Sex and Ascension:
Personal, Planetary, and Universal
So, what does SEX have to do with personal, planetary, and universal Ascension?
What does SEX have to do with your Mission here?
[[Ascension = vibrational growth + heightening of perceived/projected frequencies]]
What does sex have to do with Ascension? How are passion and Ascension intermingled? Read the class from Mary Magdalene below (Levels of Ascension - Part 1: Sex) to find out!
Meanwhile…if you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email: janisel(at)sanandaseagles(dot)com
Channeled Through the Body of Debbie Wright
"Levels of Ascension - Part 1: Sex"
I have been sent here this evening because the one that I refer to as 'my Heart' [Jesus/Sananda] has asked me to come in and give a lesson that he has been promising for quite some time. But he figured the understanding would come better if it was a female that brought through this lesson. And he wanted to make sure that it came through the 'right' female. <grin> For this evening, the lesson itself is going to be on the 'levels of ascension'.
Basically there are three levels of ascension: personal, planetary, and universal. And I have been sent in to explain 'personal' ascension from a feminine point of view. For what 'my Heart' has been promising you was a lesson concerning sex. Now I wonder why 'I' would be the one that would be sent in? Perhaps because I have been embodied in this dimension, on this planet, and you might say that I was very proficient at the aforementioned subject? It's OK… you can laugh. <grin> It's just sex. But that is not what we're here to discuss this evening.
This lesson is the first of two. I'm going to do the 'Personal Ascension' lesson this evening and what it means to individuals, and then the next time you have a lesson, it will be concerning the other two. For 'my Heart' has been telling me that the word 'ascension' has become a bit overused, and has come to mean numerous meanings, so I've been gifted with the privilege of coming in and explaining a few things on a more personal level.
'Personal' ascension can mean a variety of different things, and from what I have recently been made aware of, that variety of different things even includes what very few have actually done from this reality. Yet it has become the by-word to 'expect' this to happen. Well, having that expectation is alright, but what if you don't get it? Does that mean you will be disappointed? In actuality, most of you experience some form of ascension or another every day of your lives. Very basically, the word ascension means 'upward motion'. And this upward motion can be done in a variety of different ways. However, I wish for you to forgive me if I use the word 'vibration' instead of ascension at times, for I have had it explained to me that, essentially, they have become the same. So I will be explaining it in the way that I know it best, which is not as 'ascension', but as a 'vibratory difference'.
I can tell you that in order to raise your vibration you must, one, get out of yourself (see earlier Lessons], because that's what it's all about. Two, be in passion. It matters not the level of passion that you or in or even the type of passion, but be in passion. And, three, be in allowance. Allow what shall be to be, without those expectations. If you were to sit in a room, whether you be by yourself or whether you be with a roomful of people, and a joke is told, or you see something funny, and you begin to laugh. That is what is called 'laughter'. But when you allow the laughter to take you elsewhere, that is raising your vibration… ascension. It's taking you out of where you are and into a better place. If you are watching a movie or reading a book and you get caught up in it, and it makes you feel good, that is raising your vibration. That is ASCENSION.
If you become passionate, and you have the opportunity to speak of that passion to someone else, and it takes you out of yourself and into sharing with them, that is raising your vibration. That is ascension. If you go to your bed and you lay down there with a partner, and you become so wrapped up in what you are feeling to the point that you wish for them to feel the same way, and your body more or less takes over, and you feel your heart rate speed up and your breathing quicken, and you just cannot be 'sedate'… that is raising your vibration. That is a form of ascension.
Now that I've given you what IS, how about if I give you what is NOT? If you laugh at a joke, and you are the only one laughing, and you feel uncomfortable, that feeling of 'discomfort' is not a raise in vibration. In fact, it's the exact opposite. It puts you more inside of yourself. If you are watching a movie or reading a book and you put it down and just 'carry on', and you can't even remember what it is that you just watched or read, that is not. If you should happen to go to your bed and you have a partner there, and you dread it, or you do not participate in it, or you feel that you have to control it, that is not ascension.
Basically, there are very few guidelines as far as what it takes to raise your vibration. But the first and foremost guideline that has been given to each and everyone of you repeatedly is to follow your joy, follow your bliss, for that is what leads you to where you need to be.
