The Sumerians called the planet Nibiru, the “planet of crossing,” and the Babylonian version of the epic retained the following astronomical information:
Planet Nibiru:
The Crossroads of Heaven and Earth he shall occupy.
Above and below, they shall not go across;
They must await him.
Maybe the crop circle refers to the infamous planet Nibiru but according to MrCati, the June 06, 2016 Castle Hill Crop Circle is a key crop circle, that affirms the return to and the continued focus on the future ritual dates of 9-23 and 9-24.
By viewing the crop circle in a negative view, MrCati was able to observe a subtle created and hidden sphere image, created within the image of the Castle Hill Crop Circle.
It was this hidden sphere that allowed him to observe and to once again confirm the future intention of using two each 911 false flag events to create the needed time line, needed by the NWO Supercomputer, to ensure their future one world government and one world domination of the world.
This crop circle in this video is the Grand Cross of the Summer Solstice . He could be correct that crops circles represent time line of events.Their technology is so far advanced and what they can recreate is beyond this reality and this also mentioned in the book ''The Halls of Amenti '' .Yes, timelines can be changed according to their agenda.Since they own so many organizations they also own people's minds,symbols,money,power,technology,corporations,their wealth is unlimited.