash, and many psychotropic medicines, and if we are good we may even get houses made of fluoride.

3. GMO is Destroying All Humanity

Have you noticed the pattern of how they go after our food, water and even the very air we breath? Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

In other words GMO is taking Nature’s dice in our own hands. These experiments have caused the greatest disbalance to nature we’ve ever witnessed. The Universe has one divine rule and that is that whatever happens it must always keep balance, every action has its own opposite reaction. We make disbalance to nature, but as we know The Universe will always find balance, so our action will result in conflict between us and nature.

Even an ignorant man knows that we come from Nature and the conflict will be between ourselves resulting in us becoming something else that is not Nature or our extinction, because let’s face it, we cannot go on the opposite side of the scale with such force and expect balance.

2. Sacred Geometry is The Language of The Universe and Beauty

What is Beauty? What is the definition of beauty? The combination of elements like shape, color, size that pleases the sense of sight. But, we know that music has a beauty too, smell also, so if you ask me I would say that beauty is a harmony between elements and forces.

Sacred geometry is found where elements meet The Golden Ratio (1.618033989…) and it exists through all The Universe between gravity of planets, Nature, design of flowers, shape of animals, proportions of land, crop circles, it also exists in many manmade objects or famous arts like the works of Leonardo DaVinci, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony,  Greek and Roman architecture… Almost everything we find harmonious, beautiful, and with that x-factor we cannot explain has The Golden Ratio shinning through it.

Why is this kept a secret? Well, it’s like a magic show. We find magic in things with The Golden Ratio but we don’t know why or how. The magician knows the trick and in order to manipulate the audience nobody else is allowed to know how it’s done.

1. Music Makes You Competitive

Do you know that in 1955 the International Standardization Organization made 440 Hz a general tuning standard for musical pitch? Before that was 432 Hz. As you may know sounds have the biggest impact in our thinking. 432 Hz makes the sound of music more harmonious, calm, promotes happiness and deep understanding, passion. 440 Hz is more energetic, faster, it is almost like racing.

It is more competitive and focusing on the details, the understanding of the things we can see. So why would someone and most importantly how, decides that 440 Hz is better than 432 Hz? Because music touches us where nothing else can, where the essence of our Emotional Being is, and if you control what emotions/thoughts the music promotes, than your work of controlling the world is 99% done.

“They” don’t want people to understand Our True Nature and Our Higher Self. They want us to be in a hurry, to believe only what we see and be competitive about material things. This way the 99% will live in the reality the 1% will create for them. This whole article is about that, the purpose of the 1% is to shape the reality of the 99% and through various of things “They” have accomplished that, and “They” are damn good in keeping the control.


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  • KRISHNA: the good news is that more people are waking up to awareness of the scams of the elite. This includes an increase in people demanding fluoride-free water, GMO-labeled food, and government officials that read legislation before voting for it (regardless of who is under the desk providing horizontal refreshment during such voting).

    The Age of Pisces is starting to come to an end. And this is why the elite are now running scared; the deceptive aspects of Pisces (i.e. reliance on corporations providing chemicals for energy and health, organized religion providing enlightenment for a fee) are being exposed as deception. The fact that Barack Obama recently bought a home in an area like Dubai (as opposed to Hawaii or New York) is probable evidence of this.

    We are going to win, but I do suspect it may get very messy before we do. The previous Age of Aries ended as Christians were getting fed to the lions or engaging in arena combat-to-the-death with other Christians.

  • I'll tell you the big secret of the Illuminati. It's royalty. The Queen quoted the Bible in her 2015 Christmas speech. "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." Light is just heat, energy, wisdom, money, abundance, whereas darkness is just void, lack, ignorance, and poverty. So what the Queen really means is, the Rich shine in the world and the poor have not overcome them. The idea that Light is good and darkness is evil is the biggest way the Illuminati have fooled us from the very beginning. The fact of the matter is, might makes right, predators kill their prey, that is the way of Nature. It's very rare for the good guys to be strong enough to reign and dominate. The Universe is a Brain, and symbols, sacred geometry, is how it communicates with us.

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