Menendez will not agree with the dictatotor on any nuke deal with Iran -so now he's being charged for corruption with the blessings of the black house.
Menendez charges put Iran legislation in doubt
Sen. Robert Menendez's (N.J.) decision to step aside temporarily as ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee following his indictment on Wednesday could jeopardize Congress's chances of passing Iran legislation.
Menendez has co-authored legislation with Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) that would allow the Senate to weigh in on any nuclear deal with Iran, and a separate bill that would restore and impose tougher sanctions on Iran if it walks away from talks or violates a deal.
The Foreign Relations Committee is set to vote April 14 on the bill he co-authored with Corker calling for Senate review of an Iran deal. If Menendez is out of the picture long-term, it could sap Democratic support for legislation that the White House has already threatened to veto.
Typically, the most senior Democrat on a committee steps in when a member takes leave from a post, but Minority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) would make the final decision.
Corker said in a statement to The Hill that he had "no knowledge of the judicial matters at hand," but said he expects that Menendez "will continue to play a constructive role" on his panel.
Israel is against the nuclear deal with Iran, so maybe it's a actually good thing to pass it since it would probably scale back Israeli domination of the Middle East region in some way.
I have yet to see Israel lift one finger of assistance with military action against this Al Qaeda / ISIS / ISIL / FSA / whateverthenewnameis group of Muslim nutjobs that represent 3% - 5% of the Muslims in that regiojn (and take up 50% of mainstream media news coverage) who are causing violent trouble. I say this indicates that Israel is financially behind this group of nutjobs, possibly as a way of extorting protection money for the U.S. military simplex products (of which Israeli politicians are reportedly shareholders of such U.S. military simplex corporations, or affiliates that supply them).
getting rid of isreal will not bring peace in the middle east-saudis and others are building an arab army to fight other arabs-you know the story-this is simply about killing Jews