Cartoon: Prince Charles (medium) by salnavarro tagged caricature,pencil

Dear friends,


Again I wish to highlight the nefarious and odious practices of royalty and others in the UK and especially the Crown Prince himself, who bears the duchy of Cornwall, as one of his various royal assets...This land ownership is vast and highly lucrative for Prince Charles, who rakes in vasts sums of money from rents, as would any landlord property tycoon.....With the interesting and anachronistic exception, that he does not pay tax on his profits and is shielded from modern business realities, simply because he is a royal and heir to the throne....Namely, as Prince of Wales, who is known, in the west country under the title of; "Duke of Cornwall" and in Scotland as; "Duke of Rothesay."


Of course, this banal concept of royal privilege even flies in the face of current globalization mantra, that governments and business are always so keen to promulgate to their impoverished workforces, that workers must each compete in a globalised marketplace....Of course, these corporate buffoons in charge, manage to shield their own managerial positions from such darwinian standards, that they so mercilessly apply to others, of lower rank....And indeed, in the case of the royals, we see a total disconnect from the whole concept of competitive services rendered....And so have the concept of running a modern business placed in a time-capsule, of maximum weirdness...protected by a centuries old law, that should have been dissolved, centuries ago...


And in the same breath, we have pro-royalty supporters describing the royal family of the UK as; "uniting the nation." Yet, if any closer scrutiny is made I can't think of a more disfunctional and socially divisive system, than this one......Shades of Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities," springs to mind.


In many cases, we have similar antiquated British institutions to the royals, such as the overly-pampered BBC, who have managed to hoodwink politicians in the past, into declaring them a privilege, an unfair advantage, which is retained for decades, in spite of being completely superceded by modern market conditions, a lack of popular support and competitive business practices, applied to everyone else...So, the BBC license fee, is another of those quaint British absurdities, which politicians simply won't remove as a needless burden, from the shoulders of the people...They talk of reforming this fee, but generally will stall and dilute the process of change, as it's simply another tax...And as a stark reminder as to the era behind the midset, that moulded this fee into public life, they describe a TV license type, as "colour or black & white," as if such technical distinctions were truly current concerns....Maybe such television features were current in 1970, but not now....That'll cost £145.50, so that you may be licensed to run a colour telly in your own home...LOL


Yes indeed, the British establishment are truly bizarre for their eccentric penchant for maintaining anachronistic institutions, against the grain of popular opinion, as well as any form of NOW FOCUS....

Does the world of a 21st century need such quaint anachronisms, as we see on full display at the public tourist attraction zoo, of UK plc....??? Apart from making us all laugh, does Clown Prince Charles Windsor possess any intrinsic skills, or talents, that entitles him to be tax exempt...?? I would suggest not....


If there are any ACC members from GB that would like to defend the royals and antiquated corporations that have set themselves in fossilised time-capsules, please feel free to chip in... ;-)



Thanks and many blessings,


Drekx Omega


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  • Hi Drekx,

    I surely don't think the Royals play any meaningful part in society that would warrant them being treated differently than any other citizen.  I am Australian and not British, but I do see the Royal family as running amok just like the other government figures in all our countries.  As I understand history, their wealth of gold came from the gold manifesters of old, those that were spiritually inclined and used focus work to change the atomic structure of other elements into gold.  There's a gold manifester's museum in England???  Anyway, you may know more about that than I do.  The upper echelons of all our societies are definitely 'service to self' beings aren't voicing our opinions that we would like them removed from power, and their misaccumulated wealth redistributed purposefully in a 'service to others' way...will this manifest in time?



    • Thanks....Yes I would say that the structure designed for the upper echelons of a society, such as Britain, are designed to provide maximum defference and conveniance for privilege, which works at the expense of those lower down these artificial divisions....The dark originally created such artificial structures, and they should be dismantled completely...namely the British class system...


      This does not necessarily mean that all those born into privilege are dark, of a STS orientation, spiritually....Many are, but also, many are STO....Often born into familes with wealth and power, so as to change the corrupt practices from within the ranks of social privilege and great influence through ownership and title...

      There are several wealthy earth allies and initiates of the masters, who are working to reform this system, in service to the Light...Of course, Charles is not one of them and is far too confused and conservative, in spite of his eccentric "love for plants," multicultural faiths and architecture, etc...LOL

  • I remember my early days when I was given an allowance :)  While in elementary school--receiving it--I paid no taxes on it.

    Similarly, the Royals are like dependent children having no concept of how the average person and family struggle to make ends meet and survive.

    The people need the Royals as much as a dog needs its fleas.

    • Indeed RNC.....Yes, one thinks of pampered children receiving pocket money allowances from their parents...The more privililege Charles receives, the less seriously he is taken by many observers......A big kid with an enormous appetite for free goodies....A seven-year old boy given free reign in a sweet shop....Sickening really.

      Prince Charles slams McDonald's

      • OMG!!!       Perfect cartoon !!!  Drekx  LOL

        Heard about the pathetic meeting of NWO leaders and Queeny recently (G7?) where Amerikan puppet Poreshenko took a bow. What?---Barry Satoero didn't kiss the Queen's ring this time?

  • Not just that royals should pay taxes, they should return all estates to the people, as they stole it from the people. The same should apply to other members of "nobility", as well as to all other wealth that was stolen from the rest of the world: art, true knowledge ......

    Let's be honest: What is really British in the British Museum?

    • The Beatles paid 90% in taxes, and they did just fine.  And the Royal family was always worth more than the Beatles were.  Now I see why Lennon smoked pot before he received his M.B.E. medal from the Queen; I'd probably need angel dust if I were in his circumstances.  I might even get to see the Queen shape-shift in real time! 

    • Thanks happy person.....Of course, I seek a world where taxes are not paid by anyone, BUT, as things stand, why should a royal be placed on a pedestal of tax freedom, when all others are compelled to pay...??

      We could say that all current estates in the possession of "landed gentry," are inherited booty and tributes, allocated by the Duke of Normandy, to his soldiers and "nobles," following his victory at Hastings, 1066 AD...

      Of course, the forefathers of many current British upper class members, were robber barons and feudal tyrants, in frequent cases....Criminals who became "respectable" and passed on their ill-gotten loot to their children. Yes, the British plundered the world, also and placed many treasures in the British museum...They also have more treasures hidden beneath the museum, not on public display, in vast vaults below ground....Only those specially selected may view them...

    • dear happy person,i totally agree with you,blessings starchildeve.

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