There were two men sitting in a dark room and one of them was blind.
A third person entered the room and turn on the lights!
Now which one of the two men do you think could see the lights?
This is One planet, One life and One world understanding and harmony. Unfortunaly, the people and the world remain divided, so this makes everybody wrong, it's just simply logical!

Peopleare the 'Ones' who give life meaning, for life has no meaning of itself
-- but to exist

Our world and life would be a much happier andpeaceful place if all disagreements and differences could be removed.
Yes, wishful thinking, but in truth, THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES, we are
just creating them

Please try to see this, that the planet is a example of what human beings are doing with their personal power. For the possibility always remains that the challanger and the challenged
both could be wrong.

Life's great nobel work is to be free inour hearts and minds, that the truth of one’s being in any given
"Moment" might appear and come forth

For I say unto all that can read or hear my words, "the truth of ourbeing" is deeply buried under our personal ego's, religions, faiths,
ideas of science and philosophy. I would be honored to start a discussion or to get a dialog going with any like-minded people out there concering this subject,


* CoMdr * LightSpeed *

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  • Hey Lightspeed

    Well said.

    I would put it like this: I live in God as Me. As JC put it (paraphrase as I don't remember the exact quote) "My Father and I are One but He is greater than I"

    Remember the line from the song " We tried to talk it over but the words got in the way--we're lost in this masquerade."

    Loveya, man and Meg I love you too.

  • My personal moment of truth is when I find the time to slow down, to sit outside after day work for a little while and look at the sky, listen to the birds singing and smell the air. In these rare moments it feels as I am melting with the air and become part of everything around me. I am not a body, seeing outside in a chair, but just a particle of the air, of the sound, of the life that goes on around me the life that we, for most part, do not see. We are busy working in air-conditioning offices with long hours, running errands afterwards, just in time to get home when it is getting dark. Lately it seems as I am pretending that all that is important- I do not have any ambitions left when it comes to me carrier. I really don’t care what car I drive or what my house looks like, as long as I am confirmable in it. The only thing I really care is about these rear minutes of my truth when I blend with the nature. It feels so sweet and rings such a truth for me. When I was a kid, I used to sit with my grandfather on the stoop of his house and look at the sunset… my grandfather is long gone, but it feels he is with me when I listen to the nature. I made a circle and come back to me childhood, when to look at the sunset is the best moment of the day when nothing else matters!
  • Hi Lightspeed

    Yeah you are into s/g heavy.

    "We simply don't know and all of us are wrong simply because we speak and use words"

    We decided to not know Who or What We are as a necessary condition for existing on this planet at this time in this dimension.

    It appears like the veil is lifting and hopefully we can soon connect without this silly monitor and keyboard and internet and meat bodies.

    In the meantime keep in touch.

    Love, B
    DIMENSION S.r.l.
  • Wow did i mis something here? I know i just had dinner and a nice botlle of
    I have pointed this language or word problem manny times.
    I hear you Lightspeed...because i think the same...a lot of blabla and no real comunication in the sense of getting things done.
    Things done like you i get in contact with you, Meg, Kate, or anybody else here ...outside this site? By means of higher self...astral travel...or anything else? Good point...i have thought about it.
    There is no way at this point any of us has not had the same thought...why if we are on the same path or same journey ...we are not more connected than this...
    I might be wrong on what you try to explain here Lightspeed, so let me know if i am
    And Meg...i am shure no-one here is out to attack you..unless they are totally new here.
    You see the word attack should not even be in your vocabulary Meg should know this.
    And joking is one of the most important things in this universe...:)).
    Lightspeed...i think you know that exhausting the spirit for a higher response will only work with those who have not yet awaken here or anywhere else.
    As to you not understanding stuff...i think you are above this...i have read manny of your responses and i can say that you are wise without a doubt.
  • Define Intelligence.
    • True intelligence is an alignment with the matrix of creation and its source. It is an allegiance
      to light and an embracing of life, not a demonstration of how adept you are at the act of denial.
      -ET 101
  • Lightspeed, I am not joking. it seems your doing the joking here. And you fear what you do not yet understand. I feel you brother, and wish you the best. I can not explain it any more plain.
  • Peace brothers and sisters... :)
    we dont need to flame each other here... each one sees things different...
    ..personally i tend to agree with * CoMdr * LightSpeed *, that,
    "the truth of our being" is deeply buried under our personal ego's, religions, faiths,
    ideas of science and philosophy, and generally man-made, or i would say "mind-made' stuff...
    i believe (and when i say "i believe", it means i dont know by fact), that the truth of our being, is not something that we can find with our mind...
    our thinking, intellectual or imagining capabilities are not good enough... or they lead to a completely wrong way....
    ..and all of the above concepts, are part of our 3D mind programming...
    ..if anybody has any better facts, please present them, so we can learn better...or at least think of a way to learn better... :)
    • The truth, is felt in teh heart. Not the mind.
  • Neither. I don't view myself at all. Don't see how that is possible as God is not visible in a mirror.

    Hey man you getting many gigs?

    Love, B
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