To explain further... Have you ever done something, perhaps for the first time, and you were surprised that you enjoyed it? These are the times that it has been proved to you that joy is a compass, a guide. It is the manner and the tool in which you follow to get you to a place of peace, harmony, well-being. If something makes you sad, do you wish to follow that path? If something makes you unhappy, do you with to follow that path? If something gives you joy, do you wish to follow that path? Who knows, it might be the path of more fun. But you see, I am not speaking here of just laughter… people laugh everyday. I am not speaking just of pleasure… people have pleasure everyday. It is possible to have a sexual encounter with someone to where you have extreme pleasure. That is not joy, that is just pleasure. Joy is when the two of you can find that fulfillment in being in the same space at the same time… not one of 'give OR take', but one of 'give AND take'… that 'equal energy exchange' that you have been given quite often. Joy is a state of being completely out of yourself. Joy is a state of being that, when you do personalize it, it does not necessarily mean that you have to slam back into yourself. It can actually take you higher. You see, when in joy, you can say something like, "I feel wonderful!" You can say something like, "I feel the best that I have ever felt right now." And you know in your heart that that is not something you're wishing to say out of ego, that is something that is coming straight from your soul.
There are so many in your civilization right now that feels so badly about having sex, when they do not even realize that it is another tool that you have been given to enjoy and to introduce you on a very personal level to the act of raising your vibration. You have turned sex into something forbidden, into something dirty at times. You have turned it into something, for some, 'evil', 'impure'. Well, I have been asked to come in and explain a little bit of how things have changed on this planet. I was actually shocked to find out that what you refer to as 'the world's oldest profession' is now something that can get you thrown in jail. It is strange to see how perverse something so natural to the body has been perverted. So, I shall ask my first question. And these are questions that I would like you to think of on a variety of different levels. I will explain that.
Let's take murder, shall we? Murder has always been frowned upon… deeply frowned upon, in most societies. That has never changed. The question is, over the course of time… centuries, even millennia… do the 'bad' things change from bad to good? That is a question. Ponder this, think on this.
Now, if you look back on the history of this planet, sex has always been considered something 'natural', something beautiful, something to be shared… on the most part. And in history it has gone from being something not just 'good' but to something 'expected', to something 'in common', to something 'bad', and to something 'evil'.
Now my second question that I wish you to ponder is…
If 'bad' things always stay bad, could that not mean that some of the things that used to be considered 'good' have now become 'bad', not because they were bad but maybe for another reason?
When I say to ask these questions and answer them on a variety of different levels, the first level is on a very 'personal' basis. Do you feel the same way now about sex as you did when you were, perhaps, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen? What has just the span of going from young adult years to full adult years done in your outlook on sex? Has that changed?
Now, let's get away from your personal level, and go with a 'national' level. Nationally, how has your nation changed its outlook on sex just in the passed one hundred years? Yes, I know you were not alive back then, but I also know that you intelligent beings that read these lessons have the capacity of doing a bit of research, perhaps even speaking to someone from your own family. Perhaps read a book. But make sure that the information you're getting from one hundred years ago is accurate. Do you feel that sex is more attainable now than it was one hundred years ago? Do you feel that it's frowned upon more now than it was one hundred years ago?
Let's go 'nationally' again, shall we? And this will be hard for those of you that live in America, however, what do you think sex was like in your nation a thousand years ago? Do you think there is more stigma on it now than there was then? You see, this is a fairly new country, so if you want to answer it appropriately you can either look at it from the Native point of view, which in most of those societies was fairly loose… take my word for it… or you can displace yourself to more of a European flair and decide what it was like then.
After you do that, think 'nationally' two thousand years ago. For I will tell you right now, that the greatest change in outlook on situations that involved sex was from two thousand years ago to one thousand years ago. You're just now at a point in time that you are attempting to break up some of those restrictions that society and mankind put on one of the most natural things that the human body does, that was established two thousand years ago. And, of all things, they were established in the name of 'my Heart'! [Jesus/Sananda] If they only knew the truth… but that's another story. <grin>
I'm not here to try and change anyone's mind, I'm really not even here to try and justify what society has done. What I am attempting to do is to make the act of ascension so very much more personal for you. If you would insist spending your entire life waiting for one moment to culminate ascension into one act, oh… you are missing out on so much from now until then. You actually have been explained to many times through these lessons, whether you've picked up on it or not, that you ascend on a daily basis… a multitude of times, at times, during those days. You do not stay in the third dimension. You jump around like little grasshoppers all the time! That's what ALL of us do. If we had to stay in the same dimension vibrationally we would probably die of extreme boredom.
