SEND LOVE TO EVERY EARTH GRID!!! Higher Dimensional Shift Mediation by Ashtar + Trust by Sananda + Allowing by the Heavenly Hosts + Time to Get Serious by Ashtar


Make contact to begin your Ground Crew Mission.




Higher Dimensional Shift Mediation -- Begin on 4/27/15
by Ashtar channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 
To Begin Monday, April 27, 2015 

Every Day, For at Least 15 Minutes Per Day


Greetings! We’re going to make this short this week. I’m sure all of you have recognized Gaia’s forward push as she moves into the higher dimensions! We are asking YOU Lightworkers, Starseeds, Healers, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, and Eagles to help stabilize some of the grids that have been disrupted during Mother Earth's Ascension. First, do your protocal by grounding, centering, and intending for your energies to join those of Project: Eagle Triad. 

First five minutes, send the energy of Love to the core of the planet. 

Second five minutes, send the energy of Love to your sun. 


Third five minutes, send the energy of Love to Earth’s electromagnetic grid. 

Stay grounded! I am Ashtar, sending you my love.



by Sananda 
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 

My Dearly Beloved. It is indeed a joy and honor to connect with you again in this way. I have come to impart to you a short but important and timely message for all Lightworkers who should come to read or hear these words. It is on a subject which I have spoken to you about often.... that of TRUST. I am not simply referring to the element of Trust you feel in following what you perceive to be guidance from the Higher Realms. That is needed, as you are aware, in taking that "leap of faith" we have often spoken of. What I am referring to here is Trust in your SELF. Call it your Higher Self, call it your intuition, whatever you will. It is that inner knowing which comes from your Heart Center. Many feel that Trust comes easy when it is seen as coming from an "outside Source", but you must realize that the guidance you receive from your Heart Center is no different than that which you receive from myself, your Master Guides, or any of the Angels, etc. We are ONE. We are your SELF. It is now time for you to start trusting your SELF for your guidance. What are you feeling within? Are you doubting the validity of what you hear and feel? Listen! Listen to your SELF. It is still the One talking to you. ..still Source giving you guidance. Trust! Your Heart will never steer you wrong. We are with you in your Heart Center. We speak to you in a myriad of ways.... but you must trust what you are hearing and feeling. You may not "hear" our words, or "see" our messages to you in a direct way, but still it is we who are guiding is your SELF. Do you feel you don't know which way to turn or what course of action to follow simply because you think you have no "direct link" to us, or the ability to "channel"? Not so. Your SELF is your direct link. When you go to that quiet space within, and you "hear" or "feel" nothing but your own intuition, that is the time to TRUST. Trust what you feel. Trust your SELF....for it is but us coming to your in a way you can certainly perceive. The days are approaching when you must turn "within" for your answers. Not to the Spiritual Hierarchy, not to the Angels, or even a personal guru. The time has come to turn to your own SELF for the answers you see. Then TRUST those answers. Surrender to what YOU are feeling. We are with you always, and will guard your Heart vigilantly in our Love and Care. You will not go astray.... you will only go Home. My Love I leave with you. Adonai. Sananda



Allowing (Part II) 
Members of the Heavenly Hosts (Angels) 

channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad


We would like to take this opportunity to provide a further discourse on the topic of 'allowing', for this is one of man's biggest challenges at this point in his evolution. Let us begin with a question, shall we? With regard to stepping outside of yourself to obtain a broader perspective of your perceived ill-fortune, could you not see yourself as a kind of explorer… an explorer willing, ready, and able to step into the void of the unknown? Could you not, just for a moment, surrender your freewill and your attempts to control the outcome of situations in favor of seeing what the Creator has in store for you? You are familiar with the phrase, we are sure, 'let go and let God'. In essence, this is what you are doing when you surrender to Divine Will. You are taking that step… maybe just out of curiosity… into the unknown, going, perhaps, where you have never gone before and experiencing things you have never experienced before. Such is the life of a starseed. <chuckle>

Are you in fear of being 'homeless' due to lack of monetary funds? Are you in fear of your spouse leaving you and you suddenly finding yourself 'on your own' with no means of support? Perhaps you have never before, in this existence, been homeless or alone and perceive it to be what you term 'the end of the world' as you know it. This may be true,, but are you in expectation of what those circumstances would mean to you? Do you see yourself in either of those situations, perhaps walking the streets, cold, hungry, and with no place to sleep? Is this your fear? Perhaps, from a different perspective, it would mean a sense of freedom that you have never before experienced. Perhaps it would bring the realization into your consciousness that you are, and never could be, 'homeless' or 'alone', for this, your Earth, is not your true home and you are, as you have come to see, never alone.

