lol-the new US justice dept could prosecute obummer -T is beholden to no one!!!
A years-long forensics investigation into the computer image of the long-form Hawaiian birth certificate image that Barack Obama released during a White House news conference during his first term and presented to the American people as an official government document concluded it is “fake.”
The probe also confirms that those who were subjected to the derogatory “birther” label from many media outlets and Democrats were right – at least regarding the document used to establish Obama’s eligibility to be president.
The issue is that the U.S. Constitution requires the president to be a “natural-born citizen” but does not define the term. Scholarly works cited by the Founders defined it as a citizen at birth, born in the country to two citizens of the country, or merely the offspring of two citizens of the country.
The birth certificate Obama displayed on the White House website as “proof positive” of his eligibility states he was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father.
Some immediately pointed out alleged anomalies, questioning its validity, while others argued it also could prove his ineligibility because his father was not a citizen. Some of the lawsuits argued Obama was a dual citizen at birth through his father, contending the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born citizens.
ANDRONOVER: don't bother them with the facts, their minds are already made up.
Stick and Luke , don´t you agree with Pet Rocks post?
Trump took this up , but got ridiculed - the darkies can not prevent the lies much longer , and that´s why a WWIII can be initiated soon.
It will , if so , be a short war.
Well, ya don't say....
The Obama, ACC Birther Committee
is having another jam session...
and sounding good!!!!!
FOR THE RECORD: the first mention of Obama being born in Kenya was the 1991 Harvard Law Review (while he was a guest lecturer at the University of Chicago), and the source is claimed to be from Obama himself. Obama and the mainstream media deceived so many people with this printed lie, and it was designed to cover up who his real father was, and that man was Frank Marshall Davis (a proven Soviet agent in America). Obama fooled me and so many others with this lie, and yet nobody in the mainstream media will ever bring it up.
either way he provided false docs for the highest office in the country-PROSECUTE-I don't believe those at the 'top' are untouchable