Sex is a Beautiful Human Right

Sex is connecting on an emotional and physical level by sharing love with your partner. Sex is not a bad thing, humans were meant to pro-create and bring life into this world. I support sex and procreating, I support love on the physical and emotional level. I am still at a high spiritual level with myself and with God because sex is a beautiful human right. I want people to know they have the right to make love and have sex. If you are celibate and wish to live your life that way then you will never experience this physical and emotional love that is so wonderful and beautiful. 

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  • oh we are doing urban legends now? Ok, I know I girl that has a friend that know this girl that went to the er, she was sick, so they pumped her stomach and they found a bunch of ecstasy pills and 33cl of semen!

    Back to you Andy!

  • you are wasting your time, those who believe being gay causes death will never believe anything but the lord god imself telling them its ok to be gay, those who already know need no convincing :)

  • so you STILL didnt say what he died from, aids or the flu or being gay.  ya know what just dont even answer, you are nothing to me anylonger, you are not even words on the screen, your views are so barbaric and vindictive they are not worth being mentioned or acknowledged by anyone or anything

    you do not exist

  • lol...whatever. So how do you plan on putting an end to it? How do you plan to make sure the world is populated only by morons like you? Incest?

    • hey if you are anti white how can you live with yourself lol

  • i dont really give a shit if you get it or not, i said i was telling what i think, and died from what being gay? or aids? you think aids is transferred by snezzes? seriously, you really need to wake up and join the 21st century or you will be left behind

    but once again i couldnt really give a shit if you make it or not :)

  • OMG where the hell do you get your information from???? You couldn't make this shit up! What a crazy fanatic fascist ideas you can come up with!  You are a GIFT to comedy!

  • please don't waste your "love and light" on me. You should use you time in a more productive way, like a witch-hunt, spanish inquisition kinda thing. Go ahead, make your "god" proud!

  • Oh Andy you are so adorable! 

    Oh Andy, you really bring out the best in me! 

    Wow, could it be that all this hate you have towards me is actually a  way to conceal your forbidden love for me? You should know that i have  husband already, for 8 years now, and a beautiful daughter, so please, don't  be a home-wrecker!

    I gotta go f*ck a monkey now and make a new batch of AIDS to infect a bunch of innocent babies!

  • I only said that man have intrest to woman not for his own grender....that is all i wanted to say here i don't wanted to attack anyone here...and i'am sorry for saying to you Kiara that you are ignorant and naive...i hope you understand one day better what i wanted to tell you..i'am not perfect i'am what i'am a human being:-)I hopew you forgibe me for that..

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