I know this kinda subject is one you'd seek advice from legal orginsations or family or whatever, however I don't actually have any spiritual friends or family and I wanted to base my decision on this matter from a spiritual point of view. I'm learning detatchment, from drama, ego and materialism the hard way.


Basically just an overview of my story. I lived in a shared house rented to me and my housemate by the salvation army. Both of us were homeless and just trying to get our lives back together. My housemate is an older women, 42. She had her new laptop stolen when she came over and I felt sorry for her since she saved up a fair whack for it and needed it to chat to her family across the country and other tasks.


I offered to help her out (she hardly knows anything about computers) since what she wanted to do on the internet would not consume alot of my pre-paid credit. She insisted that she put some money on it for my time and eventually I had to agree. However my laptop is very old and encounters alot of problems and viruses. I came across one such problem and it was playing up with my internet.


I couldn't get it to work for a few days and told her this, however I continued to use my computer's other programs that don't need net connection. She didn't realise that not all activities need internet connection so she thought I was on the internet. She rang up her daughter who lives in another state and her daughter told her that when she recharged 75$ it lasts her 4 months.


However, anyone who uses prepaid knows that no amount will last a certain time, it depends on how much you use. So she turned what her daughter told her into this other reality where I was taking advantage of her and trying to cheat her out of her money to pay for my internet. She would not listen when I tried to tell her what was really going on, there was nothing I could do.


She got herself so worked up a couple times, the last time was just two nights ago. She began screaming at me and banging on my door,  yelling death threats, yelling abuse and at one time she said "I'm going to help you commit suicide" then began yelling petty prejudice from behind my bedroom door, which was locked. She tried to break it down and fearing what she would do, I rang the cops.


They took me to my parent's place where I am now however when I returned to my house I found the place and my bedroom completely trashed, she flooded my room, ripped apart my paintings and artwork (which are priceless to me) and stole my more valuable items including my birth certificate.


I recorded and filmed what happened, the cops told me I could get a domestic violence order against her and possibly charge her for identity theft. She did this thinking I would not take her to court because in her eyes I am guilty and the court would charge me instead. However I have sufficient evidence to prove otherwise.


I am torn on where to go. I'll never see her again (hopefully) since she's taken off but she could be hunted down if I go to court over it. I would not take her to court for revenge, I never did anything to provoke her rage fits and ignored her yelling, which made it worse. I am past all ego and hold no grudge for what she did, however it was a massive over reaction even if I did steal. The cops who attended the dispute asked me if she was normally this scatter brained and unstable. Normally she is just like any other person, but she could put other people in danger if she chooses to stay like she was.


A wiser voice came to me when I was upset over my art work and items being trashed/ stolen "These are only material things, if you choose to ascend, you cannot take them with you."

I can't argue with that, she did me a favour in a way. Anyway, I know that even if I don't take her to court, karma will catch up with her. The only thing I really wanted to do was prove to her I wasn't trying to steal her money.

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  • Hello Friend, I recently spent a very large amount of time and money " fighting" for my rights and the rights of my partners, for my business, which I founded and grew from the ground up- to a level that attracted a lot of attention. I ended up partnering with another company that essentially stole everything of value from us, and then tried to leave me personally holding the bag against some very serious federal false claims violations-that they themselves had responsibility for ( it was a medical company), I had a very tight contract in place, created by a top legal heathcare firm, prior to signing the partnership agreement- and in the end, it did not matter. The legal system is set up for people who have lots of financial resources, trust me when I say, you will save time, money, and a great amount of your energy, by simply removing yourself completely from this person and beginning anew. I ended up with a settlement in our favor, and was successful at defending the false charges made against me, but I still lost my company. It was a lesson I needed to go through, and it brought about my Awakening. Look into your heart and you will know what to do, but please know that the legal system, criminal system, etc., is first a foremost a system for themselves, not you-the victim in this story. Your blessing may be that you saw her true colors before she did you more direct harm than only damaging your space and stuff. I know it is very painful when someone you thought you were helping acts in this way, but through the pain we gain :)

