This website describes the seven levels of initiation before reaching ascension. People have been wondering about why they have not ascended.....and ascension is not an easy is followed by many very challenging initiations....sometimes we go through many many eons of lifetimes before we are ready to make this ascension. We can complete several initiations in one lifetime and then continue initiations in consecutive lifetimes. Important thing is to be easy with ourselves and remember to radiate love to yourself and others. Ascension is basically a gift for ascended masters and this takes many lifetimes to reach this level. We are confronted with many limitations, obstacles, and mental, emotional, and physical challenges to bring us into greater expansion. If we pass these initiations then we realize our limitless nature, and have mastered our skills of limitations and expansion.
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finally-common sense-it took Jesus 3 lifetimes of intense cleansing before ascending-some one perpatrated this hoax and raised false hopes-you need prayer, devotional meditation, study, repeating mantras over and over all day, selfless service-
Hi Seventh Sister of the Siran Sun...I agree....It can be done in one lifetime, and our higher self does know.....but if it doesn't happen in one lifetime, it is important to be gentle with ourselves and keep working towards the goal of ascension and being a master of our reality......If it does happen in one lifetime, then we have done a lot of preparation in previous lives to get to experience this great victory..........much love and light!!