Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

11-11-11 Was quite the day energetically. Joining in on some meditations was powerful indeed. It was also Sheldan's birthday. Our friend Andrea (PAO's artist extraordinaire) told us she was going to come by with chocolate cake to celebrate Shel's birthday. That started the ball rolling. We invited a few friends for a birthday luncheon.

Since many of you have been missing Sheldan's webinars (me too), I thought I would share a few of his birthday pics.

You will see in one of the photos that Sheldan is missing a front tooth. That happened last year during his surgery. I remember staying with Sheldan until he went into surgery which was to last 5 hours. I went home and when I walked into the house, the phone was ringing. It was the hospital. My heart started racing. Why are they calling me. Please, please have Sheldan be OK. It was the anesthesiologist. The first thing he said was: "Sheldan is OK."

WOW what a relief. However, he continued to tell me that when they intubated him, one of his front teeth came out. What? Well, I was so relieved that he was OK that the tooth didn't mean anything to me at that time. The anesthesiologist was extremely apologetic. He even came to visit Sheldan 3 times in the preceding week. It is time to look into Sheldan getting a new front tooth. Where are those med beds? That is the best way to get a new tooth. Jared Rand (med bed fame) is raising money to get the first med beds made by the end of 2018. So much to look forward to with the new technologies when they are finally allowed to be released. Keep shining your Lights bright as the world needs us, Starseeds, more than ever.

Selamat Ja!

Guests: Andrea, Rev Marilyn, Janna, Dave and Colleen








ZaZuMa! Sirian for Heartfelt Gratitude!

Sheldan received so many beautiful birthday wishes from you, the PAO community. Sheldan is in awe at the heartfelt messages you sent. Your love and caring touches his heart. ZaZuMa!


Happy Birthday Shel ! What a great day it was back then! And even a greater day today, Nov 11th. Wishing you the greatest and bestest birthday filled with love and friendship and joy and laughter ~ Topped off with perfect health and prosperity. One of these days in the future, We all will personally get together and have a big birthday party in person! Much love
Jim in Atlanta

Dearest Sheldan, Well, I would love to join the Birthday celebration for you, Sheldan. Please don't feel you need to acknowledge this small gesture of love, but rather just relax, breathe in the freedom, and be in joy. May you celebrate your beautiful life with your dear Colleen and family & friends. Know you are honorable and greatly appreciated by many, many Beings of LIGHT on multiple levels. We all wishing you a speedy recovery to good health and wholeness. Have a phenomenal new birthday year as you harken to your inner, healing Spirit's heart beat. Happy Birthday brother Sheldan, J AN ISTARA
Hi There Dear Colleen, Sheldon, Miles and G F --

Thanks again and again for your continued service and love and support for Us "All" and for our wonderful Mother Earth ...I decided to drop a quick note -- for all the dozens of times I never typed my gratitude to you in the past. Please know that you are doing a terrific and loving job for us all.
Blessings and Gratitude Joanna

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  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Repeat" -- December 4, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    History repeats itself time and time again.

    After the Dark Ages were over, the Middle Ages came, after that, the Renaissance.

    During the Dark Ages, life was tough and harsh.

    History is repeating itself.

    Dark Ages = Now (near the end)
    Middle Ages = Post-RV
    Renaissance = GESARA

    This time, instead of hundreds of years, it will only take days.

    According to sources, the USN is scheduled to go live sometime this week.

    The USN cannot go live without the QFS and the QFS cannot go live without the RV.

    Rumors suggest the DECLAS documents will also be made public this week, possibly before the RV.

    The DECLAS documents will provide necessary public distraction during the private currency redemption event (RV).

    Expect the RV to begin once the DECLAS documents are made public.

    It is advised to be prepared for a two-week transitional phase which will include a mass unsealing of indictments, a global currency reset (QFS going live), and the announcement of GESARA.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Prime Directive" -- December 2, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    According to multiple sources, Trump and Xi were informed of the QFS initiation schedule during the G-20 summit.

    Both leaders were also briefed on their new geopolitical tasks leading up to the QFS initiation which is rumored to be in January.

    Putin continues to maintain his role as "bad cop", keeping the world in check militarily hence his attendance at the G-20 summit.

    We are currently experiencing the modern equivalent of the Dark Ages.

    It is in human spiritual nature that in order to receive, you must first lose.

    "You are at your very best when things are worst." - Starman (1984)

    The private currency redemption event (RV) is set to occur all in coordination with the spiritual ascension of humanity.

    It is the prime directive collectively agreed upon by all forces (Earth Alliance and Galactics) working on our behalf behind the scenes.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Upcoming" -- November 29, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    The outcome of the upcoming G-20 Summit will pave the way for even more geopolitical events all part of an on-going worldwide reformation toward GESARA compliance.

    Military investigative services along with State and Federal Law Enforcement agencies are holding a public press conference without the three letter agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI).

    Just a day after the announcement of the public press conference, Trump publicly calls out his opponents to face trial for "treason".

    The public press conference is a direct message to the Cabal of all the military services and agencies that will be participating in the mass unsealing of indictments.

    The public press conference will be (ironically) held in the Department of Corrections.

    It is without doubt that the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) will be in charge of the mass unsealing of indictments event.

    Other investigative services such as the IRS-CI (The Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigations) will be "correcting" the IRS to eventually be taken over by the U.S. Treasury.

