Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

This morning when Shel and I were chatting about what we had planned for the day, one of Sheldan's guides, Amatura, came in with a message he wanted to share with you today. Needless to say, Shel and I were thrilled to receive this message.

"Keep your eyes to the sky. The GF is commencing a program entitled "no doubt about it sightings". It is nice to see lights in the sky, however it is time to unveil our ships in greater numbers. People who witness these sightings will be able to draw the craft or take pictures with their smartphones to share with the world. Much is to unfold in the coming months leading to full disclosure. You can count on it."

WhooHoo! I'm so excited. We will see what Patricia Cori has to add to this message during Sunday's webinar. Join us.

Selamat Ja!


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  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Onward" -- August 21, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Sources are currently remaining silent as the transition progresses.

    UK PM Boris Johnson is pushing onward with Brexit and Trump is preparing a peace plan with Afghanistan.

    The Federal Reserve is expected to lower interest rates this month which may cause the USD to dramatically drop.

    This will give reason to return to the gold standard to bring the USD back.

    The US is expected to return to the gold standard within the first two weeks of September.

    Once the US returns to the gold standard, the Federal Reserve will become obsolete and the IMF will announce a global gold treaty.

    The IMF's gold treaty will call on all countries to return to the gold standard.

    Once all countries return to the gold standard, the implementation of the New (Gold-backed) Financial System will be complete.

    Fiat money will be completely erased.

    The implementation of the New Financial System is the first phase of the GESARA agenda.

    (Note: There will be no announcement for GESARA. GESARA is an agenda that the Earth Alliance is following. The GESARA agenda composes of several phases that will bring peace and prosperity to humanity.)

    The trials and arrests of major figures and high profile individuals are expected to begin in September lasting throughout the rest of the year.

    Meanwhile, the RV remains illusive but is expected to occur prior to the US returning to the gold standard.

    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Onward" -- August 21, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 21, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the w...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Assigned" -- August 18, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    No significant geopolitical events have occurred recently except for the bombing in Iraq.

    The bombing in Iraq is currently being investigated, further information on this matter is yet to be released.

    According to sources at this time, the RV is expected to begin sometime next week.

    Redemption funds will be withheld until the New (Gold-Backed) Financial System is implemented.

    A specific amount of funds will be available to the redeemer to use during the transition which will be fiat currency assigned to gold certificates.

    The New (Gold-Backed) Financial System will be fully implemented once all countries return to the gold standard.

    The US will be the first country to return the gold standard setting an example for the rest of the world.

    All fiat currency will be exchanged for gold backed currency once your country transitions to the gold standard.

    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Assigned" -- August 18, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 18, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the w...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Implementation" -- August 15, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    According to sources, the global economic transition is expected to begin this month.

    Several events will occur during the global economic transition.

    The bond market is in the process of collapsing and new asset-backed bonds are expected to be issued.

    The US Dollar will suddenly devalue and a trade deal with China will save it.

    This trade deal with China was already made behind closed doors but not officially signed.

    The trade deal will force the US to return to the gold standard which will cause deflation therefore bringing back the US Dollar.

    The IMF is expected to announce a new gold treaty after the US returns to the gold standard.

    The last phase of the global economic transition is the complete dismantlement of the fiat financial system.

    Once the fiat financial system is dismantled, the Earth Alliance will implement a new (gold-backed) financial system.

    All countries will be forced to adopt the gold standard and all debt will be forgiven.

    The RV is expected to occur before the global economic transition begins.

    The implementation of a new (gold-backed) financial system will check mark an item off the GESARA agenda.

    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Implementation" -- August 15, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 15, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the w...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Extracted" -- August 13, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Jeffrey Epstein was extracted from his jail cell by the Earth Alliance as they were aware that the Deep State Cabal was planning on assassinating him.

    Jeffrey Epstein, unwilling to face justice, knew this and therefore he took the deal to have his suicide faked and be publicly pronounced as dead.

    In addition, his death has sped up the process as the FBI raided his private island yesterday on Monday, August 12th.

