Sheldan Nidle - February 5, 2013

8 Cimi, 14 Yax, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return and bring with us Good News! The time for the grand moment is arriving! Major elements of the dark cabal are now under arrest and those in charge of planning the high-profile series of trials are setting dates for formally reporting on these significant events, which constitute the tip of a truly enormous iceberg. The long wait for announcements is nearing its end and we watch as the dark cabalists come to realize that the moment they dread is beginning to manifest. To prolong the charade now in play, they have concocted a fictitious picture of an American domestic economy that is 'somehow' rising like a phoenix from the ashes of the past few years. In truth it waits for the final blow to be struck. The world's economies are mired in a collective debt that is the world's total GNP many times over. The disaster your globe faces cannot so easily be swept under the rug, which explains why Spain is sinking fast and Germany is not far behind. The cabal has long treated the world as its personal 'oyster' and has been indulging in a massive spending-spree of unbelievable proportions. The way out is global debt forgiveness.

This solution is one that the dark refuses to countenance. They fear an enormous loss of power and wealth if global debt forgiveness is formally granted, and so these grand titans of hypocrisy refuse to permit even a measure of freedom and dignity to the world's people. They are dedicated to the preservation of illegal wage slavery and deep indebtedness, as this keeps you securely under their control. This defiance, as was foreseen, has actually been a great boon: it allowed our various Earth allies to secure the legal means for ousting the cabal from power. At present we have substituted what we call life-and-light surrogates for those we have legally incarcerated, and all this will be revealed when the new governance takes over. Until then we are doing our part to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. The gargantuan debt needs to be publicly exposed and then fully forgiven, and to bicker about any aspect of this prime requisite is just absurd. This national debt business is nothing more than illusion, a control mechanism, deliberately set up by the dark to maintain its debt-driven economy.

Besides the various substitutions being made to keep the business-as-usual charade going, we have been busy forging a working partnership between us and those who are to replace the wrong-doers who still hold sway in your global governments, who swindle you each day out of money and properties, and who pass judgments that are not theirs to make. The sheer volume of illegal activity that goes on every day is quite astonishing, and we cannot wait to send these scoundrels packing! By contrast, your new governance may at first surprise you with its transparency and is to interact with you in as useful and honest a way as possible. Government needs to be seen as an instrument that guarantees your sovereignty and welfare rather than adhering exclusively to self-serving special interests. The new transparency will approximate to some degree that of galactic society, and as you grow in consciousness you will become more aware of how government (while it exists) necessitates strict and dutiful oversight on the part of the people. This is something you will need to monitor until the mass landings occur.

As you morph the reality you now know into one that is quite different, it would be useful to observe carefully each new component of your society in order to understand how it might affect your world as a whole. Change is to come rapidly once the various pieces currently delayed by Heaven begin to flow. This time is getting very close. A sacred accord was made with the Anunnaki nearly 13,000 years ago which detailed a number of natural events that were to mark the end of that agreement and herald the rise of a new epoch of Light for humanity. These signals are arising and shortly a new reality will descend and change your world forever. This is the sacred pledge of Heaven, and we are here as mentors of this pledge and to ensure that the changes decreed long ago appear. Heaven is moving you from your present state of limited consciousness to your natural state of full consciousness. In your natural state you will inherit responsibilities which we will undertake jointly to render permanent the current galactic peace treaty.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today in joy! Many of the 'natural celestial events' referred to earlier have come and gone. Only a few are yet to happen and all of these are very close to occurring. As they happen, they bring your world closer to its sacred destiny. These things are divine heralds of a new reality filled with Light, Love, and prosperity. Everywhere the Heavens are preparing to greet us with a display of energy that will signal the beginning of your new epoch! Likewise, we are preparing our associates to announce our coming schedule and begin a campaign that will cause your present government to change. This change will lead to your liberation and to a formal declaration that your space family is shortly to land on your most beautiful living world. The Agarthans, who have long made their homes available to us, are also preparing to announce their presence in the interior realms of your glorious Mother Earth.

This planet has long been partitioned into two separate realms: one exists beneath your feet and has often sent representatives to live quietly among you; the other is on the surface where you live. The Agarthan explorers to the surface realm returned home with large amounts of data which is being used to ascertain the most harmonious way to prepare surface humanity to learn of Agartha's existence. Since the Agarthans are also domiciled there, they also wish to contribute, at the right moment and in the most compatible way, to the unveiling of this information. As these announcements are broadcast, we, your Ascended Masters, will use our good offices to set the record straight about your many religious practices and traditions. These truths can provide you with the chance to learn more about full consciousness and the plan to return you to this enlightened and divine state of Being. In this state you will have the experiences we once did when we reached the status we now enjoy as immortals of Spirit.