We have those that have begun teaching a variety of different ways to make you more 'comfortable' with the natural bodily need of having sex. I shall make it easy. <grin> And if you are one of those beings that feel that you can teach people how to do this, how to become more natural with it, I apologize up front for denying you that opportunity, because I do realize it is a passion within you and you are wishing to share that passion with others. However, if you will grant me this leeway, I can probably make more come to you anyway. <grin> It is so simple. You do not even have to have the full act of procreation involved. All you have to do is touch your partner in a way that you wish to be touched. And if you have to say a thing to your partner to put them in the right frame of mind, explain this to them. Say, "For every touch I give you, you mirror it back to me, and let's see how far we can take it." <grin> You can have QUITE good, fun times doing this, you know. <grin> And, yes, there are certain touches they couldn't quite do for you that they would do for themselves, but they'll get the point. And I think YOU will get the point, also. And then, while you are touching each other, concentrate on how you 'feel' having them touch you in the way that you are touching them, and imagine how they feel being touched by you in the way they want you to touch them. Are you puzzled yet? It's really quite easy. You could do it by yourself, actually, however you would not get much sensation off of it. Stand in front of the mirror and touch the mirror. However, it might be more fun if your partner was there… to assist. <grin>
We have focused a lot on the 'human function' of sex. Let's call it now the human function of 'showing love'. Have you not been told by all of your Masters that you are to love everyone? Then why could this not be reciprocated in kind to those that you would not necessarily consider sexual partners, but consider friends or colleagues? Look them in the eye and say, "I wish for you to do for me exactly what I am about to do for you." Give them a very slow, deliberate, nice kiss on the cheek, perhaps. A kiss on the hand, perhaps. Ahhh… the kiss on the palm that sends electricity all through the body. Perhaps before you give the immediate hug, you run your fingers from their hands up their arms, around the shoulders, and then pulling them close. And then, once you hold them close, perhaps whisper in their ear, "I will listen for your heart if you will listen for mine." Just a way of getting out of yourself and assisting them in getting out of themselves. Now, some of you might think, "Oooohhh… this sounds most seductive. Would they think of it as sex?" Probably. But there is nothing at all wrong with lightly touching their cheeks… here [points to face], not here [points to…, well, you know]… looking them deep in the eyes and saying, "I just wish for you to know how much I appreciate your friendship." Who knows… their spouse, their partner, might appreciate that little 'jump-start' you gave them. <grin> It is spreading touch through love, and love through touch, which, unfortunately, most humans on this planet have forgotten all about. The majority of the humans that we have dealings with have, unfortunately, become of the mind-set that, if you physically touch someone, somewhere along the lines sex must be involved. And then the majority of those, deep down inside, feel that there is something wrong with sex.
The one that I refer to as 'my Heart' [Jesus/Sananda] had wonderful friends, wonderful… what would you call them, business acquaintances?… his brothers. Man to man, on greeting each other, would touch, would kiss, would hold, would stroke, would whisper. In your society today, there would definitely be a stigma put on THAT, wouldn't there? There would definitely be judgment be put on that. They had no need, wish, nor inclination at all of having sex with one another. In fact, if someone would have suggested that to them then, oh, what the laughter would have been like! Oh my! [looks at Sananda and laughs] Oh my! [laughter] Touch is so vital to humans. And the only thing that you truly have going for you, being a child of this time and this society, is the fact that now, when you begin this, oh, you will definitely feel the raise in vibration, for you have become not so used to it. It will be new and it shall be exciting… which shall assist in getting you out of yourself and in that higher vibration so much more quickly. Just make sure that you do not tie the 'sex' tag onto it, for that will bring you back into yourself.
Now, let's speak of some of the other forms of personal ascension, shall we? Yes, there are perhaps three of those of you that read these lessons, not even ones that you know about, perhaps, that, yes, may go through that one culminating, instantaneous full ascension that just a handful have gone through before. But you see, your human bodies are not made for that. Do you realize this? For all of you that feel that you can go through this ascension process that THEY went through, the body cannot survive. That has only happened twice in all of eternity on this planet, and those were 'extraordinary' beings inside those bodies, that were unveiled, and knew what to do to protect the body during that process. But you see, the majority of you think of ascension of going just from your third dimension into the fifth. That is just a sneeze! If you wish to go to the 'heights' that can be gone to, the last thing in all the universe that you wish to have dragging you back is a human body. Essentially, you would not even be there when the body expired… you would already be gone. The shell would either be left behind on this planet, or it would vaporize somewhere in the process. There would be no fear of death, then, for that would have happened after the fact. Rising yourself to the fifth dimension, as I said before, is nothing more than a sneeze. Just please do not be disappointed, for it is much better than the third, do not get me wrong. It's just that some of you do need to pay attention to the expectations that you're holding. We have talked of this numerous times, and when I say 'we' you realize I am speaking of 'my Heart' [Jesus/Sananda] and I… for, usually, when he is here with the lessons, I am here also. For he is my Heart and I am His.