We come before you this day to challenge you to be the explorers that each of you, at the core level of your Soul, truly are. Were it not so, you would not have spent eons of time incarnating on one planet and then another to anchor your Light for the evolution of these planets. We would tell you, 'Go for it!' Step into that void of the unknown and meet with certainty and confidence the outcomes that your Creator has already planned for you for your highest good! For we also tell you that, no matter what the fear, no matter what the outcome, you are Divinely protected and dearly loved. Your joy does indeed await you, but many of you cannot begin to feel that joy because you are, shall we say, 'stuck' in your need to control what happens in your lives, rather than trusting in the All-Knowing and Divine Wisdom of the Creator. It is such the easier way to do so, to just let go and experience all that comes your way. Now, does this mean you simply sit back, with no feeling of responsibility of yourself, and depend on others to do it for you? Indeed not! You are responsible for your own creations, your own freewill choices, and the intents you have set. But after having taken responsibility for those, you then need only to let go of the outcome, trust the Creator for your highest good, and 'allow' all good, all lessons, all experiences, all joy, to flow in and to you. We cannot say it more simply than that, dear ones. It is 'allowing', it is 'trusting', it is 'letting go and letting God'… it is pure joy. We now take our leave. Adonai. 


Time to Get Serious 

By Ashtar 

channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

My Dearest Friends.... I come to assure you that things are as they should be. There are great amounts of energy bombarding your Earth at this time and everything is being greatly accelerated. NOW is the time for 'focus'. You who are the bridges between Heaven and Earth are the 'hands and feet' of the Command, so to speak. It is through you that much of our work is done. As I said, much has been accelerated and, although we wish you to remain in a state of joy and lightheartedness, it is now time to put your 'work' in its proper perspective and concentrate on the mission at hand. We are working very diligently to gather the Eagles together in order to prepare the general population for what is to come. This means that each and every one of you are needed at this time to make a commitment in your own heart as to what role you will play in this. In other words, it is time to get serious. We are not asking you to give your lives over to the Ashtar Command exclusively, for you each have many missions and sub-missions that you are here to accomplish. What we are asking, however, is that for those of you who feel your connection to us to band together, so to speak, in order to establish and implement certain 'activities' towards the goals which have been set before us. You have shown that you can do this numerous times, such as in the planting of the crystals and the activation of the grid. This was an excellent example of the Unity we wish for you to achieve, and our heartfelt thanks go to all of you who have participated in this project. Rest assured there will be other projects we will ask you to work on. For the time being, we are asking you to continue in this Unity, and stay focused on the tasks at hand. Do not let yourselves become 'bogged down' in the mundane affairs of your day-to-day activities. We wish for those of you who are aligned with the Command and its work to use this wonderful email forum to interact with each other in manifesting this bond of Unity. You are held within the gentle hand of All That Is and encircled with the energy of Unconditional Love of such depths that your present consciousness can not truly comprehend its magnitude. We of the Command and the Spiritual Hierarchy are working most diligently to help you and all mankind reach their full potential. As a 'return energy exchange', we ask each of you to now search your hearts and decide what it is that you are capable and willing to do in partnership with us. For you see, we are truly in a partnership in which each and every one must play their part. NOW is the time to begin. NOW is the time to decide your focus. NOW is the time to dedicate yourselves to the work at hand. We need your hands, we need your feet, we need your voice, we ask your commitment. To paraphrase the words of The Most Radiant One, spoken so long ago, "it is time to be about the Father's business". There is no longer the luxury of time to be spent in petty pursuits, bickering, judgment, or anger. Your time, which we have worked towards for eons, is at hand. Know that, even though you may not see us in your skies, we are most definitely close to you, and send you our deepest blessings and love. 

Your Friend and Brother, 



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  • Dear J'Tariah En Ra El,

    I have posted at certain places...

    Thanks a lot to You and Janisel....