    It is now clear that something big is coming.

    The RV (private currency redemption) will be the first event to occur signifying the beginning of the transition.

    Second Event: The fiat financial system's integrity is demolished as it's exposed as a system of deliberate debt slavery thus causing a stock market crash.

    Third Event: Mass unsealing of indictments and other global arrests. The Cabal will be forced to answer for their crimes against humanity.

    Fourth Event: Announcement of a new quantum financial system (QFS).

    Fifth Event: Announcement of GESARA.

    Transition complete.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Summit" -- November 28, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Multiple Cabal-influenced countries (Saudi Arabia, Israel, Australia, United Kingdom, Ukraine, the U.S., and others) are being forcibly reformed to meet GESARA compliance.

    Trump is leading the charge in the U.S. to meet GESARA compliance.

    The last remaining conflicts on this planet (Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Israel-Palestine) are ending.

    The G-20 summit scheduled for December 1 is rumored to be a significant geopolitical event.

    According to sources, the RV is expected to begin after the G-20 summit concludes.

    Once the RV begins, the transition to the QFS will also begin which will include a stock market crash, collapse of the financial system, and the announcement of GESARA.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "London" -- November 25, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Disruption is the Cabal's game while confusion is the Alliance's game.

    Every geopolitical event that occurs is a coordinated plan to meet the conditions needed to bring a major economic transition.

    One of these geopolitical events is Brexit.

    After an agreement was made over Gibraltar yesterday, EU leaders have agreed to approve of Brexit.

    The approval of Brexit marks the end of London's status of being the financial capital of the world -- meaning, the Cabal's control over the financial world has finally come to an end.

    This now means the transition can begin at any moment.

    First, a private currency redemption event (RV) will take place.

    Second, after the RV is complete -- the stock market will crash and the fiat financial system will be exposed as a slavery system of debt.

    A new and fair (quantum) financial system will be introduced -- resetting all currencies and saving the global economy.

    GESARA will also be announced to prevent the world from plunging into chaos.

    Once the dust settles, humanity will be brought into a new age.



    Gibraltar deal reached by UK and Spain before Brexit summit - CNN
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Demand" -- November 22, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    The Alliance's White Hat faction in the U.S. has the government on lock down behind the scenes.

    A demand has been given to the Deep State (U.S. side of the Cabal) to surrender all assets and relinquish control or face total elimination before a specific deadline.

    The Cabal retaliated by causing the California fire disaster by assets previously undetected.

    The assets utilized by the Cabal to cause the fires were destroyed.

    Meanwhile on the financial front, the RV is expected to begin on Black Friday according to multiple sources.

    The stock market is then expected to crash as early as next Friday -- officially beginning the transition phase to replace the old fiat financial system with the new (quantum) financial system.

    The transition phase will last 1-2 weeks.

    All countries will undergo massive changes and reforms.

    The unsealing of indictments will also begin during this time.

    GESARA will be announced by the end of the transition phase.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Drastic" -- November 20, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    The private currency redemption event (RV) is near release as the stock market is being set up to crash.

    Once the RV begins, the stock market will drop dead thus hemorrhaging the fiat financial system.

    The fiat financial system will be exposed for it's worthless value thus opening the door for a new (quantum) financial system.

    GESARA will then be announced during this phase to completely halt Central Banks from attempting to keep the old fiat financial system afloat.

    All Central Banks will be forced to shutdown under GESARA law.

    The Cabal will be completely bankrupt at this point.

    During this transition, mass unsealing of indictments will occur and all countries will undergo drastic changes as per GESARA law.

    GITMO will be populated.

    The migrant caravan issue will continue until the crash occurs giving a reason to keep the military on standby (This gives you a rough idea of the current timetable for the RV).

    Once the transition is complete, all currencies will be officially asset-backed under the QFS.

    Disclosure will begin once the world has settled down under GESARA law.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Shock" -- November 18, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Significant hotpots of the world are currently preoccupied with events.

    The whole geopolitical structure the Cabal has built over the past couple of centuries is being dismantled.

    Brexit will eliminate London as the financial capital of the world.

    In the U.S., the Deep State is being exposed scandal after scandal.

    The USN is already printed and currently sitting in secured locations until the QFS is officially public.

    Africa is being freed of sanctions and is collectively undergoing monetary reforms mandated by GESARA.

    According to sources, the Brexit saga, US/China trade war, unsealing of indictments will lead to a stock market crash bringing the world into shock.

    This is the part where the story reaches its climax.

    The private currency redemption event (RV) will allow thousands, if not millions to step up and help those in need during this incredible transition.

    The RV begins after the stock market crash.

    Once the transition is complete, the real work begins.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Flashbang" -- November 17, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Many CEO's are announcing their resignation as they find out about the upcoming financial transition.

    Companies will struggle as they are forced to adapt to the new quantum financial system (QFS).

    A simultaneous "flashbang" event is being prepared which will take effect once the stock market collapses.



    North America


    The world will be completely changed within a matter of 1-2 weeks during the transition phase.

    The private currency redemption event (RV) begins at the start of the transition phase.

    The time and date of the transition remains unknown or classified.



    48 hours of farce and fury reignite stagnant Brexit debate - CNN
  • I'm glad to see Colleen smile, it hasn't been easy for her.
    Maybe that's why she was "chosen" to be his partner.
    Because her energy balances Sheldan's energy.


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