    Best to you, Namaste, Mercedes
  • Thanks. Yes, hmm it would be easiest to find my blogs on my profile.
    • I personally dont see the humor, but anyway.
      Unless it is a major amount of money or a really serious crime, I tend to let it go. Ive been really badly screwed in many situations where I perhaps could have done something about it. For example I am owed about the equivelant of $1000 dollars for work I did in a university here in France, but due to various "admin" reasons shall I say, it is really difficult, almost impossible for me to get it out of them. After a while of trying I just gave up, and now its been so long I have just let it go. I feel that if you are owed something the universe will get it back to you in some way or another.
  • what does your heart say? for me I'd leave it and be careful of flatmates in the future. Be blessed. You know you haven't stolen her money.
  • I don`t think, you should engage with her again. Clearly something must have snapped. I think, it is important to be around people, who are not aggressive and suspisious. Alcohol can play a big role in it. Never lend your computer to anyone and never talk about your finances, that is 2 rules I always try to follow in life. If people can`t respect that you should find other friends, who do. You can`t be a "lightworker", if you don`t take care of yourself first. It is not selfish, but part of this physical life "illusion". You will be able to help more, if you are in balance on all levels in your life, so take care of yourself and let yourself matter more. Raise your standard as it is part of the spiritual standard aswell. Drama is sometimes part of raising the standard or life-changes, we cannot live like zombies, because when we are at inner peace with our creator it can create vacuum or tormoil around us. Our creator gave us our left brain, so that we can use common sense - honour it as part of your existence and your way to a pure spiritual path. Honour your own "as above, so below".
  • Eiskel
    Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don't even notice it. - How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours but one thing is for sure and that is one person’s karma will run over another person’s dogma. Whatever situation we find ourselves in, we have to trust that our karma has something to do with it if we have not consciously created it ourselves.

    Karma is essentially the total sum of our actions both in this life and in the previous lifetimes. Nothing takes place by accident and even desired manifestations are not chance actions. Everything happens in perfect order, the past, present and the future being interconnected and inter-dependent. Cause is Effect concealed, and Effect is Cause revealed!

    Do you honestly think even though we are learning to walk towards the light that we are not creating any karmic debts along the way. We are constantly creating accounts, debiting and crediting. We are creating Karmic debts with all those, with whom we interact...? The memory of Karmic debts may be sweet or bitter. Sweet memories of karmic debts lead to a 'happy' relationship and bitter memories to an 'unhappy' relationship. You have suffered karma and I feel the only way to work with it as to forgive yourself, her and LET GO as she will have to balance her own karma account.

    If we fail to recognize that we experience unfortunate situations as the result of our own actions, there can be a tendency to blame others for them and some seek revenge. This not only creates further karma which binds us more firmly to our actions but the necessity to experience them in this lifetime or another, thus limiting our free will and restricting our capacity to develop spiritually. This is called the wheel of karma. We have a choice to free ourselves from the wheel of karma by experience all of life’s ups and downs, living through the pain and difficulty as well as good times in a state of humble acceptance. By doing this, our karma will return to oneself without creating more karma with a view to balancing it out. This is much easier said than done, not only is it very time consuming, could many lifetimes, it can also be very painful. As for the lady, if the karmic hammer falls, the time for her comeuppance will arrive but that's HER stuff.

    I've figured that If we ask the higher self for karmic healing, an enlightened source towards the light will appear in our life to assist us and accelerate the healing so we don’t have to work out ALL the karma stuff in this lifetime before we can move forward spiritually. May be there's NO shortcut but what's the harm in trying.

    I wish you well. Blessings
  • lol...crazy situation..only in the movies....u shouldn't let her in at the first place, if u saw what a loony-toon she was... now the damage has done.... if i were u, i let the things go now... that means...i leave the "karma" do the work...
  • No problem!I hope that everything works out for you!
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