I have developed a habit of looking up skies as often as I can ,day or night, hoping to catch a sight of UFOs, one day.
Last night was one of such occasions. Just before 1 AM, I looked up the sky to find no UFO, but saw a fox hastily crossing a road and disappeared into a thick bush of neighbour's fence . A minute later, another fox followed the same route. A moment after the second fox disappeared into the fence , I saw a blue light , 2 meter in diameter, glowed from where foxes disappeared as if light of bomb exploded , but with no sound. I saw the same blue light explosion at 200 meter away.
Did I have an hallucination? I do not take drugs nor alcohol. However, I have heard female 'voices' called my name (nothing more than my name) a few times in the past and saw a beautiful blue and green metallic colour spider in air for about 10 seconds during my routine stretching. Believe me or not, apart from those 'unusual' experiences , I am fit both mentally and physically. I wonder if galactic friends are teleporting wild animals into their ships or indeed 5D Earth ?
Thank you for listening to my crazy story.
i seen blue disked shaped ships like a blue mentos looking one, in 2000 and 2006 in frankston, melbourne. seen two triangle one's, one looked like a white light at the end of each cornor and a red one in the middle, i seen another one with one light on the top, two lights in the middle, and three lights on the bottom, rotating like a neon sign from top to bottom, i have seen florescent bright white light ones, which flew not much further then my roof top, and seen cigar shaped ones, also once i saw a beautiful golden color ship too. i seen three fly behind each other like the first craft were towing the two behind them, i even seen them grid lock the sky ways like a traffic jam, the most i called down in one moment was around 26 in about 5 minutes. I even seen some that looked like maglift trains, i thought that was weird.
Are you saying that blue light glow was myself? I prefer to see UFOs. ^_^