    He will spend the remainder of his life in GITMO, never to return to public eye and in return will provide incriminating evidence to the Earth Alliance.

    The evidence provided by Jeffrey Epstein will take down hundreds of high profile individuals simultaneously with DECLAS.

    The release of Or's 302's via State Department and the FOIA through Judicial Watch is the beginning of DECLAS.

    The US will be the first to publicly announce the return to the gold standard.

    Once the US returns to the gold-standard, the IMF will make a global announcement calling for all countries to adopt the gold standard.

    This will signify the beginning of the New (Gold-backed) Financial System

    All Central Banks will be nationalized and forced to adapt to the New Financial System.

    Trump is currently preparing the public that the Federal Reserve is no longer needed.

    According to sources, the return to the gold standard may occur by August 15th.

    The US Dollar will devalue overnight and Democrats will use it as an excuse to impeach Trump.

    The RV is expected to occur once the devaluation of the US Dollar begins.

    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Extracted" -- August 13, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 13, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the w...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Example" -- August 11, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell by suicide.

    Rumors suggest Jeffrey Epstein's suicide was faked with a body double and is now being held in custody by the Earth Alliance.

    Other rumors suggest the Deep State Cabal assassinated Epstein as he was willing to cooperate with authorities.

    (Note: These rumors are unconfirmed. Epstein may have actually committed suicide. However, the Earth Alliance already has all evidence in possession, dead or alive.)

    The evidence on Jeffrey Epstein is admissible to court and can bring down half of Washington on various sexual abuse charges.

    "Attorney Lisa Bloom called for the administrators of Epstein’s estate to freeze all of his assets and hold them for the victims filing civil cases. “Our civil cases can still proceed against his estate,” she tweeted. “Victims deserve to be made whole for the lifelong damage he caused. We’re just getting started."

    Meanwhile, progress is being made for the US to return to the gold-standard.

    The US will be the first country to officially return to the gold-standard.

    The success of the US returning to the gold-standard will set an example for the rest of the world to follow.

    Once the gold-standard has returned, the Federal Reserve will be abolished and the IMF is expected to make an announcement for the rest of the world to adopt a gold-standard currency.

    After the IMF announcement, the global financial system will begin transitioning from a fiat financial system to a gold-backed financial system.

    According to sources, expectations of the RV occurring this month have not changed.

    Jeffrey Epstein dead by suicide, found in Manhattan jail cell
    Disgraced multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who was accused of sex trafficking minors, died from an apparent suicide inside in Manhattan jail cell an…
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Order of Events" -- August 10, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    According to sources, the Fiat Financial System is drowning in its own debt and is on the verge of imploding as it's backed by worthless assets.

    The order of events is as follows:


    - Declassification of abuse of power within the US government which will initiate indictments/arrests and resignations.

    Global Gold Treaty

    - The IMF is expected to make an announcement which will begin the transformation of all countries to adapt a gold-standard currency.

    The RV

    - The private redemption of currencies will jump-start the new global economy.

    Gold-backed Financial System

    - Triggers to collapse the Fiat Financial System will be set off thus giving reason to implement the new Gold-backed Financial System and provide a new and fair global economy.

    (Note: According to Earth Alliance sources, the QFS will be a different financial system implemented later on as explained below.)

    Restoration of the Republic

    - Deep State Cabal influence within the US government will be fully eradicated.


    - All countries will begin reforms based on the GESARA agenda.

    (Note: According to Earth Alliance sources, GESARA will not be a law, act, or treaty. It is an agenda that will be followed by the "New Elite" or "New Powers that be".)

    (Note: The New Elite/NPTB are different from the Earth Alliance. The New Elite/NPTB will be those in government positions. Meanwhile, the Earth Alliance is an alliance of high ranking military officials, organizations, and compartmentalized government programs such as Secret Space Programs.)

    - List of expected changes (


    - Disclosure of suppressed technology, extraterrestrial technology, and the existence of extraterrestrial life.

