Balik! We come before you again with much to discuss. Pivotal eventsare taking shape before us. Our Earth allies are completing a very delicateseries of maneuvers which constitute grave dilemmas for the dark. Once achieved,these predicaments will force the dark cabal to resign finally from the game.Concurrently, the new caretaker regimes are to assume authority, and their firstact in office will be a series of formal announcements explaining the whys andwherefores of the sweeping debt forgiveness programs and the new hard-backedcurrency. These two simultaneous initiations are just the beginning of a newmonetary policy for your world. These broadcasts are to be followed swiftly bypronouncements that put an end to illegal wars and invasions. A timetable for areturn to true representative governance will also be laid out. Once theseprimary items are dealt with, the UFO disclosure goes to the top of the agenda.This can be an exciting as well as a disturbing time because for many decadesexotic devices were used in secret by a number of your major governments.These devices include suppressed on-planet inventions as well as alientechnology, the latter having been well tested and proven in many blackoperations. UFO disclosure is to provide the opportunity to unveil these immenseinventories along with many other inventions that have been kept out of thepublic arena. In a few short steps your technology is to surge forward bringingonline a new scientific paradigm and birthing an exciting milieu which canreflect back to you many surprising things about yourselves, including how yourreality is truly constructed. This will be a boon to your rising consciousness.Many 'truths' accepted by you at face value and perpetrated by the dogmas ofyour sciences and philosophies can then fall away, and a truer definition of youand Mother Earth can take shape. These new truths can then serve as a foundationfor what we are to tell you, about why we have come from afar and about how youare to be individually returned to full consciousness. This process provides awonderful way to introduce us formally to you and to show you some of yourunlimited potential.The true direction underlying your global turmoil is an unerring andirresistible sweep back into prosperity and full consciousness. This drive hasbeen growing within you since the end of World War II. Superficially, thepost-1945 world carried on as before; but deep within multiple secret projectsaround your globe a new governmental structure was developing. These earlydirectorates rapidly acquired the ability to subvert the safeguards set in placeto prevent exactly this from happening. By the early 1960s, these secretstructures had morphed into underground governments that were running keypolicies which were no longer hindered by their aboveground former masters.These shadow regimes form a vital part of the dark cabal's operational web andwe closely monitored these conspirators as they weaved the policies that led tothe undoing of your global economy, enforced a UFO cover-up, and spawned a vastempire feeding off senseless wars, illegal drug industries, and perpetrating aninhumanity unmatched in your history. Their empire encompasses the largestglobal banks and multinationals, and administers transnational criminalactivities.Toppling this labyrinthine empire has not been easy for our Earthallies. It controls major governments and has allied itself with the old powerstructure left behind by the Anunnaki. The denizens of this megastructure arewhat we call the dark cabal and it has its roots in the horrors of WW II. It istrue to say that on many levels the hidden agenda of this war did not end in1945. Its goals are ongoing today, and what is about to happen now is the defacto final defeat of these awful objectives. These undercurrents explain someof the scary developments of the present times. For our part, we can only giveyou broad brushstrokes about current events. This goes rather against our grainas we greatly prefer to be open and frank, but secrecy is how things get done onyour world. We have, however, clearly outlined the predominant issues and repeatthat victory is approaching swiftly as the dark is running out of resources andways to defer the inevitable. Many groups and nations have come together toforce a termination of the chaos that has engulfed your reality.Around you, undeniable developments are apparent: beneficent changesin peoples' awareness; grass-roots organizations growing and interconnecting onthe World Wide Web; and behind the scenes, the gratifying coming-together of thegroups we call our Earth allies. The new reality this attests to recognizes theimportance of ending the UFO cover-up. It is to be an incontrovertible instantof transformation for Earth's humanity! Nothing will be the same. It changes theway you perceive yourselves, your place in the divine scheme, and your futureworld. You now possess the wealth to end poverty, to educate everyone, andspread truths that will astonish. The Earth allies are to provide you with themeans for this, and all you need is the motivation. In this, we expect you toexcel! Inside each of you is the genetic imperative to radiate your divineessence. You know you are each others' keepers and that you are all ONE!This movement away from the dark and its grim intentions for youarises from Heaven's gentle guidance of you from the beginning. She wants you tothrive not perish. It is also time to honor Mother Earth and to redress thedepredations visited upon her. You were intended to be the 'perfect guests' andthe loving stewards of this wondrous blue-green world. She is a living entityand you need to return her to health. Her many ecospheres now require nursingand her three elements (land, sea, air) need extensive revivifying. Thisability, albeit dormant at present, lies within you. Once you are fullyconscious, you can work your magic upon her. The brilliance you are to giveforth is to produce a world of unimaginable beauty. At its center will be you,true physical Angels; and the Light of your world, future Earth, is to be thecenter of a new star-nation.At present, ethereal Beings live on every orb in this solar system andsoon you will be able to commune with them. Absorb their considerable wisdom: Itcontains the history of this multiplex reality system and the framework for whatyou are destined to build: a great star-nation. This wondrous land is to be yourhome world, and the galaxy and indeed the whole of physicality will open beforeyou. The journeys you are to make are quite beyond your present imagination. Anage of exploration is your destiny! Ships of your design and inclination are totake you to areas of immense beauty and to conferences that are to change thevery make-up of distant societies and the galaxies they reside in!You are a special people who originally migrated here from many partsof this galaxy. We, as your family, come to renew this kinship and to let youremember who you truly are. We look forward to what lies ahead. See this presentmorass as simply the last test of your ability to overcome great odds. Andremember always: Heaven has your back! She put forth mighty warriors of Lightand great negotiators who are right now doing what is needed to free your worldfrom its dark oppressors. This operation is taking longer than expected.Nevertheless, remain confident, and bear in mind the immensity that is theLight. This great force is preparing to pull off a resounding victory and returnyou fully to the Light. This time is now dawning!Today, we delved further into the elements that are being primed togenerate your new reality. Our task goes well beyond first contact. It has cometo include the role of guide and mentor to you in your new reality. Soon thisnew dreamtime-like world is to be yours. Thus we come to serve and protectEarth's Humanity! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countlessSupply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! SelamatGajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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  • It is true that ethereal beings can visit us when we are sleeping and remembering of our dreams. But we have to be conscious in a kind of awakened dream to say :" Are you with Christic Consciousness ? " Let us see how is the answer and you will be sure whether you have a clever and positive being or not !
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