
***Edited to add my friend’s video :)

AngelicView: My friends and I have been discussing the “Whistle-Blower” video of a man claiming that there are “L-Shaped” ships on the back-side of the moon.

I will post that video just below for those that may not have seen it yet. However, don’t stop there because I have more information, too.

First of all, a close personal friend of mine was watching the Lunar Eclipse on Friday, Oct 18, and she noticed flickering lights around the lower right of the moon.

She grabbed her iPad and filmed it, I saw the video. I don’t have permission to post the video here, but I will if she says it’s okay.

Secondly, Tolec came out tonight with a video confirming from his point of view (The Andromeda Council) of the reality of the ships. He says they are there and that they are 3rd dimensional humans who are friendly. He does go into a little more detail about it and I’ll post that video second.

Also - and this doesn’t have anything to do with the ships behind the moon - I will post Tolec’s last video, which I neglected to post before. I think most of my readers have probably already seen that one by now.

The thing about Tolec is that either people love him or they hate him (except me - I’m kind of indifferent). I think I let the “haters” get to me ;) For those who may not have already heard me say this a hundred times already, I don’t know if Tolec is real or not. Sorry :( …. I have had personal emails back a forth a few times with him and he is always very kind and respectful - just like in the videos. :)

Whistle-Blower Video
Published on Oct 20, 2013

10/20/13 - Phone interview with a major government player, revealing the truth about the recent government shutdown of all space related projects, and the military buildup led by FEMA.

CLARIFICATION: Due to massive viewer demand, I will attempt to answer some of the questions surrounding this interview to the best of my ability. What I know is as follows; the man being interviewed contacted us here at Secureteam through our personal email address not linked with our YT account.

We arranged and did the interview over the telephone, from which he called us. The number he called from was spoofed, meaning that his original location was blocked from means of tracking.

This has been verified to be true. The name he used in the interview is an alias, as well as certain locations mentioned in the interview.

We were short on time due to our sources constrictions, and did the best we could to get the main points of this information during the interview, hoping to clarify said points more in depth on a follow up call.

We were under the impression from the get-go that this entire process was under our source’s terms, as we have not made contact with him for the two days following the interview. This man is risking a lot to get this information out, despite his understanding that many viewers would dismiss said information no matter what evidence presented.

Leaks like this do not always come neatly wrapped with verifiable sources and proof. There is a process to uncovering the truth, which often comes with much waiting, and in small but big steps.

I ask that all of our viewers be patient, and suspend the reservations they might have about this interview, as I can assure you the powers that be are counting on you not to do.

We will post updates momentarily and as soon as we can get in contact with our source. Stay tuned, subscribe and keep an open mind. These are very strange times indeed.

Tolec late Oct 23rd
This Andromeda Council report is based on a critical review of recent information confirmed by my Andromeda Council contacts regarding -

“L” shaped ships allegedly docked on the back side of Earth’s Moon as reported in an October 20, 2013 - “secureteam10? YouTube video by an alleged outside NASA consultant.

Andromeda Council confirms ships on back side of Moon

My Friend’s Video from her iPad

Tolec “Visitation Preliminary Report” Sept 29th
This Andromeda Council - Preliminary - Visitation Report is based on recent information provided by my Andromeda Council contacts within the last couple of days regarding
the incoming biosphere Xanterexx, a trailing asteroid behind it… as a result, the possibility of “potential” severe earth changes;

and what to expect when the visitation of the “good will & liaison team”… and immediately following them the people of the four (4), highly diverse, aligned Andromeda Council member planets… begin their visitation with the people of Earth, and how long it will last.

** IMPORTANT NOTE: The “Andromeda Council” biosphere Xanterexx - IS NOT - “dragging behind it”… pulling or towing… an asteroid.

Xanerexx is purposefully monitoring this asteroid. And it will do as much it can to ‘bump’/move/nudge/shift it… so as to diminish & mitigate as much as possible the cause & effects of any close, possible ‘fly-by’… of this asteroid… with planet Earth.

These actions - are consistent - with the actions of the people of the Andromeda Council to mitigate & reduce the possible cause & effects… of ANY celestial events… on planet Earth.
Andromeda Council - Visitation Preliminary Report


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  • We are simultaneously a 3 dimesional body with a multi dimensional soul that  share the same space at the same time.

    Does that mean we have hollow bodies to make room?