We are now going to speak of the one form of ascension that so many of you hide from, or shudder at the thought of… and that is the act of physical death. Most of you say that you fear the 'pain', not the actual death itself. What you do not realize is, if there is pain that is involved in the body's death, usually you're gone much more efficiently before the pain even hits. You see, as my brother Ashtar has said, it is very rare for an 'accidental death' to take place. Do you honestly feel that your Creator needs you to experience extreme pain just at the moment of your transition? Let us say that it is your time, and let us say that you are in an automobile accident. And that is when your contract ends… in that twisted metal. Do you actually feel in your heart that your Creator would force you to stay in that body until it was done? Many of those beings that have been in those accidents, that survived long enough to go to the hospital and, perhaps, even linger on for a day or two, that is just the body. THEY are already gone, and have been since what you might refer to as a few milliseconds before the actual impact. For you see, when you see that happening… that it is going to happen… it is seen with a clarity that you've never experienced in this body before. And you know, when looking at it with that clarity, that you are going Home. And instead of having fear thoughts, you are so exuberant at the idea of going Home that that is what causes you to leave… before the actual accident really happens.
Now, I could get into a long drawn out, detailed discussion with you concerning 'accidents', what some of you refer to as 'near-death experiences', and what others of you might refer to as 'coma' or 'artificial respiration'… or those kind of medical terms which mean nothing to me, and eventually would mean nothing to you, either. But I shall condense it and let you know that some of you have it in your contract to remove veils that you came in with. And one of the quickest, most efficient ways that you can erase those veils at one time is to go through something like that… a trauma like that. But instead of fearing the pain wrapped around the trauma, perhaps to help you, why don't you find some of these persons that have been through something like this and ask them how much of the pain that they remember? For you see, they can't remember what they weren't there to experience. They left so that they could come back in without the veils that they had before. That is why so many of those that your scientists and physicians have studied, that have the near-death experiences, begin using 'gifts' that they never had before. And some come back from an experience like that and they 'think' they remember the pain but, in actuality, what they remember… or what they are trying to forget… is the fact that the circumstance that they went through was their wake up call. And they are brought back in to have one last freewill choice as to whether they shall change or not. Do not fear death. Death is the oldest friend that most of you have… the brother that, when you see Death's face… you smile and embrace him, for it has been a long time since you last saw each other. Death has one name, but ahhh… the faces of death are a multitude. And those that see Death as something to fear are the ones that are missing out on a wonderful relationship.
This does not mean that the many that have attempted to seek ascension by culminating their own death have ascended. For one, as many of you will know, if you're here for a purpose and a MISSION, you will not be allowed to bring it [death] about. But if you do, you are sent right back in, because that is part of the contract that you signed. If you make the freewill choice in that body to 'end it', you agree to be put in another body in another situation, to see if you can handle that one a bit better. But that is not an easy process, and all it truly does is extend your time drastically. And believe me when I say, it does not guarantee that the next one you are put in is actually better. Just, perhaps, more 'convenient...’ I think some of you call that a 'crap-shoot', yes? The time, for those of you that are here working fervently so that you may go Home… I know you are probably sick of hearing it… but it truly isn't that much longer. But then, at the same time, I must say that it really hasn't been that long to begin with.
Now, the last question that I wish for you to think on:
What can you do today, right now, by yourself or with another, that can make you experience ascension, make you feel the difference in the raising of that vibration?
Think hard, think deep. But then QUIT THINKING AND DO IT.!!!
And if you're having a rough time, do it three or four, or five or six times a day, every day. For the more you experience that raise in vibration, the longer they tend to last. And the longer they tend to last, the more of an impact it makes on the life you now lead. And that tends to put momentum behind your life and forces the rest of your life to catch up. You want change? Have good sex. You want change? Treat your friends to a sensual act of love that is sensual only by the fact that you touch them. Let them know that you're not meaning to 'jump in the sack' with them, let them know that you just wish to show them how much you appreciate them. Then 'have fun', 'find your joy', 'follow your bliss', 'don't worry, be happy'… and all of those other clichés that I'm sure that all of you are sick and tired of hearing.