In this exalted state, you will rediscover who you really are and why you came, so long ago, to Mother Earth. This knowingness will be a foundation for all that you are to accomplish in divine service to the Great One, and to this end we are being prepared for our roles as your heavenly supervisors. Part of this service is to guide you and to prepare us, your sacred counselors, to teach you more about your duties in a galactic society. The Light 'knows' how you are likely to respond to this realm, and is giving daily instructions on the best way to oversee the start-up of Earth humanity's new sacred society. You will reunite with your Agarthan family and together we will carry out the initial duties of this new society as we expand our reach to our sister planets and begin to coalesce these worlds into a new star-nation. We are ready, and joyously anticipate our shared divine destiny!

Today we addressed what you are to expect as we change your society and prepare you for full consciousness. We also touched on the creation of your new star-nation. The glory of the heavenly hosts will be seen and manifested by all! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

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  • Amanda-Love,

    I think you're talking about fear-based emotions when we are in love in relationships, where we open our hearts up to someone and they fail to deliver, and instead our greatest fears get realised?

    Hate is fear-based, not love based. Love can and does exist without hate. Hate is from a huge, traumatised ego. Love is from our soul. Love is kindness, confidence, respect, compassion, light heartedness, strength, detachment, wisdom, humour, forgiveness, openmindedness, flexibility, creativity and maturity. Also gratitude.  

    If hate must always go with love then you are saying that souls must always have a huge amunt of fear and souls cannot exist without fear. That's simply not true.

    If you don't want to experience it, OK, but you are wasting your time denying its existence. I hope that you do keep looking though, because it's there, and we have constant access to it through our hearts, if we want it.  



  • Amanda-Love, if you met your spirit guides you would see, hear, know and feel what I'm talking about.  

    Researching spirit world involves exploring their dimension, such as talking to responsible, well reputed psychics and finding out what we can, then talking to our guides, or God/Goddes, asking for signs, praying, joining a spiritualist group, doing a spiritual growth course, healing our heart, meditating, and listening through our heart. If we do this we tap into a higher vibration of love, bliss, joy, comedy, non-judgement, and pure magic, deep peace which feels like Home. We find that they guide our dreams and are with us for every single thought that we have throughout our whole lives.

    If you did research vibrations and dimensions of love then you would know that dark entities live in fear and live off fear and they cannot be in the higher vibration of love. Where true love is, fear cannot be. Fear runs a mile from love same as naughty children do when they meet a wise adult. Fear is what makes people sceptical of love and fear is what makes people denounce love.

    Do I think research will give you the answer...the real answer? Yes. And you will love it <3

  • Common sense -- yes it is true.

    What you see on this site is not absolute --its your projection of you..

  • theres much more than just planes of love....

    this world is just a small corner of trouble in a vast realm of light....Its called in the vedas-----

    Vaikuntha--- translation a world without anxiety....

    this is a small covered over portion of the sky where there is dreams and delusions

    I speak the dharma I know the dharma

    Believe whatever you wish to believe---

    Those who are acquainted with the dharma understand these conceptions.

    You cannot speak for everyone--and say no one knows--all you can honestly say is you dont know

    you are not everyone

    The Entire Cosmic manifestation....



  • "Evil exist on every single plane of existence. Do I have proof of this? No."

    Amanda-Love - please do some research. Perhaps you haven't had any experiences whatsoever outside of this duality. If that's the case you cannot know any different.

    If you'd met your guides you would know that they are on a higher vibration which is nothing like this miserable duality existence. Evil is just fear and fear does not exist everywhere. There are planes where there is only love. It is total bliss. Fear is the illusion, not love.


    • If Ashtar Command is Successful and can spread love and truth to people.....

      then Governments and politicians and religions and churches will lose people and people will be free....

      Its in the dark peoples best interest to put down the spiritual teachings as bogus and their evil fear operation can continue....

      As long as fear can continue then the Business of control can continue.
      People who feel fear can be threatened

      Fear is the real evil....

      Read more:
      Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook

      See my discussion on fear PORN for more information




      • The soul is eternal always was -is - and will be and never die...

        any force that instills fear-------that is the evil...

        open up your heart-------


  • Well, what you are currently seeing is the "last hurrah" of the dark....their last attempts to create international wars, social upheaval, poverty, despair, homelessness, unemployment, slavery, mass poisoning using GM foods, micro chipped population, drone strikes on all, internet controls and censorship, CCTV cameras in every town, police state, et al........BEFORE, they drop off the cliff into the abyss....

    It's always darkest just before the new dawn.....and that dawn is the madness does end, be sure of it...


    • Do you think Willem Alexander is going to be a king in Holland? You know, i live there, and i've followed the whole thing. For years our queen said she would want to be a queen for our country for a long time, and all of the sudden the media said she was going to make a announcement, and 2 hours later she said with a smile that she will stop..

  • Never say never. I stay open for every oppurtunity. 'Duality exist in all and everything. That's life.' Life as we know it, 3d life? Idk either, but at least i accept that i dont know..

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