Amazing how they leave out the most important information which is why he shot this lady
not that i condone violence in any form he believes that the government uses mind control
And he is 100% correct sadly this is not the best way to deal with the governments control of us
This incident reminds me of JFK's murder. According to a source I watched on Youtube, Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for the assasination as cover up by the FBI, the masterminder. The culprits remains free from prosecution. Then we have Robert F Kennedy running for President before he too was assasinated. This has come after he pledges to end Vietnam War like what JFK had pledged before. JFK has contact with Venusians, JFK and Robert pledged the scaling down of weapons (don't forget USA is among the world's main weapon producer). The darkside within the government did not want to see their plan being foiled by those who were true to our people.
Question: Does the Congresswoman's murder constitute another conspiracy? Did the assasin being brainwashed?
Anyway I send Love & Light and my deepest sympathy to the affected ones and may they find their comfort within themselves.
And instead of showing any compassion . . . your point is ??????????????????????
This is not the best way?????????????????
It is an okay way??????????????????
Sadly, instead of sending compassion and prayers . . . you have posted something heartless
If it was your Mother or Daughter
is this how you would be responding?
Shocking lack of compassion!
Perhaps my response was too angry, perhaps the poster was simply making a comment about the media. However, seeing innocent individuals cut down,and how that innocent little girl,Christina, lost her life,
brought out the momma bear in me.
It seemed like it was just too soon to be making political commentary, instead of sending love and prayers for the fallen.
Dear Tracy
Thank you for your gracious and forgiving response. I wish I had not snapped at you for the grief that I was feeling.
Again, I deeply apologize.
I am grateful to you for sharing with me about Yourself . . . and Bless Your Heart.
As I was reading all the comments; on another site; of people sending their condolences of such a tragic loss. People expressing what a tragedy for such a wonderful child to have been wiped out so prematurely. . . And as I found tears steaming down my cheeks, it occurred to me, not for the first time, how senseless all war is, for the fact is, many many, children lose their lives, no less tragically, in war. Not a single one any less valuable and not a single one’s loss any less tragic. Yet the world seems to just accept the loss of children’s lives; to war! How I wish people could get as worked up ABOUT ALL THE CHILDREN WHO LOSE THEIR LIVES, to war and violence, then maybe this little girl would not have died in vain!
May all Women and Mothers find a way to end the senseless act of war. May all Children be spared the senseless violence and horror of war and all violent acts!
I thank you for you kindness
Blessing Love and Light