  • love

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooo

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooo

  • Love you all!


  • SEND LOVE TO EVERY EARTH GRID!!! Higher Dimensional Shift Mediation by Ashtar + Trust by Sananda + Allowing by the Heavenly Hosts + Time to Get Serious by Ashtar


    Make contact to begin your Ground Crew Mission.




    Higher Dimensional Shift Mediation -- Begin on 4/27/15
    by Ashtar channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 
    To Begin Monday, April 27, 2015 

    Every Day, For at Least 15 Minutes Per Day


    Greetings! We’re going to make this short this week. I’m sure all of you have recognized Gaia’s forward push as she moves into the higher dimensions! We are asking YOU Lightworkers, Starseeds, Healers, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, and Eagles to help stabilize some of the grids that have been disrupted during Mother Earth's Ascension. First, do your protocal by grounding, centering, and intending for your energies to join those of Project: Eagle Triad. 

    First five minutes, send the energy of Love to the core of the planet. 

    Second five minutes, send the energy of Love to your sun. 


    Third five minutes, send the energy of Love to Earth’s electromagnetic grid. 

    Stay grounded! I am Ashtar, sending you my love.



    by Sananda 
    channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 

    My Dearly Beloved. It is indeed a joy and honor to connect with you again in this way. I have come to impart to you a short but important and timely message for all Lightworkers who should come to read or hear these words. It is on a subject which I have spoken to you about often.... that of TRUST. I am not simply referring to the element of Trust you feel in following what you perceive to be guidance from the Higher Realms. That is needed, as you are aware, in taking that "leap of faith" we have often spoken of. What I am referring to here is Trust in your SELF. Call it your Higher Self, call it your intuition, whatever you will. It is that inner knowing which comes from your Heart Center. Many feel that Trust comes easy when it is seen as coming from an "outside Source", but you must realize that the guidance you receive from your Heart Center is no different than that which you receive from myself, your Master Guides, or any of the Angels, etc. We are ONE. We are your SELF. It is now time for you to start trusting your SELF for your guidance. What are you feeling within? Are you doubting the validity of what you hear and feel? Listen! Listen to your SELF. It is still the One talking to you. ..still Source giving you guidance. Trust! Your Heart will never steer you wrong. We are with you in your Heart Center. We speak to you in a myriad of ways.... but you must trust what you are hearing and feeling. You may not "hear" our words, or "see" our messages to you in a direct way, but still it is we who are guiding is your SELF. Do you feel you don't know which way to turn or what course of action to follow simply because you think you have no "direct link" to us, or the ability to "channel"? Not so. Your SELF is your direct link. When you go to that quiet space within, and you "hear" or "feel" nothing but your own intuition, that is the time to TRUST. Trust what you feel. Trust your SELF....for it is but us coming to your in a way you can certainly perceive. The days are approaching when you must turn "within" for your answers. Not to the Spiritual Hierarchy, not to the Angels, or even a personal guru. The time has come to turn to your own SELF for the answers you see. Then TRUST those answers. Surrender to what YOU are feeling. We are with you always, and will guard your Heart vigilantly in our Love and Care. You will not go astray.... you will only go Home. My Love I leave with you. Adonai. Sananda



    Allowing (Part II) 
    Members of the Heavenly Hosts (Angels) 

    channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad


    We would like to take this opportunity to provide a further discourse on the topic of 'allowing', for this is one of man's biggest challenges at this point in his evolution. Let us begin with a question, shall we? With regard to stepping outside of yourself to obtain a broader perspective of your perceived ill-fortune, could you not see yourself as a kind of explorer… an explorer willing, ready, and able to step into the void of the unknown? Could you not, just for a moment, surrender your freewill and your attempts to control the outcome of situations in favor of seeing what the Creator has in store for you? You are familiar with the phrase, we are sure, 'let go and let God'. In essence, this is what you are doing when you surrender to Divine Will. You are taking that step… maybe just out of curiosity… into the unknown, going, perhaps, where you have never gone before and experiencing things you have never experienced before. Such is the life of a starseed. <chuckle>

    Are you in fear of being 'homeless' due to lack of monetary funds? Are you in fear of your spouse leaving you and you suddenly finding yourself 'on your own' with no means of support? Perhaps you have never before, in this existence, been homeless or alone and perceive it to be what you term 'the end of the world' as you know it. This may be true,, but are you in expectation of what those circumstances would mean to you? Do you see yourself in either of those situations, perhaps walking the streets, cold, hungry, and with no place to sleep? Is this your fear? Perhaps, from a different perspective, it would mean a sense of freedom that you have never before experienced. Perhaps it would bring the realization into your consciousness that you are, and never could be, 'homeless' or 'alone', for this, your Earth, is not your true home and you are, as you have come to see, never alone.