But if they were wrong, do you think they would have been given to you in so many different ways, so many times? Rise up, jump out of your misery, quit expecting for later on down the line, and start having fun with the job that you chose!
If you're in misery, you're the one that deemed it misery. Make it better. Change your outlook. Change your perspective.
Change your attitude. And begin allowing the Universe and All within the Universe to assist you in being in joy, in being in bliss, in being happy. It's that simple. Just allow it. And then enjoy it. And then BE it.
That's the lesson. <grin>
Do you vibrate with this lesson? Then you are one of us!!!! If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email: janisel(at)sanandaseagles(dot)com
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Any questions about your personal Ascension process? Please email: janisel(at)sanandaseagles(dot)com
Well I for one know that sex usually has very little to do with real true unconditional divine selfless love of purity and innocence, and everything to do with being "in love" with pleasure and with feeling close to someone because you feel empty inside. And I for one know that the more you become spiritual and fulfilled, and become pure hearted and innocent, the less you feel the need for sex. I know this, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
Children do not feel the need to have sex with each other. They want love and intimacy, but sex does not enter the mind of a little child. A nice hug and tap on the back is good enough. If you need sex to feel loved, well there is something wrong with you. If you feel that sex is the best way to share love, you need to change that attitude. If you use sex to raise your vibration, I liken you to a drug addict who uses drugs to get "high" and enter higher vibrations.
You are supposed to do that naturally, by connecting to Gods love within you and your recognition of yourself as God and God as yourself. You're supposed to do that by naturally expanding your consciousness and allowing higher awareness to enter. Using sex for that, because it "feels good" and is "blissful" is just a drug, it really is. And I know it is. And no channeled message is going to fool me into thinking otherwise, I am not that gullible.
Whatever happened to discipline, whatever happened to responsibility, whatever happened to not giving in to carnal lustful desires of the flesh. Whatever happened to not looking for anything outside of yourself to feel loved and enlightened? Love and lust are not synonymous, many people want to think it is because they don't truly love themselves and feel like having sex is a great way to feel loved. Well the more you truly love yourself, the less you need it. And I know that from experience.
I just don't think the post was all about sex. it was more about a lightening up about our views of it, and to spread and share our Love (not sex) thru touch, She didn't say, have sex with everyone you meet, but maybe to touch them, hug them, not to be afraid of this simple act.
We are told to follow what brings out our Joy, makes us happy. anything that makes us happy, like playing Frisbee, with the family, just a fun game, also raises our vibration. releasing good feeling chemicals.
I believe, that many especially older folks, have such taboos, and hold onto so much pressure to be "good". But its old good, religious good, Strict, scared good!
There are those "in" relationships, that have because of lethargy, bitterness, laziness,, a hate for their own body, that do not have sex.NOT because they are beyond it, they have given up on it. There are those who will not date for the same reason. I'm too old, fat,ugly.
I don't think anyone is saying here, hey kids be promiscuous, just go our an be a bunny.
but I do believe there is a message here for some, to lighten up on ourselves and to share with others, even our affection!
Sex can be a drug, an addiction, like anything else. its also something that can be used and abused, causing many a past life taint, either of promiscuousness or an avoidance.
But it as well was given to us as a gift!
There are reasons to hold on to that energy to use somewhere else as in Art, or other venues. But Sex is a gift nonetheless!
Just an awesome message i could feel Mary Magdalene's energy thru the post, the love she shares with each and every one of us. Anyone who takes this as purely a Sexual message misses the point! Though just like all of our old views in the 3D this can be misinterpreted too.
Always we are asked to keep an open mind!
Pee pee monster are such a bad boy ...
Ask Enki what he did with them...after he catch them..
Yes they get the p.... and v....but it was a downgrade also....and you know that...
And after that my big brother Enki it was not satisfy with that...and he create them..
And i do not say yet what he did with some species..
Lord Enlil
Captin ..Love imply sexual act...but in other way then the direct sex..or paid sex...witch have nothing to do with Love...
You know that as i do...
The N.W.O plans are to implement sex to be above love...and that have a good reason...and you know it..
To change the people...
I will not enter in that Realm it is not mine...
And you know Jesus put the point on Love...
I think i finish hire..
Lord Enlil