

Share The Light & Love In Your Heart Awakened Ones

Pleiadian Transmission of Light & Love By Octavia Vasile


Important Call to the Awakened Ones! Are you aware of your power?

"Greetings to you all, we are delighted to connect with you again and to hold space for the transformation to enter your life. Many of you have awakened to your fifth-dimensional reality and realized that you are the creators of your own existence. You have learned how to manifest and, by being present and intentional, you plant beautiful seeds of creation that will bloom into colorful flowers on Earth.

We invite those like you to step forward now. Sometimes you have been called "The Prime Creators" or "Manifestors". This is because you are paving the golden pathways of the New Earth. If this resonates with you in any way, we ask you to step forward and bring about that change: take the challenges, seize the opportunities, and make your voice heard, for you are truly meant to do so.

Talk about multidimensionality, share our messages, conduct your own research – have the courage to build bridges between the higher realms and Earth. You are the one who brings forth a new destiny for your planet.


When you find yourself being pulled down by other energies, set a strong mindset that says, 'I am now bringing forth the Light & Love of my Divine Self.' Do not get pulled into negative thinking patterns, judgmental thoughts, or mindsets that do not serve your existence. Instead, connect with us and envision the light coming through you and being spread all around – because it is very real.


Stay in that light and carry it across the planet. Be a pillar of light and lift others up as well.

Whenever you notice people complaining, suffering, or immersed in negativity, shine that light and remember to remain compassionate above all. Spread love through your own vibration - the loving vibrations of your Divine Self .


You have played the game of separation for so long, engaging in judgments that created more separation. Now, you must find the strength within you to change that reality for yourself and many others.

If you find yourself in an environment where people gossip, harm one another, or live in fear, tell yourself, 'I am the pillar of Light here,' and be sure to bring that light by responding differently to them all.


This means listening with love – not trying to fix them, but just opening your heart to listen. Be compassionate, share your opinion, but let it come from a place of love. This changes your reality and what others experience as well. Stay above the illusion and observe it objectively – do not engage, but remain still and silent in your Light.

Share that Light wherever you go. Call upon the Light of your Divine Self with the Light from the Great Central Sun and let it be grounded, charging the main planetary grid. Envision the network of Light spreading further and further, reactivating the cities of light. You are the one to raise the vibration.

When times are difficult, call upon us, and we will support you. Always maintain the perspective that everything can change for the better and that you are ready to experience that.


Look for the best solutions, simple ways of living, and sharing joy. Feel gratitude for all that you experience: relationships, prosperity in all forms, and various experiences – find gratitude within because abundance is a state of mind.

You are the wise one – stay above it all and look at it with eyes of compassion, like a stranger watching a show, thankful for all that is. But also know that you are the show, and therefore all that you perceive is a projection of what you are. Create changes from within and experience a brighter reality.

It is all within you – and it has never been otherwise. If you already know this, you, beloved pillar of Light, come forward and shape your reality with gold and roses. Are you ready?"

If you wish to have a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here: https://www.holographicyou.com/1on1


Many blessings and love!



Video Link: I Am Presence Light Code Activation - The Universal Heart Of God I Am - https://youtu.be/JQJd54Gx1Bk?si=IJ8ssEg2yF-HrCve









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