    We come before you this day to challenge you to be the explorers that each of you, at the core level of your Soul, truly are. Were it not so, you would not have spent eons of time incarnating on one planet and then another to anchor your Light for the evolution of these planets. We would tell you, 'Go for it!' Step into that void of the unknown and meet with certainty and confidence the outcomes that your Creator has already planned for you for your highest good! For we also tell you that, no matter what the fear, no matter what the outcome, you are Divinely protected and dearly loved. Your joy does indeed await you, but many of you cannot begin to feel that joy because you are, shall we say, 'stuck' in your need to control what happens in your lives, rather than trusting in the All-Knowing and Divine Wisdom of the Creator. It is such the easier way to do so, to just let go and experience all that comes your way. Now, does this mean you simply sit back, with no feeling of responsibility of yourself, and depend on others to do it for you? Indeed not! You are responsible for your own creations, your own freewill choices, and the intents you have set. But after having taken responsibility for those, you then need only to let go of the outcome, trust the Creator for your highest good, and 'allow' all good, all lessons, all experiences, all joy, to flow in and to you. We cannot say it more simply than that, dear ones. It is 'allowing', it is 'trusting', it is 'letting go and letting God'… it is pure joy. We now take our leave. Adonai. 


    Time to Get Serious 

    By Ashtar 

    channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

    My Dearest Friends.... I come to assure you that things are as they should be. There are great amounts of energy bombarding your Earth at this time and everything is being greatly accelerated. NOW is the time for 'focus'. You who are the bridges between Heaven and Earth are the 'hands and feet' of the Command, so to speak. It is through you that much of our work is done. As I said, much has been accelerated and, although we wish you to remain in a state of joy and lightheartedness, it is now time to put your 'work' in its proper perspective and concentrate on the mission at hand. We are working very diligently to gather the Eagles together in order to prepare the general population for what is to come. This means that each and every one of you are needed at this time to make a commitment in your own heart as to what role you will play in this. In other words, it is time to get serious. We are not asking you to give your lives over to the Ashtar Command exclusively, for you each have many missions and sub-missions that you are here to accomplish. What we are asking, however, is that for those of you who feel your connection to us to band together, so to speak, in order to establish and implement certain 'activities' towards the goals which have been set before us. You have shown that you can do this numerous times, such as in the planting of the crystals and the activation of the grid. This was an excellent example of the Unity we wish for you to achieve, and our heartfelt thanks go to all of you who have participated in this project. Rest assured there will be other projects we will ask you to work on. For the time being, we are asking you to continue in this Unity, and stay focused on the tasks at hand. Do not let yourselves become 'bogged down' in the mundane affairs of your day-to-day activities. We wish for those of you who are aligned with the Command and its work to use this wonderful email forum to interact with each other in manifesting this bond of Unity. You are held within the gentle hand of All That Is and encircled with the energy of Unconditional Love of such depths that your present consciousness can not truly comprehend its magnitude. We of the Command and the Spiritual Hierarchy are working most diligently to help you and all mankind reach their full potential. As a 'return energy exchange', we ask each of you to now search your hearts and decide what it is that you are capable and willing to do in partnership with us. For you see, we are truly in a partnership in which each and every one must play their part. NOW is the time to begin. NOW is the time to decide your focus. NOW is the time to dedicate yourselves to the work at hand. We need your hands, we need your feet, we need your voice, we ask your commitment. To paraphrase the words of The Most Radiant One, spoken so long ago, "it is time to be about the Father's business". There is no longer the luxury of time to be spent in petty pursuits, bickering, judgment, or anger. Your time, which we have worked towards for eons, is at hand. Know that, even though you may not see us in your skies, we are most definitely close to you, and send you our deepest blessings and love. 

    Your Friend and Brother, 



    Sananda's Eagles Home Page
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