    QFS (Quantum Financial System)

    - The Gold-backed Financial System will transition to the QFS which will phase out currencies and provide a Universal Digital Credit System.

    - This Universal Digital Credit System will be used to purchase things that can't be replicated with technology such as luxuries and property.

    - People will work to earn instead of work to survive.

    "20 Answers" - GESARA Update - Thursday - November 3, 2016
    The Official Dinar Chronicles Blog Page containing your daily Iraqi Dinar intel, rumors and news updates.
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Set" -- August 8, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Various high profile individuals are expected to interfere with the upcoming US election.

    These individuals will be exposed and will have no choice but to resign or be arrested.

    The IMF is expected to make a global announcement about gold sometime before August 15th.

    Sanctions will not be placed on Iran as they are being allowed to recover their economy thus helping Iraq to recover in return.

    According to sources, the RV is still expected to occur before August 15th.

    August 17th is the set deadline for Zimbabwe Bond Notes to be eliminated.

    All Zimbabwe Bond Notes must be redeemed before being eliminated.

    If the deadline is reached without redemption, an extension may be sought.

    Once the RV occurs, the Earth Alliance can proceed with the implementation of the QFS (Quantum Financial System).

    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Set" -- August 8, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 8, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the wo...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Currency" -- August 6, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    The recent mass shootings are Deep State Cabal attempts to start a religious war desperately aimed at preventing the financial reset.

    The Earth Alliance is over target and the Deep State Cabal are retaliating.

    Meanwhile, all currencies are revaluing/devaluing to gold-backed rates in preparation for the implementation of the QFS (Quantum Financial System).

    The US-China trade war is being used as a cover for China's "currency manipulation".

    This can also be seen with the US as well.

    According to sources, the RV is expected to occur no later than August 15th in order to implement the QFS in the same month.

    Dow jumps 300 points as Wall Street rebounds from worst day of the year
    Stocks rose after China's central bank indicated it wanted its currency to trade at a higher level than expected against the dollar.
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Golden Age" -- August 4, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Preparations for DECLAS to occur is progressing forward.

    DECLAS is a code name for the declassification of FISA court abuse.

    Trump's pick John Ratcliffe for Director of National Intelligence is expected to work with Attorney General Barr to release DECLAS.

    Once DECLAS occurs, the mass arrests/indictments of multiple high profile individuals will begin.

    The DECLAS event is an essential step toward the restoration of the Republic.

    Meanwhile, no new developments with the private currency redemption event (RV).

    Sources still expect the RV to begin any time before August 15th.

    Once the RV begins, the triggers to collapse the Fiat Financial System will be set off and the QFS (Quantum Financial System) will implemented.

    The QFS will reset all currencies to be gold-backed and forgive all debt.

    Banks and corporations will have no choice but to accept the new changes.

    Everyone will be given a fair chance to start anew.

    Afterward, worldwide GESARA compliant reforms are expected to begin by the end of the year.

    Full disclosure is expected to occur next year (2020).

    Self-sufficient and healing technologies such as replicators and medical beds will come with full disclosure.

    Currencies will eventually be phased out for a new universal digital credit system to purchase luxury goods, property, and other things.

    People will no longer work to survive, but rather work to earn.

    Humanity will enter a golden age of peace and prosperity.

    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Golden Age" -- August 4, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 4, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the wo...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Fierce" -- August 2, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)


    Sources are going silent.

    DECLAS is being prepared to occur.

    All crimes will be exposed.

    Legal prosecution will be fierce.

    Those involved in human trafficking and sacrificial activities will face Federal execution.

    Meanwhile, the RV currency redemption phase is expected to begin shortly.

    The QFS (Quantum Financial System) is expected to be implemented after the RV currency redemption phase is complete.

    The restoration of the Republic is expected to be accomplished by September.

    Worldwide GESARA compliant reforms are expected to be made by the end the year.

    Full disclosure is expected to begin next year.

    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Fierce" -- August 2, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 2, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the wo...
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