Sheldan Nidle Webinar 43 - The Divine Partnership
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for September
A host of events must unfold before the reality shift
can be fully manifested. By working together as partners,
we are bringing ever closer the moment when each
event, like a string of beads, falls perfectly into place.
The divine partners:
Spiritual Hierarchy - Galactic Federation - Ascended Masters
Secret Sacred Society (Earth Allies) - Agarthans - Gaia - Humans
Topics include...
• How we are working together.
• Why has it taken so long to coordinate the shift?
• What can we do now to help make it happen?
• What happens to us before and during, the Announcements?
• What happens to us after, the Announcements?
• How can we be more patient while we wait?
Sunday, September 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, September 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
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