    We can't define 5d space in 3d terms.

    It is a matter of frequency.

    • This is starting to get personal. I have seen a UFO defy gravity in front of my Honda Civic in 2012. In addition, due to my own personal experiences with psychic and astral phenomena/entities, there is a strong possibility of other realities (within this reality that we currently exist in) and thus may violate scientific laws defining this 3d reality. I am quietly convinced that there are possibilities for other realities that may define the 5th dimensional space discussed. But until such can be explained in a logical or a demonstrative perspective, it is my opinion that gravity trumps all discussions in this 3d reality that we have to learn to work, love, teach, and live in.

      • Personal?

        I don't undertand.

        I agree with you regarding the significance of magnetism

        Magnetism, (gravity), is a quantml energy

        Just like love.

        Just like human consciousness

        And the the magnetic field that dna generates through inductance interacts with Earth's gravity in a manner that keeps us connected to terra firma.

        There is no defying gravity. That is a 3d perception.

        we co exist with it in a particular balance 

        The time will come when we can change that balance by manipulating magnetism to, move away from Earth unassisted, of our own accord

        It is only a matter of time, frequency, and consciousness expansion.

        We can already consciously manipulate magnetism to influence weather and seismic activity.

        And to distance heal,

        And co create,

        And have instinctive reactions.

        Magnetism is the lowest common denominator in the universe.

        That makes all physical boundaries irrelevant

        And It is magnetism that connects and entangles the universe.

        That makes the phrase, We are all one, a truth.

        • "Outside the box" is what I mean by personal.

          Thanks for the art of the words, but I hear enough of such similar and eloquent artwork from the people in the suits who like to play God (and even though you are light-years away in terms of comparison of such people, the melody is still the same or similar).

          Peter, I appreciate your input. I know you mean well. But psychic and spiritual warfare is unfortunately a personal and current reality for myself (from a 3d and 5d perspective) and is definitely not your forte' or within your comprehension of understanding. Your wonderful array of wordings can't (and won't) change what I or others (i.e. the recent newcomers that have appeared suddenly on this website) are involved in, at least on a psychic level that involves very intense energies. And I plan to be around for a long time to watch the changes manifest.

          Keep up the good work. You are popular as you seem to inspire a lot of positive energy with a lot of positive people.     

        • When we pass on,we exist purely as magnetic, consciousness energy.

          It's important to understand that whilst we think an atom as tint, there is only a atiny amount of space within the atom that is actually filled with protons, electrons, and neutrons.

          the rest is as far as we can tell, empty space.

          Therein lies the realm of magnetism.

          That which which holds the atom together, and which keeps electrons in orbit.

          This is the extent of the hollow earth.

          And where our inner Earth friends exist.

          In the space between the electrons that make up 3d Earth.

          In a quantum entangled state with the universe.

          In a state of pure love.

          • thus far..makes the most sense~  very helpful..INDEED~  thank you Brother Peter~  we all need to stay ‘grounded’ while we still breathe ‘exist’~only way for many is inherent cultural ‘genetic’ conditioning~ much induced by increased drug usage~  my preference..on the ‘NATCH’ = Spirituality 101 (as i recall)!

  • I think Earth is hollow in 5d. Not 3d. Which explains multiple theories.
  • The law of gravity says this is not correct. Artificial or non-natural satellites (i.e. the Moon) can have a hollow core since they were not made courtesy of gravity. There are probabilities for empty pockets and spaces within the solid matter for naturally-made planets due to rotation and revolution, but naturally made solid planets cannot have cores of empty space because the gravitational pull would fill the empty void. The Sun is a spinning gaseous sphere and is not solid planet, so an empty core is possible. 

  • The Moon has a hollow core, and this indicates it is not a naturally placed satellite since planetary spheres do not have hollow cores. Some scientists also claim that material on the Moon is older than any material on Earth, but this is questionable since there is material from the deepest parts of Earth that remain to be tested. Also note that the Moon EXACTLY fits into the Sun per view of total solar eclipse. The odds of this for a natural satellite to do this total eclipse is astounding.

    UFO's using the Moon for some reason (i.e. parking, analysis of Earth from a vantage point, experiments) is absolutely reasonable. Let's hope it's to benefit us in some way, although laws of universal involvement with other life forms may deny such speculation for hope. And man, we need all the help we can get at this time.

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