Seeing the Field

Since sometime in June, my ability to view energies has been growing and by this point, the only time they go unnoticed by me are when my attention is fully being put into someone or something. before my vision started to tune in, I knew of people seeing auras and I am now working on this, but I had never thought of seeing the energy that is everywhere!


If you don't know what I am talking about, go outside and look at the sky a couple of hours before twilight really starts to set in (4-6 o'clock, depending on where you are and what season), direct your gaze more towards the horizon where the blue starts to fade into a bluish-white and unfocus your gaze- or keep it steady- we are all different. Anyway, you might just be able to see little points of light floating and squiggling around. A friend of mine called them worms, but they just look like they are dancing to me.


I have to run now, but I would love to hear of anyone else's newfound abilities, be they occular, auditory, mental, or whatever!


All my love,






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  • Hi folks, I'm not sure I've seen auras as is being described, however I have seen what are called orbs with my own eyes flying around. Though with a camera that has infrared you can see them all over some places and in pictures quite often.
  • I have seen these too since I was a child. I thought they were floaters. Since this year they have become way more apparent in my vision, and also auras. I don't have to focus my eyes to see the swirlies anymore. Yay for everyone seeing the same weird thing pretty much the same way. Makes me feel good.
  • Kan'Men
    I wanted to wish you the best of luck with the capturing of auras through photography, this line of work is fascinating and would have the potential to positively affect a lot of people.

    Also wanted to mention about seeing your own aura by focusing on your hand over a white background(as you mentioned), is precisely what I've been doing for the last year or so in order to better understand myself and how they work. (I see yellow-green or so I think I see yellow-green)
  • the cameras which take pictures of auras are called kirlian cameras. they were invented by tesla, but there must be some way to make them with more advanced technology, which i'll be looking into. as far as the light dancers, i have not heard of capturing them in photo form.

    and with auras, cesar, try your hand against a flat, white background. focus on a spot anywhere from the middle of your fingers to like 6 inches above your hand and unfocus your gaze but keep it on the same spot. if you have ever done the 3d puzzles, the feeling on your eyes is kind of like that. there are a few other things you can do, just google it or youtube it, but with everything remain skeptical as to whether or not the person is legit!
  • Wow I am so thankful for this discussion...I have been seeing those amorphous see through light floaties all my life and used to ask my parents what they are. They said that they do not see them and took me to an eye doctor, who could not figure it out either. It is one of those things that I learned not to think about too much...I used to think I was seeing molecules floating about but still not sure what they are, but can see them pretty much all the time now. Sometimes it gets annoying when all of a sudden I have a DARK floaty thing that keeps swooshing by my line of vision, that happens to me once in awhile. I like the bubble looking light ones far better, they are like tiny little see through bubbles to me just kind of randomly floating this way and that in my line of vision. I also see peoples auras all the time....have since I was a child. Wonder if it is somehow related?
    • Cesar, I have no proof of what they are, but i've been talking with a lot of friends recently and they see them too, so we are not just freaking out or anything (yay!). As far as auras go, I am in the process of relearning how to see them, since we all (or most) saw them as children. Right now, day to day, auras look like clear, thick outlines to everything. Only once have I been able to precieve the color coming out of myself and havn't had much time to look at anyone else's in detail. There are some good tricks to get the basics if you don't see them already.
  • I was excited to see this post because since I was very little, I've always seen these lights when gazing at the sky in proper lighting. I remember asking my mom during a sporting event when I was very little if she saw them too, and unfortunately she didn't know what I was talking about.

    I would describe them as very small bright white circles, with small or faded tails, that rapidly accelerate and deaccelerate in what appears to be random directions.

    I would be anxious to find out whether these are related to our eyes or energy.
    • :]
    • It is a shame how parents can send our development to such a grinding halt because their minds and hearts can be less open than needed (I've sure felt it). But how wonderful it is that you see the little light dancers- whatever they are. Let me know if there is any update to your sight, my friend!
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