Faith in Presidents and Prime ministers is silly. It´s a bit different than faith in faith healing because the damage which has resulted from faith in Presidents is vastly more than that of any faith healer. Presidencies are mostly Schemes centered around financing the guy who manages the Scheme, not your precious democracy. If you want democracy to work and to be direct you´ve got to ban Presidential elections and here´s why. People who believe in Presidential elections are people who don´t feel very well in the opinion of a lot of people who have had it with all this ´Presidential support´. We´ve all seen the man who´s driven around in the Black Car but how many of us have actually seen a President drive his own car? When are people going to stop letting faith in Presidents ruin their lives and actually be happy over it? Some people are all for a President leading a club or an organization or a company and some have no faith in presidential positions of any nature.  No President can do that without fucking things up. We´ve all waited long enough for Presidents to make real changes in our lives. And it was like waiting for that big, official alien contact. You know folks. They used to say that religions are the Opiate of the people. I say that Presidencies are the Opiate of the people in today´s world. We need practical solutions to our economical problems and a Presidency is not going to resolve that. It´s not gonna heal our wounds unlike tards who believe in rhino horn medicine think. It´s not gonna take us off planet. It´s not gonna give us more grants. It´s not gonna help us increase soil growth. A Presidency is like a haircut nobody wants to use because it´s become so old that if somebody puts it on their head all they´ll get will be lice and fleas. A U.S. and Europe wide ban on Presidential and Prime Minister elections is not going to end democracy or hurt people anymore than the already existing Presidencies have done. In fact I think that democracy will become more transparent as more people realize that they will actually benefit from such actions than having to have to undergo yet another century of Presidencies.

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  • It appears thus to be the case that no one should let one individual run a Corporation or a Company......

  • Ok Sylvain so that´d mean we can´t rely on one person heading a Corporation. I guess I have to agree with you there.

  • Huh?

  •, thats a great idea, just ignore elections and see who wins.....funny but impressive idea.

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